Former WWE wrestler Chyna challenged Snooki to a match at WrestleMania. I don't see that one happening. Chyna hasn't wrestled in 7 years, and isn't on any kind of terms with WWE for them to think of changing the card to include her.
Jim Ross says that he legitimately was hurt from the ankle lock applied on Monday by Jack Swagger. I wish they would have worked that spot so that he wasn't actually hurt from it.
After the break, I look at's questions.
I don't think they'll expand Summerslam to 4 hours any time soon. It's hard enough for them to fill 3-hour shows sometimes.
I'll TRY to explain a possible reason that D'Angelo Dinero isn't as big of a star as he should be in TNA. I remember that when he was pushed into the main event picture last April, TNA had the idea that they were going to focus on one star a month. After Lockdown, they went to Abyss as the guy they were pushing, so he was depushed. Then Dinero got injured and they moved on to other people. He got lost in the shuffle after that. Another stop-start TNA push.
I don't have anything to add to question #3, though it sounds like an interesting situation. I don't see WWE bringing back the blue steel cage. I personally think it looks pretty gaudy. They should keep the current one. Maybe they could use it on an Old School Raw though? That'd be cool.
I haven't read about Bruno Sammartino getting any more invites to the WWE Hall of Fame in the last few years. He's turned them down twice, and they've moved on for now.
WGN is said to be dropping WWE Superstars because of its ratings not being what they expected/hoped. The show was initially fairly loaded, but then became an afterthought and ratings reflected that. WGN didn't want to pay a big amount of money for a show that low on the totem pole.
Here's an interview with Cody Rhodes about his character, WrestleMania, and more. Rhodes has a legit amateur wrestling background. I don't know exactly how good he was, but I know he eventually became better courtesy of DDP's Yoga for Regular Guys workout.
Finally, WWE Hall of Famer to-be Sunny worked as the special referee for a Divas match at a Raw house show at Madison Square Garden recently. I don't think we'll see a full-on return for her, but it was a nice surprise. She lives in New Jersey, so it wasn't too far out of her way.
That's all for today's news. More tomorrow!
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