Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I do think BDC needs to make a statement after losing at Lockdown. If someone's leaving the company soon, it would be perfect to have BDC put them out of commission.
Pretty good opening segment. I like how they set up Lashley vs. Angle while keeping BDC as an important part of things. TNA shows why a GM figure isn't needed if the show's written well.
Nice little segment between Roode and Aries. They're two of the best wrestlers in TNA for sure.
I wonder what other TNA non-wrestlers will have to work matches in 2015 to supplement the roster. Josh Mathews? Some of the production crew?
Really crisp stuff from Aries and Roode. They're two guys worth really focusing on.
Really good post-match. Impact feels like one coherent, fluid show these days. That wasn't always the case.
I don't think the second attack was necessary, but it definitely raised the stakes. Roode vs. Young could be a pretty big deal.
I liked the Snow/Grado segment, as vanilla as Grado was. Snow is amazing at getting heat.
That was a pretty cool match between Bram and Steve. They didn't need a bunch of crazy spots to tell a story.
I'm curious to see how Gunner is used going forward. He definitely needs something to do. Maybe he can feud with The Revolution?
That was a good handicap match from the point of the story it told. It was kind of fun seeing JB mix it up in there.
That was a good way to bring Anderson back into something meaningful. This could be a pretty fun feud. I don't look forward to Anderson's promos, but hopefully it helps EC3 further cement his legacy.
I like the idea of a big gauntlet to determine the #1 Contender. A lot of times it seems like there are feuds for the title instead of someone winning a match to earn one.
Fine enough Rayne promo. She's not unbearable. I just think she's pretty overrated.
Good squash from Kong. I wonder what the end game is for her. Someone eventually has to be a big threat.
I am starting to get fatigued with the "cash in a briefcase to win the title" angle with it being used in both WWE and TNA.
I wonder if one year TNA will just be like "Jeff couldn't be here because of his criminal record" and forgo the trouble of doing an injury angle.
I liked the Revolution segment, although I'm not a big fan of TNA name-dropping The Undertaker. I think it makes TNA look a bit minor league to do that, since it's not like WWE is going to mention a TNA star.
Nice setup to beating the hell out of Aries. I wonder if BDC paid off the cameraman tonight.
That was an OK main event. Everyone there can work well. It just felt a little underwhelming to end it like that.
So-so ending to the show. I hope Angle vs. Lashley doesn't eclipse the BDC story.
More wrestling coming up.
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