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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Raw Reax - 12/14/15

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Normally I'm against Stephanie taking up the spotlight, but it makes sense for her to be here after what happened at TLC.

Firing a former WWE Champion probably wouldn't be best for business. Especially with other top names out.

Reigns is pretty cold. I guess I prefer antihero Reigns to the guy who cuts promos about beanstalks and tater tots. I mean, they're going to push him either way.

Reigns is just provoking her now.

I'm curious to see what reaction Vince gets tonight given his reception online.

- Ziggler vs. Ambrose:
Cool to see the Regal Stretch from Ambrose.

Ambrose throwing caution to the wind. He's a wild man.

Nice action so far.

The Stinger Splash is a nice nod to a performer who can't compete these days, too.

That was a really good match, I think.

Needless to say, Owens isn't happy about losing the title.

Owens is pretty based. Let's be real here.

I'd be down for Vince announcing the board has fired HHH and Stephanie. Maybe that would spark some other good changes to the show.

I'm excited for more between Owens and Dean.

Really nice Philly promo from the extremists. This should be a lot of fun.

What does Vince do when he's "not at the arena" for Raw? Watch the grandkids?

- Bo vs. Truth:

Vince basically burying Bo and Truth.

GET THOSE MIDCARDERS OUT OF MY RING GODDAMNIT. Just kidding; they're not that high up the card.


Sheamus sucking up to his fellow Irishman is clever.

Talk about an out of nowhere title match after Sheamus got his ass handed to him at TLC.

I kind of miss Vince being a big part of the show. 

- Ryback/Swagger vs. Rusev/ADR:
The last thing I want to see after TLC is more of Ryback vs. Rusev. It's like time slowed down in that match.

I generally enjoy seeing Rusev. He's powerful and can move.

Good counter to the Patriot Lock.

Nice ending overall.

Oh God not another Rosebush segment. Fire him instead of Roman.

Can Titus interrupt these segments instead of Stardust's?

Miz can be pretty funny at times. Generally not when he tries to do comedy, but at times his character is fun.

- Breeze vs. Neville:
Not a bad match so far.

Funny stuff from Miz at ringside. I wish Neville had his level of personality.

Neville's often pretty impressive in the ring.

Good match.

The post-match was OK until Neville's ending line. Yikes.

The ECW guys are going to get REKT if TLC is any indication.

- Team ECW vs. Wyatts:
E-C-Dub. E-C-Dub. E-C-Dub. This is some Attitude Era, Hardcore Title shit.

This is an all-out fight. I like it.

Insane Tower of Doom spot. Ouch.

Damn. More crazy bumps.

GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY!!!! Tommy Dreamer is hardcore af.

This is just going all-out and crazy.

I love a good chaotic multi-man brawl here and there. Glad we're seeing one here.

Really good ending. The Wyatts earned that one.

The bumps at TLC were really, really crazy.

Interesting stuff from New Day. They did go through a lot last night.

I love Xavier making it all about himself and New Day.

That wasn't really sportsmanlike from the Usos and Dragons!!

Becky is so going to get suckered by Naitch.

- Brie/Alicia vs. Charlotte/Becky:
This is a pretty good match so far.

Becky can do some impressive things.

Good ending to continue the angle. Becky's pretty naive, which I'm not a fan of, but maybe she'll be alright.

What happened to King Barrett? He was part of the group, too!

- Sheamus vs. Reigns:
Sheamus was crazy for challenging Reigns to another match. Roman's going to kick his ass.

Goof stuff so far. They both do good things.

Reigns is doing good stuff here. He's an underrated performer for sure.

I wouldn't be shocked if Vince cost Reigns the match for the lulz.


Reigns overcoming the odds here. He's got a lot of resolve.

HE DID IT!!! ROMAN WON THE TITLE!!! How long before they take it from him? Remember, if this was Daniel Bryan winning it, it'd be part of some vast conspiracy to bury him.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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