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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Heyman talks HHH-Punk, backstage at NoC, Questions on a tamer WWE, Wrestlicious, Heyman-TNA, the end for Sting, and Daniel Bryan, new WWE Studios trailer, Aussie ratings, details on WWE Studios survey, TNA settles lawsuit, ex-TNA office worker corrects misconceptions, HBK interview, WWE tax breaks, Miz interview, Muppets hosting Raw, where JR was Sunday, new FCW Diva signing, Edge gives wrestling scholarship, Miz/B A Star, Jackman backstage, Hardy going to WWE-sponsored rehab, Smackdown rating, Wrestling's most awful angle, and interviews with Jackman and Cena

Paul Heyman briefly discussed the ending to Night of Champions. After giving it some second thoughts over the day, I'm optimistic that it will end up meaning big things for Miz and R-Truth, and it certainly didn't bury Punk like it could have. So, I'm ready to eat my words on it if WWE can pay it off big in the months to come. has some videos from backstage at Night of Champions, featuring Alberto Del Rio/Ricardo Rodriguez, and Beth Phoenix. I think follow-up could end up saving both of those endings as well. has some new questions for talk like a pirate day. Here arrrrre my own answers to them:
1. Don't give them any ideas. I really hope we avoid that maelstrom this go-round. That's still a good way away, though, fortunately. I get a feeling that even if we don't, there'll be some back and forth on legal issues and steroids and so on that will make me want to punch through the internet again. I'd gladly take WWE Studios commercials over some of the garbage that came out from the wrestling and non-wrestling media around that time.

2. Though the marketing behind it was quite ambitious, it doesn't look like we'll see more of Wrestlicious.That theme song was certainly memorable.

Anyway, after the break I go into the rest of they day's questions and news, starting with Paul Heyman possibly coming to TNA.

3. You're right on the first two. Joe and Styles are actually in angles now, and I'd say Shelley's still in the X-Division title hunt. As for Heyman, it looks like that boat has sailed unless perhaps he gets the controlling stake in the company that he wanted and was able to take it public. He'd definitely make some big changes to the product, which those in charge wouldn't be willing to take big risks on. As for a change in the creative end of the company, I suppose it's possible if Hogan and Bischoff leave when their contracts expire in a few months, but I wouldn't bet on it. Maybe, just maybe, if ratings took a nosedive but they've been somewhat consistently in the 1.0-1.2 range.

4. Though it seems like every year there's the question of whether or not Sting will re-sign, every year he does. He's apparently feeling rather rejuvenated lately in his fresher character, so odds are he'll stick around at least for a while longer. There are no plans that I'm aware of for him to retire after Bound For Glory. The odds of him ending up in WWE seemingly get slimmer by the day.

5. More hyperbole from PWExaggerator. I'd say he's been booked better than he was on Raw. How many "buried" "jokes" look credible against former PPV headliners like Del Rio and Barrett? I agree that there've been some setbacks with him lately, and it's not looking like he'll look like a WrestleMania headliner by the time April rolls around, but he's at least moved up the totem pole with the briefcase win and some of his showings since then. It's a start and he's still relatively new and young. Being booked like a joke is losing to to someone like Hornswoggle week in and week out. Being buried is losing decisively and/or quickly to the majority of the roster. Let's look long-term and keep things in perspective here. Talk like that is what makes people look down on Internet fans.

Here's the trailer for the latest WWE Studios acquisition. Starting 10/1, I'm dropping coverage of the division unless wrestlers are involved.

Smackdown was the only wrestling show to crack the top 100 in Australia last week, coming in at #41 with 32,000 viewers.

Now, here's the type of WWE Studios story I will continue to cover: Someone anonymously sent in notes about a recent focus group survey they took part in. I'm going to err on the side of the surveys being made before the company knew Punk was going to re-sign, so they left him out. At least, I hope that's why he wasn't mentioned. I'm curious about the questions about the MMA fighter. I wouldn't read too much into their interest in the subject at this stage, though.

Here's a link to a number of TNA stories, which includes a minor spoiler. I apologize for relaying incorrect information about the office worker's departure from the company. As for the angle they hinted at, if it's what rumors are saying it is, it's definitely quite buzzworthy and has potentially large consequences.

Here's a big interview with Shawn Michaels, broken into three parts.

Here's a link about WWE getting tax credits in New Jersey a few years back. Cool, I guess. It's good from a financial standpoint.

The Miz was interviewed in Cleveland ahead of Raw. Impressive resume he has.

WWE has announced that The Muppets will guest host Raw on Halloween to promote their new movie. I don't really know where to go with that one, other than I hope it doesn't mess with things in a negative way and leads to increased ratings/business. I can't be the only one surprised that they still make Muppets movies.

Jim Ross flew into Cleveland for Raw on Sunday instead of to Night of Champions, which he was given the ok to do by WWE. He's expressed concerns with regularly traveling in the past for health reasons. It's a shame he can't be around forever.

WWE has signed Shimmer star Brittani Knight to a developmental contract. I've heard the name a couple of times. I hope she ends up a good fit. She'll finish up her commitments early next month with DVD tapings.

Edge gave out a wrestling scholarship for the school he got his start in training at in Toronto to the winner of an essay contest. This is how he broke into the business as well. Kudos to him and I hope the student makes the most of the opportunity. The Score has video on the story.

The Miz was part of a B.A. Star presentation in his hometown.

Hugh Jackman tweeted a photo of himself with the Brooklyn Brawler, who he watched as a kid. The Brawler works backstage in WWE, I'm thinking as an agent.

Matt Hardy is voluntarily entering WWE-sponsored rehab. The company offers the service to any formerly contracted employee. He plans on starting a wrestling school when he gets out. I wish him the best with this and hope he's on a good path now.

Smackdown got a 1.8 rating this week. Not bad at all.

Here's a trailer for the recently released "Wrestling's Most Awful Angle" DVD. If The Invasion wins, I might have to seriously and completely separate myself from the IWC.

Hugh Jackman, the standard to which all guest hosts should aspire, was interviewed to promote his Raw appearance. Total bro.

Finally, John Cena talked with about his upcoming match at Hell In A Cell. I wish that one was longer than 2 weeks out. The match itself is mostly fine, though.

That's all for today's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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