Read on for my thoughts on last night's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
Good to see everyone here getting another match under their belts. I hope we're not too far from the Lucha Dragons being added to the main roster officially. Although if NXT names can already work Main Event and Superstars, I'm not really sure if that distinction means much.
All these video packages, man.
Ryder vs. Rose was pretty good for its place on the card. Pointing to the Mania sign was pretty funny.
Impact Wrestling:
I appreciate TNA going right into some big action tonight. This could have been a "PPV" special like Lockdown if they also had Lashley vs. Angle.
Roode and Young did some really amazing stuff. The two of them are showing why TNA is still worth following in 2015. Solid storylines and often great matches.
You'd think whomever's running TNA now in kayfabe would be upset with people arriving during the show. Or maybe that's a thing in show business. Who knows?
Good stuff with Spud and JB. I like Spud being a straight-up babyface and not trying to be edgy or "trying too hard" to get over.
I don't think they need to keep bringing up Galloway's WWE days. Just have him show us what we were missing out on there.
MVP vs. Galloway was OK to keep the angle going. It was smart for Drew to unzip MVP's suit before chopping him. Good work by both of them in the brief time they had.
I liked the post-match. They've got some serious good matches for Galloway lined up. I REALLY hope we get Galloway vs. Joe next week, since that's the last show they taped while Joe was under contract.
Interesting stuff with Mickie and Magnus. I wonder if we'll see any more of her going forward.
NICE heel promo from EC3. This is going to be a big night for him and Spud.
That was a good enough match between Magnus and Bram given the injury angle. Bram's pretty convincingly sadistic.
Good storytelling for that post-match. I'm getting shades of HHH vs. Orton going into WM25, which I'm more than OK with. There's some real intensity and it will be big when Magnus presumably gets revenge.
Really good BDC segment. It's a shame Joe left before we could see it all play out.
That was a pretty good segment/match to put after something so intense. Smart positioning by the bookers.
Wow. Just. WOW. EC3 and Spud told a pretty good story of intensity. I'm curious to see what the ramifications are for Spud having a crimson mask and that being censored by DA, but all in all, I really felt for this story. I would have been fine with Spud getting the upset, but EC3 going higher on the card and remaining undefeated is definitely still fine by me!
That was one hell of a heel move by Carter. Spud was really the sacrificial lamb there, and due to blood not being done to death lately, it really meant something for him to be treated like that. Props all around for a really big angle concluding.
More wrestling coming up.
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