Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and Main Event.
- Blake/Murphy vs. Aries/Nakamura:
I think Alexa's boys have improved from when they were tag team champions. I've grown to liking the duo.
NICE teamwork from Austin and Shinsuke.
I enjoyed the ending. Aries wants to be in the spotlight, but his partner took that from him.
Oh, man. Looks like that's the end of BAMF, just as they were really clicking as an act. I'm interested to see how everyone does going forward. Blake's out hurt, so we might just see Murphy and Alexa in singles matches like we see on live events.
That was a pretty good Bayley promo.
Jose showed more personality in that promo than I've seen from plenty of indie guys' whole runs. I miss when wrestling had more fun characters.
Good to see Carmella get a promo backstage. They could easily use Enzo and Cass leaving to give her a darker side, with her being upset at being left behind.
- Carmella vs. Peyton:
"Peyton Ivy" definitely has personality.
There's some alright wrestling here. I'm glad both are continuing to work on their ring games.
Good to see where these two are progressing. I wouldn't be shocked to see an Asuka/Carmella feud later in the year.
I'm glad Joe vs. Balor will wrap up at the next Takeover special. Closing things with a big cage match should be solid.
Nice promo from Alexa. I'm willing to see what they all do as singles names (or with new managers/partners).
- Gargano/Ciampa vs. Burch/Ryzin:
Johnny Gargano is pretty much Indie McGuy, but he's good for the role he's used for here.
NXT might have missed the boat on Danny Burch. He's doing alright here.
Good tandem offense. And BAH GAWD what a finisher. This was a good match, although I wish we got to see more from Ciampa.
I enjoy Regal's style of management: just announce something cool and go back to paperwork. That should be quite the match at Takeover:To Be Subtitled.
- Bayley vs. Nia:
I like this matchup. It's the monster against the technician who never gives up.
I liked the counter to the "head thrown into the turnbuckle" spot. Never turn your back on someone like Nia.
Nice strategy from both women, making the most of their skills.
Good stuff leading to the Bayleycanrana spot.
This is quite good. Nia pouncing on the wounded animal is pretty sick.
Bayley is kill. :'( Nice job to elevate the monster.
Main Event:
I wish we got a promo or two before this match. The teaming of Titus and Swagger deserves some vignettes, like Slater Gator got and Golden Truth is getting.
- Dallas/Axel vs. Titus/Swagger:
Curtis is a talented guy: a solid worker and good character.
This is mostly fun. Everyone involved works hard despite their lack of exposure.
I'm glad this is getting a good amount of time.
That was a pretty good ending. I hope we see more of the team of Titus and Swagger.
I'm glad Del Rio got a promo.
Oh my God Crews' promo was boring. This is ROH level of "golly gee I'm a fighting babyface."
Nice Viktor promo to counter Apollo.
- Crews vs. Viktor:
This is mostly good so far. I'm glad Viktor isn't just hanging out on live events.
Both men are pretty talented.
Nice showcase for Crews. I'm ready for him to get a "real" storyline, though. Right now he's just hanging around.
- Del Rio vs. Ryder:
I feel bad for Del Rio being such an amazing wrestler but not doing much as a character.
Alberto putting on a clinic. Ryder's doing pretty well, too.
Really solid action from both sides. Don't count Ryder out.
Nice match.
More wrestling coming up.
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