Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
Tye's about to get wrecked. Which is fine. He's better at getting others over.
- Dillinger vs. Corbin:
It's nice to see Crews throwing bombs after so long of the guy just happy to be in NXT.
Can Apollo beat Dillinger now instead?
- Bayley/Hype Bros vs. Blake/Murphy/Alexa:
I kind of feel bad for Ryder being stuck in NXT, but this is better than him not doing anything on the main roster.
I like evil Alexa a good deal. She's conniving.
Ryder and Rawley are making a good team.
Blake and Murphy are improving as a duo.
Really good ending sequence. Bayley vs. Alexa has been good so far.
I'm excited for The Ascension coming to test JJ and Gable.
Eva and Nia working together could be interesting. I think it'd be more fun for Nia to destroy her, though.
I'm excited for Crews vs. Corbin, too. I want to see what Crews can do when he's serious.
- Jax vs. Deonna:
Nia with another show of destructive force. Fine for what it was (training for Nia).
Carmella vs. Nia could be bowling-show ugly, but they both need experience.
Nice continuity with the Dusty Classic.
Interesting backstage segment. It's WAY too early to put Nia in the title picture. At least do one match between Alexa and Bayley before teasing Nia going for the title.
- Vaudevillains vs. Dash/Dawson:
Good old-fashioned tag team wrestling here.
Dawson and Wilder target body parts well. They're wrestlers in an age of extreme stuntmen.
OH SHIT! THE TRAILER HITCH!! Shades of Jamie Noble.
Really solid match. I'm looking forward to seeing what the new champs do.
Next week should be really good, too!
I'm totally good with Joe's heel turn. This match should be incredible.
And THAT'S how you get heat on a heel. Have him put Balor through the wringer so we have a reason to want to see the champ get revenge.
- Alexander vs. ACH:
All these wrestlers are SO. BORING. NXT does so much more with their weekly hour with actually establishing who these people are and why we should care. Here it's just "guy who does moves vs. guy who does moves."
At least Veda adds something kind of interesting.
The athleticism here is great!!
I take that back. The athleticism is really, really amazing.
Not a bad match from the standpoint of two athletes trying to win.
ACH is growing on me. He's definitely got a lot of talent.
Blehhh. I really don't care about this lawsuit angle. It's bad.
I liked Caprice's promo.
- Ferrara vs. Caprice:
This isn't bad so far. Better than going 100 mph all the time.
Fine for what it was.
I couldn't care much less about Nana being paired Ferrara, but whatever.
That was a really good promo from Cole. I'm glad we're seeing personality from him.
Nana's storyline is kind of meh. Maybe I'll care when it develops further.
- ANX vs. Briscoes:
I'm liking this well enough so far. I'm starting to get a feel for all the ROH wrestlers' personalities in the ring.
Something's really wrong if you can't win with a Super X Factor.
They got pretty moves-heavy at the end there, but it was mostly good.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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