Read on for tonight's thoughts on Superstars and Impact. Tonight, Jeff Hardy defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against longtime adversary Rob Van Dam.
I just noticed that a lot of the people on the opening package of Superstars never appear on the show. Somehow I don't see WWE changing it to feature Trent Baretta, Curt Hawkins, Primo, and Zack Ryder.
Leave it to Matt Striker to drop reference to the Sky High - a move used by current TNA agent D'Lo Brown.
I kind of pictured Tyler Reks getting the win there. I'm not going to start saying he's getting a "de-push" or anything, but I thought they were pushing him a little more than that. But they probably don't want to move him any higher just yet, so we're getting a mini-feud with Masters. That and generally if you're on Superstars you're kind of flying under WWE's radar.
Did WWE blow it with the Hart Dynasty or what? I wonder how much of that can be attributed to Jackson Andrews "not being ready" for the role they wanted him in.
Yoshi Tatsu had his hands in the air because the referee was admonishing him for something and he was showing his innocence. It's a pretty common gesture, not just in wrestling. I really hope Josh was fed that line.
Seeing developing wrestlers doing so little makes me miss the ECW brand. I still support the idea of Superstars becoming its own brand to an extent. It could be like ECW without the name, and occasionally feature non-regulars, just like the brand did.
If there was ever a moment that should be played all week on WWE TV, The Rock's return is it.
I cracked up at "Primo Colada" I have to say. Zack Ryder called him that on Twitter. How much of Primo's new personality is Ryder's doing? He could definitely use a boost in that area.
Nice little match. Santino and Kozlov are fun as long as you don't take the Cobra too seriously.
Impact time. I guess having Jeff Hardy on top again does add heat back to Immortal. I hope this is part of a bigger plan. A one-month title reign for Anderson is kind of questionable. Hopefully this is all leading to something for Lockdown. Hard to believe that Hardy's only 33 given how long he's wrestled. All those bumps take a toll.
Another lackluster Flair promo. I'm just not feeling his work lately.
I wonder what will happen to Douglas Williams now that he's not feuding with Fortune. I guess we're getting a group of Spanish-speaking heels now. Not really feeling this either.
At least there's a storyline reason we're getting RVD vs. Hardy on free TV.
What the heck am I watching here? Someone actually thought this was a good idea. At least Joe put him through a table. Kind of a stupid segment, and felt like something thrown together at the last minute.
A random return by Traci Brooks backstage. She is Kazarian's off-screen wife, so it makes sense.
That was a good promo on Kazarian's scale. I guess he's better as a face, almost by default.
Is Traci going to wrestle again? Or was that just for the cameraman to get a shot of her "bouncing"?
I'm kind of surprised that Ric Flair (presumably) turned with Fortune. And the icing thing seems really forced, like they're trying to be "hip" with the audience or something. I could be wrong, but it kind of seems that way.
Flair turned on AJ? That's such a huge shock! You heard how surprised that the audience was.
Mr. Anderson's so cool and edgy. I can definitely see the Stone Cold comparisons with that epic exchange with Eric Bischoff. Dude's a sure-fire Hall of Famer. I haven't liked Kennedy/Anderson since 2005 or so when he was in the U.S. Title picture. Where he belongs.
Why doesn't Winter use her disappearing/reappearing powers anymore? There's no telling how much slashfic has been written between her and Angelina (If you don't know what slashfic is, you're probably better off not knowing).
I'm not sure if that low blow spot was blown or not. It looked like a miscue.
Not a good promo exchange between Velvet and Sarita. Not that I was expecting one.
Why do I get the feeling that we're going to get Isis The Amazon as Knockouts Champion sometime this month?
A posedown... oh boy. I wouldn't really mind things like this if the wrestling parts of the show were good.
This is pretty underwhelming build to what should be a marquee match.
Pretty clever with "being unable" to show footage due to the brutality. I'm surprised that we haven't seen more between Taz and Bully Ray in this feud, given the link between Taz and Team 3D. But Taz isn't going to wrestle, so I can see why they're taking this route.
Just think, at one point we'll be seeing people trained by Team 3D taking on people trained ("finished"/polished) by Taz.
Flair vs. AJ next week. Not really excited about that one.
Or this one. I can't believe that the main event scene of a major promotion is a burning-out Hardy Boy, RVD making another main event run at 40, and a WWE mid-carder. Actually, I kind of can. I'm feeling kind of cynical towards TNA tonight. RVD can still go fairly well, and Jeff isn't totally washed up, but I want something I haven't seen so many times before. If I wanted to watch ex-WWE wrestlers, I'd watch old WWE shows. These guys need to be used to make something new, like WWE is doing.
Anyway, sorry for that tangent. I'm not really crazy about where this story seems to be leading. Mr. Anderson comes off a bit like a lower-level Stone Cold or Orton with his "rebel asshole" persona, but he doesn't have the chops necessary to be good enough in that role. At least not with as hard as TNA is pushing him.
I'll stop my ranting there, lest this become a long post about everything I dislike about TNA's main event picture (and TNA in general). I'll be back tomorrow for Smackdown thoughts.
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