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Monday, March 12, 2018

Fast Lane Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown-brand WWE Network special.

-- Kickoff:
- New Day interview:
Funny line about the Usos being forced to be brothers.

- Jinder on the panel:
So it's a lock he's interfering, right?

- Ziggler interview:
They didn't do a great job explaining that Dolph came back from dropping the U.S. Title because he got a new deal to enter the WWE Title picture.

Blah blah blah blah blah. At least now we know Dolph wanted to be off TV longer, but WWE decided he needed to be back sooner.

- Tye/Breezango vs. Mojo/Gable/Benjamin:
Pretty fun silliness from Breezango. I've missed them on Smackdown TV.

I wonder how far in advance these six found out they were having a match.

Gable and Benjamin could be quite the team if they got to be on TV more.

Impressed by Chad and Shelton here.

So much for Mojo's push! Smackdown is a MESS.

-- Fast Lane:
- Shinsuke vs. Rusev:
Nice start.

Rusev making this match last longer since he hasn't been on TV much.

I'm glad Rusev isn't being sacrificed easily.

I'm definitely liking the trading of holds here. I wish we got to see it more.

Nakamura firing up now.

I wouldn't mind Rusev entering the WWE Title match at all. He's much more colorful as a character than AJ or Shinsuke.

That was pretty badass!

- Roode vs. Orton:
I'm liking the mat wrestling and holds tonight.

Basic, but effective.

Roode's got to be careful dealing with someone this experienced in big matches.

I like both men countering finishers.

Both men really know how to work.

I'm pretty impressed here!

They're telling a pretty good back-and-forth story here.

HOLY SHIT that was a badass RKO. No shame in losing to that.

- Post-match:
He at least waited until the match was over.

Not a bad way to get Bobby's heat back after the loss.

- Becky/Naomi vs. Natalya/Carmella:
Carmella always gets wrecked when she tries to match someone like Becky. Shouldn't have dropped Ellsworth!

I still wonder what the Smackdown women who aren't in the title picture will do at Mania.

I love how Naomi goes all this athletic stuff and then Carmella just knocks the ropes.

Natalya's taking Carmella under her wing well.

I'm loving the teamwork here.

Ehhhhhhh. I'd rather have Carmella win with the briefcase or something other than a superkick. I can't take it seriously as a finisher anymore.

- Usos vs. Kofi/Xavier:
These two sides always make magic.

The Usos have been really good lately.

I'm liking this a good deal.

I loved the Usos stealing New Day's finisher.

It's like each team is cosplaying the other. Or we've got a Captain Ginyu situation.

Oh... well. I guess Harper and Rowan weren't feeling it.

It is good to see the Bludgeon Brothers presented as threats again.

That was pretty badass.

NICE work. I guess we're in for a triple threat at Mania. Works for me.

- Charlotte vs. Ruby:
I LOVED Ruby trying to win right out of the gate.

Ditto for Charlotte.

Riott can be pretty badass.

If this was ROH, Bully Ray would eject Liv and Sarah to remind us he's still a thing in 2018.

I guess the whole division's going to be involved in this one!

Good to see Riott show what she's all about here.

WHOAAA that suicide dive counter.

This is pretty good!

Hahahahahaha I love when heels get faces caught by the ref.

Oh. So much for that.

I'm impressed by both women here.

That was really good!

- Post-match:
Well that was sudden.

A nice surprise, but pointing at the Mania sign is getting old.

- AJ vs. Cena vs. Owens vs. Zayn vs. Dolph vs. Corbin:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Cena just plowing through the stale Smackdown main event scene. ALL HAIL BIG MATCH JOHN!!!

I would have popped so hard for 17-time champion John. Smackdown has been hard to watch in places lately.

I like everyone taking out the biggest threat.

I like how this is going.

This is pretty good.

Everyone delivering with big moves. When it's a six-way match, you've got to stick and move.

I'm loving the work here.

I'm impressed with everyone.

Yeah keep Ziggler out of the ring.

I like this one really spilling out.

That AA through the announce table would have been BIG.

This is a clinic!

I think I would have died if Owens pinned Sami there. Might as well at this point.

NICE counter to the apronbomb.

OK, maybe I do want to see Owens vs. Zayn again.

I feel like Shane volunteers to take bumps at this point.

GOD I would have popped for Owens winning there. Damn you, Shane!!!!

OK, Owens and Sami need to sic Bryan on Shane after that.

How many AAs is that at this point??


That was fucking incredible!!

More wrestling coming up.

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