Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
That was a pretty fun opening segment. I definitely like how Ambrose is keeping his edge as a face and not being buddy-buddy with Cena.
I liked the Authority segment setting up tonight's big matches, as well as hinting at Orton turning face. I'm ready for a new direction for the group, and Orton splitting is a good move for that reason.
Well, that was... something. I wonder if they just did the title change at NoC to get buzz for the PPV and push Network subscriptions. It seems silly for Miz to have a one-day title reign. But whatever. The action was pretty good.
Good match to get Jack back on the winning side of things. I think Bo should be fine with the loss if they keep faith in him.
Good post-match for Zeb and Jack. I hope they continue to have momentum.
Yay, random heel turn to match Total Divas storylines. From a business perspective, I hope Total Divas succeeds. But as a WWE fan, I'd much rather the company be successful with its sports-entertainment endeavors.
Good enough Divas match. Summer Rae's pretty good when they let her work.
Fine enough Ambrose/Kane match. It got the story to the next level.
I liked the post-match. I really hope we're in for a Hell in a Cell match between Rollins and Ambrose.
Fun backstage segment. There's a good story being told here.
I really liked the six-man tag and am glad it got a lot of time to develop. Everyone involved is pretty talented.
Interesting segment with Rollins, Kane, and Orton. I can see those two turning on the Viper, but I think they might wait a little while before pulling the trigger on The Authority splitting up.
This could be pretty fun. Henry selling the loss was great, and Lana looks evil for kicking him while he's down.
Nice match between Rusev and Henry to build up Rusev. It will be nice to see what they do with Henry going forward, as I don't think we've ever really seen him this vulnerable.
That can't be Darren Young under there, can it? He's wrestling an entirely different style. I doubt it's Kalisto or Sin Cara, and it'd be silly to put Rey in the costume (I think he's still hurt anyway). I'm intrigued no matter who it is.
I really couldn't care much less about Brie vs. Nikki. I wish they'd go ahead and wrap it up, but I see why they want to to draw the story out to a big final confrontation.
Pretty good Divas' match. Nikki has been improved lately.
It'll be interesting to see what happens with Ambrose.
I liked Orton vs. Cena well enough from a match standpoint. They're both solid wrestlers. I've just seen it SO. MANY. TIMES.
I mostly liked that ending, but I know there are going to be tons of complaints about pairing Ambrose with Cena. I think he can remain distinct and exciting.
More wrestling coming up.
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