Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
Good opening to set up the big matches for tonight. Angle's making an impressive start to things.
I can't say I disagree with TNA bringing back Jeff Hardy ahead of the NYC tapings. It makes more sense for him to team with Matt than for Willow to have that role.
I liked Aries' promo. I hope he gets a big push in the rebooted TNA.
Ehhhh... good match, but a wonky ending. It always seems like TNA needs to overcomplicate things.
50/50 booking at work here: The Wolves retain, but it doesn't mean much of anything because Bram leaves them lying at the end of things. If The Wolves don't get their heat back, it doesn't really do them justice.
I wasn't too crazy about the Roode/Young vs. MVP/King/Lashley segment. I'm not really that excited to see Roode and Young as a team again, even though I've seen a lot of their history. Roode came across as the heel to me for going after someone in a wheelchair.
That was a great segment for getting Storm over as a heel. I'd like to see Storm bully X-Division wrestlers for a while.
TNA advertised Lashley vs. Hardy for the NYC tapings on their website, so it's kind of hard to buy into the work here.
That was a pretty impressive showing from Aries and Sanada. What made the big moves mean more in this one was it being for the title.
I couldn't care much less about Bully and Rhino's issues from 20 years ago. I think Fortune vs. EV2.0 should have been the end of ECW nostalgia, but obviously there's still an audience for it.
That was actually a pretty good segment, but I think I only liked it because the Carters are paying off Rhino. That adds a new twist to the story instead of it just being a rehash.
Other than Velvet's line about Kurt, I wasn't a big fan of that segment. It's time for some new things in the Knockouts division.
Willow/Jeff Hardy is another guy who's in need of a direction change. I feel like he's done everything there is to do in TNA. He needs some new opponents. Hardy vs. Lashley is worth checking out, though.
Bleh. Another Knockouts match. Everyone worked hard, but I feel like everyone's faced everyone and no one has much of an interesting character I can care much about. I want to hear about how Chef Robert Irvine is proud of Gail for winning and what this means to their marriage and all that jazz. Gail by herself is a great wrestler, but doesn't have much of a character.
Does this mean we're done with the Willow experiment? Maybe it can retire with Shannon Moore.
Another good Aries promo. I'm ready for Aries vs. Lashley.
Good Roode segment. Roode vs. Lashley would also be pretty cool. Maybe for Bound For Glory?
I liked the Lashley video.
Thank goodness it wasn't Eric Young winning. He's a nice guy and has been loyal for more than a decade, but that doesn't make him World Champion material.
Good ending for the show to set up Lashley vs. Hardy. I like Lashley's title reign so far.
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