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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Slaughter update, RVD taking time off, Foley update, Interviews with Hogan/Heyman, where's Ryback?, Cena hurt, original Raw plans, Bryan note, reliving the Shockmaster and Questions on Rey's WWE status, the X-Division, chicken heels and props in wrestling

Sgt. Slaughter has been released from the hospital as of Wednesday. Glad to hear he's better now.

Rob Van Dam has wrapped up his most recent run with WWE, with his final bout airing on the most recent Smackdown. He generally works about 90 days at a time, with the time frame agreed upon by both parties. There's no word on when he'll return next. Maybe the Royal Rumble or right after Mania again?

Mick Foley has recently has a case of extreme back pain, hence the operation. He posted about the pain recently on Facebook. I hope the surgery works out as he wants it to.

Everything else from Wednesday is after the break.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 8/27/14

Read on for my thoughts on Wednesday's edition of Impact Wrestling.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Main Event Reax - 8/26/14, GFW has deals Down Under, NBA player at Smackdown, Raw audience, Interview with Hogan/Stardust/Bo, what happened after Raw, Foley hurt and Questions on the Network in Canada, Bryan vs. Lesnar, NoC, Ambrose leaving, and WWF buying WCW contracts

Main Event:
Rollins vs. RVD was pretty good. I like when RVD gets to be the bigger wrestler (like his match vs. Neville in NXT). The ending was surprising given Rollins' status with the briefcase and RVD being close to gone, but I enjoyed the action.

Unless this is leading to Rollins injuring Van Dam to write him off TV for the end of his run, I don't see why they'd have RVD get the edge on Rollins.

Fun little Axel/Rose (!) segment. It looks like we might not see Ryback for a while.

Fine match between Axel and Rose. It's a shame Axel didn't make it as high as people were hoping when he was initially paired with Heyman.

Bray vs. Reigns could be quite the slugfest.

I enjoyed Goldust and Stardust vs. Los Matadores. I think we could be in for good things with the former team as heels.

More heeling from Stardust. Are we in for one last tag title reign for Goldust? The New Age Outlaws got one.

Everything else from Tuesday is after the break.

Query on Undertaker's whereabouts, TNA contract updates, Davey Richards update, TNA TV note, Interviews with Cena/Duggan/former Creative member/Devitt, WM31 stadium note, BNB update, Steen gets to work, Graham health note, 8/22 Smackdown audience, former Divas champions at Raw, Ambrose update, Ryback note and Questions on Cena vs. Brock, Bully vs. Brock, Bryan returning and the TNA World Tour

First up, a query:
1. The Undertaker's been kind of lying low after the loss to Brock, as far as wrestling's concerned. I think he's continuing to make a transition to life after wrestling with his wife and family. That doesn't mean we'll never see him wrestle again, but his career's definitely winding down.

Bully Ray and Velvet Sky took the ALS ice bucket challenge. Pretty entertaining. Velvet could be following Bully out the door, as she's not advertised for any upcoming TNA dates and has removed mentions of TNA from her Twitter bio. Both names would really be losses for the company if they bail.

Update: Bully Ray's contract has officially expired. There's still a chance he keeps working for the company under a new deal (at least to finish his current angle and go into the Hall of Fame), but that's definitely no guarantee.

Update: TNA said recently Velvet's booked for upcoming events, but she's definitely not advertised on the website for any more shows. She is, however, advertised for non-TNA dates on Twitter. One of these is set for the same time as a TNA TV taping in early September. I'd like to give TNA the benefit of the doubt, but it definitely looks like Velvet's going to be officially done with the company shortly.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 8/25/14

Read on for my thoughts on Monday's Raw.

Monday, August 25, 2014

WWE live event notes, Interviews with Piper/Big E teammate, NXT dream team, Smackdown move official, where Del Rio's going now, Bryan update and Questions on Vince's double standards, TNA on Wednesdays, Hogan vs. Lesnar, Bully Ray in WWE and Cena's 16th reign

Big E teamed with Kofi Kingston at a live event this weekend, with Xavier Woods in their corner. So at least for one night that angle is acknowledged. Kane wrestled John Cena in another street fight for the main event.

On the other side of the live event coin, Damien Sandow lost multiple matches on his live event in his same shtick as a multitude of other live events. I hope it served the purpose the bookers wanted. He's pretty much stuck as "losing streak guy" for the foreseeable future. Also, Slater Gator are still a team on live events and RVD beat Curtis Axel. There continues to be talk of RVD taking a break soon, but it's not set just yet.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper was interviewed. I wonder how many Piper's Pit segments he's done in his career.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

WWE live event notes, surprising WWE names at WizardWorld, Hall of Famers on Raw, Questions on WWE Magazine, Network blurring, locker rooms and Gunner Scott

Live event notes for this weekend: R-Truth beat Bo Dallas after Dallas beat down Sin Cara in the previous match. John Cena beat Kane in a street fight. So, Dallas continues to be vulnerable and Kane still competes as an authority figure.

Batista and The Undertaker will be part of WWE's lineup at WizardWorld this year. This is Taker's first appearance there. It's really weird to see him make public appearances out-of-character given how protective he's been in years past. I'm sure he'll get asked about returning quite a bit. As for Batista, it remains to be seen if this is a prelude to a comeback.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Taker's ice bucket challenge, territory star passes, Hogan upset at Brock, Knockout done with TNA, WWE commentary change, more WWE charity and press, Interviews with Sting/Hogan/Jimmy Hart/Cesaro, Cena injured?, TNA backstage cuts, British Boot Camp 2 note and a TNA dating contest

The Undertaker took the ice bucket challenge. At least, I think that's him. It's not a great video. Seriously though, I'm glad he took the challenge and is OK with being out-of-character more these days. I wonder what he does when his wrestling career's over.

Territory era star Bonnie Watson has passed away. Good read on her career.

Hulk Hogan being upset about Brock Lesnar's unscripted line at the birthday celebration is apparently a shoot. I think it was fine for Brock's character, but Hogan has a pretty big ego and is protective of his image.

ODB's contract has expired without renewal, so she's done with TNA. I'm more than OK with that as I think they've gotten everything they can out of the character. That said, she's got a consistent audience who will miss her. I wonder what Eric Young thinks of her being done?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 8/22/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Query on Madusa in the Hall, more on Bully Ray, TNA TV tapings update, big international TNA deal, NXT and Superstars moved, Interview with Hogan, Impact audience and Questions on Del Rio's firing, Cena not helping his significant other, Dixie's bump and Steiner

First up, a query:
1. I think we could definitely see Madusa in the WWE Hall of Fame. She was interviewed on a few years back, so the two sides must be on good enough terms.

Bully Ray's TNA contract is believed to expire this weekend. It was reported he signed a two-year deal in early September 2012, so it's definitely ending soon. More on this as it develops.

TNA has turned the September 5 through 7 dates on their website into TV tapings. Those will be the shows leading to Bound For Glory and probably some One Night Only tapings. I'm particularly interested to see how the tag team title situation will be handled if they're short Bully and Davey. Do Team 3D go in the Hall if it's just Devon there?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

NXT and Superstars Reax - 8/21/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and Superstars.

Interviews with Bret Hart/EC3/WWE gamers/Flair, Impact to survive on Spike, another ice bucket challenge and Questions on WWE signing TNA names, GFW on Spike, the success or failure of the WWE Network, "Guardians" promotion and Vince vs. JR

Bret Hart talked about dream matches and more. I much prefer these interviews to the ones taking shots at today's product and reliving Montreal.

Spike will continue airing Impact Wrestling through the end of 2014. Talk about your stays of execution! It looks like TNA will get the chance to grow an audience on Wednesdays. They've got to make the most of it, because this could be their last chance.

Ethan Carter III talked about Dixie going through a table, TNA-Spike and more. He's one of the bright spots in the company these days as far as young talents go.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

TNA Hardcore Justice Reax

Read on for my thoughts on TNA's Hardcore Justice-themed edition of Impact Wrestling.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Main Event Reax - 8/19/14, post-Raw dark match, Ambrose update, Dixie's ice bucket challenge, Raw guest, WWE App change, Interviews with Ryback/Heyman, Raw audience, Monday Night War update and Questions on Orton as a face, Sheamus, Amrbose vs. Rollins, helping Bully Ray, firing Lawler, Brock vs. Cena at Mania, Russo in WWE, Steen's ring name, MITB and TNA attendance

Main Event:
Pretty good exhibition to show what Sheamus can do. I hope he can be a top name again. Maybe he could even challenge Lesnar?

Cesaro vs. Sheamus for the title should be pretty good. They always have great matches.

They're not wasting any time getting to that rematch, are they? I wonder how many dates Brock will actually work as champ.

Good little Divas' match to get Nikki's heel turn further along.

I wasn't too crazy about the Henry/Show segment. The luchadore quip was pretty funny; but in general, I feel like I've seen everything there is to see from Show. Henry at least has the angle of one more shot at the WWE Title they can pull out.

The 3MB/Los Matadores angle continues without the actual 3MB around. It was fine for what it was.

So-so post-match. Not my cup of tea.

Good Harper/Rowan promo.

Rollins vs. Swagger could be really good. I think Swagger's going to continue to be depushed, which is a shame.

I guess it's OK to have a big man match every once in a while. I wasn't really a fan of that match, but that's the kind of match those two work.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What happened after Summerslam, Summerslam guests, Current WWE star on AAA iPPV, other AAA notes (Del Rio and Jarrett), Interviews with Bryan/Cena/WWE caterer/Del Rio, Team 3D contract updates, Richards injury updates, TNA exec departure official, Summerslam notes, more on Hardy's wish, more ice buckets, RVD note, Smackdown audience and Questions on heat between legends, Arsenio in the HoF, Cesaro post-Mania, heels vs. faces and ring music

The Summerslam crowd chanted "Thank you, Lesnar" and sang "Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye" to John Cena after his loss. I can't blame them! I do think that was a time the Cena character earned some sympathy, but it was SO LONG overdue. He's almost always protected in losses and getting his heat back that it's started a lot of backlash.

Mike Tyson, Eve Torres and Maryse were all visiting at Summerslam. UFC's Jon Jones was in the crowd. Eve's still on pretty good terms with WWE. I hope she comes back at some point (as a wrestler, not an actress), but not right now.

Rey Mysterio appeared via video on AAA's TripleMania, saying he would see the fans soon. The video ended with "#FreeRey", a reference to Rey trying to get out of his current WWE contract. I don't picture WWE being too happy with that, but that's kind of the point. His deal will definitely be up by the time of next year's show, but it's possible he gets out of it before then. Punk had to technically wait for his deal to expire before he was a free man, too.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 8/18/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Query on WWE-MSG, WWE live event notes, Summerslam stats, TNA live event notes, Interview with Kenely, top TNA name finishing up?, Summerslam 2015 location, Summerslam guests and Questions on Smackdown moving, Steen in WWE, The Menagerie, 90-day clauses, and WWE post-Mania

First up, a query:
1. WWE doesn't run MSG more because it's really expensive! There are also a lot more rules due to the strong unions there.

Ric Flair was the referee for Chris Jericho beating Bray Wyatt at a live event this weekend. Hulk Hogan appeared to tease coming back for one more match. John Cena beat Kane in a street fight. Kane was in jeans (i.e. not masked or in-costume). I hope WWE wouldn't let Hulk tease a comeback if they didn't think he'd be cleared for one, but you never know with Hogan.

Here are a LOT of Summerslam statistics. That's not a great record for Cena. He does lose a lot of big matches, but he's still put in a lot of big matches and those losses don't seem to affect him that much.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE Summerslam Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE PPV.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Del Rio on Smackdown, TNA titleholder injured, Interviews with Bryan/Patriot/Reigns/Sting, WWE press, Vince accepts challenge, Summerslam Kickoff match, Ryder not in new WWE game and Questions on Ahmed Johnson, intense angles, Rusev's push, Cyrus the Virus, and Punk-WWE

The Canadian broadcast of the most recent Smackdown showed last week's match of Alberto Del Rio vs. Roman Reigns in place of the actual main event, since the show was pre-empted the previous week. So Canadian fans got to see him one last time on WWE TV. Punk and Del Rio are gone while Big Show and Great Khali are still around. Great...

Update: The show is sent to the network in segments, so someone just played the wrong segment! That's pretty funny timing, though.

TNA Tag Team Champion Davey Richards broke a bone in his leg at a recent TNA live event. He's expected to be out at least six weeks, putting his title reign in jeopardy. Maybe they can push the finale of his feud to Bound For Glory? It's a tough situation. Both Team 3D and the Hardy Boys are short-term solutions as champions.

Update: Richards tweeted about the injury and the fans' response to it here, here and here.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Chavo comic details, TNA press and hype, new WWE mobile game, Team 3D vs. breast cancer, WWE press and hype, Interview with Booker, Summerslam weekend note, Hogan rumorkiller, big WWE DVDs set, DDP Yoga profiled, new WWE charity, MVP protests, Impact moving nights, Del Rio update and Questions on no-compete clauses, Rollins vs. Ambrose, Cesaro, Punk-WWE and Drake Younger

I post this out of sheer bizarreness: details on the upcoming Chavo Guerrero comic. That should be something indeed.

Kurt Angle will be throwing out the first pitch at a "Legends of Wrestling" night for The Bowie Baysox. That could be one of his last gigs with TNA, regardless of their contract with Spike.

Mr. Anderson promoted a TNA live event. He's been better lately, as they've been using him in relatively small doses.

Bobby Roode promoted one as well. He and Austin Aries are my two choices for who should be TNA Champion after BFG. Both are quite talented.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 8/14/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

NXT and Superstars Reax - 8/14/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and Superstars.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

WWE Network notes, Hogan thanks fans, another former WWE/World Champion going to AAA?, Interviews with Shaul Guerrero/Jeff Hardy/Chael Sonnen, TNA on ratings and Questions on Heyman hosting Tough Enough, Authority vs. Cena, authority figures, Barrett's return and the Network

WWE will debut a "Rivalry" series on the Network next month. That should be pretty good if the Hart/HBK DVD was any indication.

Hulk Hogan tweeted about his birthday celebration on Raw. It was a really good segment for all the nostalgia involved.

There have been some hiccups with the WWE Network launching in Canada. That's pretty much bound to happen.

Former WWE announcer Hugo Savinovich claimed Rey Mysterio will be heading to AAA once he solves contractual issues with WWE. Rey has reportedly been unhappy in WWE and wants to return to Mexico. That'd be a big get for AAA, though I don't know how much he'll be able to wrestle.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Main Event - 8/12/14, WWE Network expands internationally, Del Rio-AAA update, more WWE names at TCA, Summerslam name not at Smackdown, NXT star back training, NXT preview, Steen to WWE, Hardy grants wish, Raw audience, Smackdown dark match, Rock family update, big Y2J podcast guest and Questions on Taker costing Brock the title, announcers' work, TNA's financial situation, Hayabusa in the Hall and WWE's Plan D

Main Event:
Pretty good opening segment. As much as I like RVD and Sheamus, I think the Usos should retain. I'm glad they acknowledged the Ryback/RVD connection.

Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston was quite the good match. It looks like WWE might have dropped the faction with Xavier and Big E. The idea of the three of them taking tutelage from Mark Henry was something I liked forward to seeing.

I wasn't too crazy about the Sheamus/RVD promo, but it was good enough to set up tonight's match.

That was a pretty clever ending to what was a match with a lot of good action. It's good to see a push for the Usos. I don't see any obvious candidates to beat them at the moment.

Good post-match. No need for a teased turn or anything.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

More backstage WWE cuts, Punk spotlighted in WWE 2K15, more on Del Rio's release, Interviews with Nash/Heyman/Zayn/Mahal/Y2J/JR, Knockout injured, TNA cancels live events, title for last Spike show, more TNA departures, WWE HoFer hospitalized, WWE name at Teen Choice Awards, WWE ads, Smackdown audience, cameo on Raw, what happened after Raw and Questions on Del Rio, Brock vs. Cena, Brie's stipulations

WWE has released a number of members of the Creative team as part of their office cutbacks, including the Senior Vice President of Creative. Needless to say, WWE is truly cutting in all departments.

WWE 2K15 will feature content on rivalries between HHH and Shawn Michaels, as well as John Cena vs. C.M. Punk. I expect this could be the last WWE game Punk is in and they want to make the most of that. Of course HHH put the focus on his rivalry!

Update: The Punk vs. Cena content has been set for more than a year. Changing it after Punk's retirement would have meant major changes to the story mode, which was already far along. So, enjoy all the Punk/Cena stuff, because it could be the last time Cena vs. Punk is a thing.

Alberto Del Rio was released after a physical confrontation with a staffer after what Del Rio believed to be a racist comment was spoken by that staffer. Del Rio had been unhappy in the company for a while, and speculation was that he would retire when his current deal ended. TNA is believed to be interested in bringing him in once his no-compete clause is up. It's a really unfortunate situation for all involved. I hope Del Rio is really successful elsewhere as he's incredibly talented. It's WWE's loss, and things should have never gotten to this point. That said, I can't completely justify Del Rio getting physical in a work environment.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 8/11/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, August 11, 2014

WWE live event notes, Rock's family in wreck, details on TNA's UK tour and Questions on Devitt/Kenta, Dixie, Rollins as champ, HHH as champ and Sabu vs. Funk

Damien Sandow's shtick at the most recent live event saw him dress as "a Canadian in summer" before issuing a challenge. Big Show beat him via chokeslam. Sandow then issued another challenge only to lose to Adam Rose. Sandow then said he was never coming back to Canada. Standard stuff from Sandow recently. I hope the act is over on live events.

Also, Sin Cara/Tyson Kidd/El Torito beat Slater Gator and Hornswoggle, so Slater Gator's still a thing on live events and Slater still works with Hornswoggle. The main event saw Dolph Ziggler kick out of an RKO to win with a Zig Zag clean. That had to have popped a lot of people.

The Rock's mother and cousin were struck head on by a drunk driver. Both are OK, thank goodness. Photo of the crash here. It's a damn shame when accidents like that happen.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Interviews with Heyman/Titus/Albert/Barrett/DDP/Steiner, When TNA's Spike deal ends, TNA-NYC notes, Bro-mans and new TNA signing get press, Heyman DVD note, live event note, Kane appearance and Questions on Del Rio's future, live events, Cena at every show, Tony Mamaluke and Dixie's injury

Paul Heyman talked about Summerslam, his promos, not going to TNA and more. Interesting remarks about Taker. Naturally a lot of people want to see Taker vs. Sting, but it's not a guarantee with Taker's condition. I think TNA could have been rather successful with Heyman on-board. I don't know if he should have been running things, but he definitely could have done good things as head of creative with a lot of pull.

Titus O'Neil talked about Darren Young, Slater Gator and more. Pretty good read. Props to Slater making the most of the random pairing. It's working fairly well for the two of them so far. I wouldn't shoot down a PTP reunion if the timing and story were right. I'd rather see them get over separately than flounder as a team, but they definitely work together well.

TNA's current deal with Spike ends the final week of September. They've now taped through September 25 for that reason. It will be very interesting to see how the shows play out. If they do get dropped by Spike, what will they do for the remaining episodes before Bound For Glory?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Yeation reaction, new physical WWE Title, Interviews with RVD/Batista, TNA-NYC notes, TNA-Spike update, RVD back in the ring, WWE live event notes, guests set for Raw, former WWE/World Champion released and Questions on the WWE Network, top traffic getter, Dixie's injury, Mid-Atlantic Fanfest and Turner in the Hall

Jim Ross and Stone Cold commented on Mark Yeaton's WWE release. Yeaton threw a LOT of beers Stone Cold's way back in the day. It does feel like WWE's a totally different company with Ross and Yeaton gone.

The redesigned WWE Championship has been made. It will likely make its debut at Summerslam or the night after as WWE goes to the new logo. This will hopefully end the talk of splitting the unified title back into two championships.

Rob Van Dam was interviewed. He's one of the least-compelling promos I've heard from a multiple-time World Champion.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

TNA Destination X Part 2 Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Destination X-themed edition of Impact Wrestling.

NXT and Superstars Reax - 8/7/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and Superstars.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Query on Chyna returning, Harley Race update, Interview with McIntyre/Robbie E/Hogan/Simon Dean, Network expansion notes, Dixie Carter update, more TNA-NYC notes, Orton has issues with Twitter follower, Attitude Era on WWE Network update, Smackdown moving nights?, big WWE release and Questions on Swagger, Ziggler, why WWE is behind Cena and Brie vs. Stephanie headlining

First up, a query:
1. I see there being very little chance of Chyna returning to the ring for either WWE or TNA. I don't think either company wants to be associated with her at this point, and I can't say I blame them.

Harley Race's recent fall aggravated a cyst on his spine. After a three-hour surgery, the cyst was removed. I hope he heals well. It's a real shame he missed the final Mid-Atlantic convention.

The former Drew McIntyre talked about his WWE run and his future. It was impressive to see his dedication to keeping his return a secret. He's already getting high marks for his post-WWE work. It's a damn shame he didn't get to live up to his potential in WWE. I hope GFW is getting in touch with him.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Main Event Reax - 8/5/14, Network launch in UK and Ireland set, Reigns busted open, what happened after Raw, Impact lineup, Interviews with Batista/Devitt/Jericho, why Adam Rose was a lemon, NXT lineup, book on the other McMahons announced, Cena set for Smackdown, new GFW partner, Raw audience, Russo issues statement on TNA and Questions on Rollins vs. Ambrose, continuity in WWE, Bryan's rise, Network content and TNA going international

Main Event:
Clever to link Del Rio with Rusev in this angle. I hope the momentum continues for Swagger.

Fun Slater promo. I'm glad they're giving him a push after the Rollins win. Otherwise it wouldn't have much meaning.

Fine tag match, though it's surprising to see Stardust and Goldust lose. I would have thought they were on a winning streak on their way to challenging the Usos. We'll see.

Nice Divas' match. I bet they could do even better with more time. I'm itching for AJ vs. Charlotte from NXT.

I really liked the AJ/Paige segment. They make for a pretty compelling duo.

Really good main event! Swagger and Del Rio can really tell a story in the ring. Del Rio losing made sense to build Swagger for Summerslam.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More TNA-NYC notes, Bret Hart looks at 1992, new TNA signing gets press, Taker making public appearance, Sting at Summerslam panel, WM30 special audience, Interview with Heyman, WWE Magazine note, Raw host, NoC poster, Smackdown audience and Questions on Nikki vs. Brie, the Russo leak, Authority stooges, TNA-Spike and the Network in the UK

TNA will tape Hardcore Justice on August 5. In addition to Low Ki vs. Samoa Joe, the show will feature a "Stairway to Janice" match between Bram and Abyss. That's definitely an ECW throwback. I'm curious to see what they book for the NYC tapings in what could be their last shows on Spike (and possibly on U.S. TV).

Bret Hart looked at 1992 in WWF. It's cool to see his thoughts on that time period. I think he'll be getting heat from a number of people for that one. It really looks like an interview worth checking out.

NBC's Today Show promoted TNA's signing of Chris Melendez ahead of the next NYC tapings. How many wrestling fans watch that show? Either way, TNA could use the promotion ahead of those shows.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 8/4/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, August 4, 2014

WWE live event notes, Interviews with Hogan/Jeff Hardy and Questions on Russo's booking, Spike giving TNA a chance, suing Russo, the Network in Canada and WWE without Vince

Sunday's WWE live event featured Diego of Los Matadores teaming with Big E against Slater Gator. That could be foreshadowing Big E's group as heels.

Also on the show, Dean Ambrose teamed with Big Show to beat Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. I hope they don't try to shift Ambrose's momentum to Show.

Hulk Hogan had an in-depth interview recently. They covered a lot of topics from his career. I would have guessed "Superstar" Billy Graham before Dusty. That cape was used as a prop in TNA, which was pretty cool. I've heard the story Hogan had to be convinced to be the heel in the nWo, so that was interesting.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Interview with Mr. Anderson, TNA spoiler, Vickie note and Questions on NXT releases, not buying the Network, lowering Sting, Rogers and splitting the Wyatts

Mr. Anderson talked about TNA and more. TNA could have the best wrestlers in the world, but that doesn't guarantee Spike will keep Impact on the air. I definitely see the Stone Cold influence in his career.

Here's the video shown at the end of last week's Impact spoiling next week's big angle. I'm pretty ready for it to end. They've gotten a lot of mileage from it and it's more or less time to wrap it up.

Vickie Guerrero has started her new career. Good for her!

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Race injured, matches set for next TNA taping, Interviews with Roberts/Heyman, WWE to drop magazine?, Sandow charity appearance, NXT releases, Impact audience, Summerslam panels note and Questions on HBK returning, Luger on Nitro, Network content, Chris Hero and great opening Mania bouts

Harley Race was injured as he slipped and fell on his hip recently. It's feared to be broken. He missed a big fan convention as a result. I hope he recovers well.

The Wolves vs. Team 3D vs. The Hardys has been set for the August 6 TNA taping in NYC. That's a pretty big tag match. I hope they settle it all in Full Metal Mayhem. It'd be fitting given the latter teams' history.

Update: Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki is set for the August 5 taping. I can't wait to see that one! That will be a treat for sure.

Jake Roberts was interviewed about talking to Warrior at Mania and more. I'm glad they worked things out. That's beautiful. It'd be nice if Roberts and the makers of "Beyond The Mat" worked things out.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 8/1/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Query on GFW, Interviews with Jeff Hardy/Rampage, a look at Paul Heyman, another TNA contract extension, next big NXT show announced, NXT GM update and Questions on ROH's finances, losing Network subscribers and RVD

First up, a query:
1. It's currently unknown what the TV situation for GFW is or when it's debuting. I definitely think we'll hear something in the next few months, but no news yet!

Jeff Hardy talked about retiring, Willow and more. It doesn't look like he's planning on leaving TNA anytime soon. I wasn't really a fan of Willow, but I think it definitely has an audience.

The Independent has a look at Paul Heyman. Really good read! The story about the car wreck is kind of amusing in a dark way.

Everything else from Thursday (other than WWE's Q2 results) is after the break.

WWE releases Q2 2014 financial numbers

Read on for my thoughts on WWE's financial releases.

Friday, August 1, 2014