Tonight, Smackdown goes Old School. A number of WWE Legends will be in attendance, including the hardcore icon Mick Foley. Could a certain FCW wrestler be confronting him tonight like he did on WrestleMania weekend? Also, Roddy Piper gets "Rowdy" with Piper's Pit. His guest? Former World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan! Could that be explosive? YES! YES! YES! Read on for my thoughts on all this and more after the break.
It's always kind of cool hearing "Mean" Gene calling something.
Kicking a referee is "making noise" in a defendable way? At least I get Booker's terrible commentary out of the way early this week.
I like Sheamus apologizing for his actions.
So much for that old dirt sheet rumor that WWE doesn't acknowledge referees' names to marginalize their power or some other BS. Some of these rumors...
It's kind of weird for the face champion to not be ok with apologizing enough.
I get the feeling Bryan or Del Rio will try to take advantage of that ruling by Laurinaitis at Extreme Rules.
Laurinaitis isn't the most charismatic authority figure around.
Yes, Gene's "taking a spot" from a credible performer. BUT, it will get heat on Bryan and/or Del Rio to beat him up. Fans will respond positively to Sheamus coming to his aid.
Orton's dad just shows up out of nowhere. He's a Hall of Famer!
I'm curious as to where Orton and Henry will be at Extreme Rules. Surely they'll both be on the card.
Pretty good match so far with two veterans who "get it".
Pretty bad commentary so far with two veterans who make me want to hit the mute button. Poor Josh Mathews.
Then they put over Orton's strategy. Good. Do that more so the matches and moves MEAN SOMETHING. If you're talking about each other instead of the wrestlers in the ring, why should we care about the people in the match?
NICE! Use the legend to build heat for the current guy. TNA would have Bob Orton and Mean Gene being the most important people on the broadcast.
Evil heel attacks the babyface looking to save his father. Said babyface doesn't get pinned in the match so he's protected. Smart.
I thought "squash match" was an inside term?
The WWE name-generator is pretty hilarious at times. Do guys who are just in for one night really need copyrighted names?
Why would Atlas put money on the "enhancement" guy? Sell Ryback as a BEAST!!!
Ryback's a beast. Keep this going as long as possible. Have him kill no-names (as far as the WWE audience at large is concerned) until "it's time" for him to move up to the lower-carders.
Jimmy Hart and Slater are a natural match. Slater teaming with Kidd's a little odd, though. There aren't any other heels who aren't booked?
Please tell me we're about to see Dean Ambrose.
Oh, I guess not. Four people on commentary...
Oh, yeah, Foley loved being yelled at by Vince and not getting paid as much as he felt he was worth.
Might as well have 5 people on commentary. And they're more important than the match, of course.
Inside references galore at commentary.
That was mostly a car crash. If it's just something in of itself to use Hart and Mick, I hate it. If it's some kind of partial set-up for Foley vs. Ambrose (or another up-and-coming heel), I'll see it in that context.
My body is ready for Piper/Bryan.
Why'd you have to remind us of Jillian Hall's pre-singing gimmick?
Wrestlers and wrestlers-in-training, take note on what Piper's doing here. He started off magnanimous towards the fans, then got serious when it was time to get down to business with the Bryan clip.
I hope Bryan continues to see the "YES!" chants as mocking him. It keeps them going, and keeps him a heel.
I love the "18 seconds" chants.
Sheamus and Bryan getting their due ring-time at Extreme Rules is good for me.
This is got to be pretty big for a girl who used to live in her car.
This is pretty cool. Everyone's playing their parts well. Piper can go from "Rowdy" to a sincere-sounding counselor as need be.
Ok, knight in shining armor. Here's your chance to save AJ.
Brilliant of Piper to use the "YES" stuff against Bryan.
GREAT segment to get heat on Bryan. And the retired guy isn't the one giving him his comeuppance. Save that for Sheamus at the PPV.
Interesting 6-person tag.
Finally doing something with McIntyre and maybe preparing for the write-off of the Bella Twins? Works for me.
Professor Sandow. More from him, please.
Extreme Rules is shaping up well so far.
I wonder what Jericho and Punk think of Sheamus and Gene going drinking after their match.
People have the incentive to see how Sheamus will be able to save Gene from two low-down dirty heels.
Either Hunico goes down to the Legend or he beats up an old guy. So, yeah...
I guess this is going to be our "feel good" moment of the night.
Oh, well at least Hunico didn't actually lose. I expected a tag match.
At least someone backstage likes Cole on commentary...
What did Rhodes do to deserve all of this (other than be one of the best workers and characters on the roster for over a year)? I'm hating this angle, as it does more to devalue Rhodes than push Show or the Title. Or... anything really.
I'm getting flashbacks to Rock teaming with Earl Hebner.
Bryan and Del Rio make quite the well-oiled machine.
I'd like to think that two of the top guys in the business can make short work of an old announcer. Though I did chuckle at the calisthenics reference.
Thankfully one of the Legends didn't directly beat Bryan. Though it takes away some of the point og Sheamus vs. Bryan since he already hit him with a Brogue Kick.
This feels like they had a bit more time to fill.
That took on a different meaning with Patterson saying it...
That's all for Smackdown. I'll be back for NXT tomorrow. A news post will be up tonight. Thanks for reading!
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