Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Braun/Angle/security:
I hope they have a good plan for Braun at Mania. I'd personally like to see him dethrone Brock then, but I'm not counting on that happening.
Like anyone's going to be able to stop Braun from asserting his will.
WHOA. Didn't see that coming. Kurt changing a main event like that is a big move.
Can't Braun at least get his things from the locker room first?
- Bar vs. Titus/Crews:
This is starting off well with The Bar and Apollo.
I like how these sides work together.
Good physicality here.
Nice to see Titus and Apollo actually look like threats here.
This is going well!
The Bar are really smooth together. I'm impressed.
I love Jason Jordan's new direction. He's grabbing the brass ring!
- Post-match:
I don't think The Bar will take that too kindly.
- Braun in Angle's office:
I don't think this is going to help his case with Kurt.
He's not taking being fired well.
- Braun/Hawkins:
Well, hey, at least Curt's not losing a match this week!
Fun stuff. I like stuff like this more than "I want that title!"
- Enzo/Braun/Goldust/Cedric:
I love cocky Enzo.
WOW. Great old Hollywood reference.
That was mostly fun.
- More Braun backstage:
- Nese vs. Cedric:
Alexander's really smooth.
Nice setup to the gutbuster.
Nese cracking me up, too.
Glad to see Goldust still having fun.
Nice work here.
Good counter to the Lumbar Check.
Nice match!
- More Angle/Braun:
Oh this will be good.
Are we going to get to see Kevin Dunn in that production truck?
Wait... did the production people not know he was coming? They control the camera shots after all.
That is a really nice truck.
Booker turning on Cole there.
Wow. That's how you get your job back?
- Nia vs. Asuka:
I like how these two work together.
Nice submission work here.
Good story of size vs. werewithal.
NICE rolling kneebar spot. Asuka vs. Ronda or Baszler would be awesome.
Not bad. I'm sure they could tear it up if they had more time.
- Post-match:
Alexa's got to be worried after this.
- Angle/Jordan:
Hahahahaa Jason volunteering his partner for things.
- Alexa/Nia/Enzo:
Nia having to choose between Alexa and Enzo is heartbreaking!
Not bad.
- Revival vs. Starks/Solow:
I like the domination from Dawson and Wilder.
Not bad to put them back on the map!
- Post-match:
YESSSSS heeling the youth movement.
I like this a lot.
Imagine being so old school you even heel legends.
- Elias/Miz/Miztourage:
I'm fine with more Cena vs. Elias.
Haha. I love Miz's ego.
I'm excited for more from Miz.
I could see Miz winning next week.
- Reigns vs. Miztourage:
I like when Roman gets on a roll.
Roman's going to need eyes in the back of his head here, it seems.
Good teamwork here.
Roman's handling his two opponents well.
Roman has definitely gotten the hang of things.
Reigns just laying waste here.
Wow. Miz is going to need some new followers to win next week. Maybe some legends with Hollywood dreams?
- Sasha vs. Deville:
Good start.
Sonya does the MMA thing well.
Not bad. There was good physicality there.
- Rollins/Jordan:
I like the dynamic here.
- M. Hardy vs. Slater:
Slater might be headed to Hawkins territory if he doesn't get things together.
Matt got on a good roll there to win.
- Finn promo:
That was good enough. I still think this act is suffering from relying on "these people worked together in Japan."
- Finn vs. Rollins:
These two are fit to be rivals.
Pretty solid work.
Both men work really hard.
Uh-oh. Watch that knee, Seth!
Both men hit hard and quick!
Hahahaha that Slingblade spot.
I love how these two match up.
Rollins' agility is unreal.
BIG moves from both sides.
Haaaaa looks like The Bar are going to face The Club next.
I HATE the "I don't care if I hit my partners or not" spot.
OH MY GOD IT'S BACK!!!! Pretty good work.
More wrestling coming up.
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