First up, some queries:
1. Lacey Von Erich left TNA to pursue a career outside the business.
2. The proposed WWE Cruiserweight show is part of the WWE Network, which means its status is still kind of up in the air at this point. If that does become a reality this year in some form, maybe the Cruiserweight show will get off the ground. Check back with another query in a month or so when there might be an update.
Here's more from Billy Gunn.
Mike Mondo, formerly Mikey of the Spirit Squard, talked WWE, ROH, and more. Here are some highlights. I like the way he thinks.
The former Goldust talked, too. I wish he was still teaching ring psychology in FCW.
Everything else is after the break.
For my take on the questions:
1. It's no secret that I hate the angle with Styles, Daniels, and Kazarian (though I think Daniels is making the best of a bad angle), and Anderson's hit-or-miss, but I think everyone else there is at least usually good. There are some talented people in the TNA undercard, too. But I don't think the change of creative has improved things nearly as much as others seem to. There are still bad angles and the wrong people being pushed/given TV time. A lot of characters have been doing pretty much the same thing for quite some time (before the recent shake-up with Aries and Tessmacher winning, the singles champions were having pretty long, monotonous reigns). There've been some steps forward, but it's hardly "morning again in America".
Nothing to add to 2-5, though I like the idea behind 3.
Booker T. put up a Q&A.
Former members of WWE Creative discussed the infamous Katie Vick angle.
Joey Ryan continued his feud with Taz and TNA.
More news tomorrow!
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