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Thursday, August 16, 2018

NXT and ROH Reax - 8/15/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Profits vs. Mighty:
Fine work so far.

Good to see The Mighty's aggression.

I like how these two sides work together.

Hahaha nice ending. I'd be completely fine with the Profits being Cryme Tyme 2.0.

- Shayna/Aliyah:
Baszler could probably kill both competitors.

- UE promo:
These guys are so great.

Yeah we're in for UE vs. Raiders. I'm all for it.

Good work.

- Kairi vs. Aliyah:
Ooh. I like Sane having some killer instinct.

I like this version of Kairi.


That was great. Probably the most I've cared about Kairi since the first MYC.

- Dream/EC3:
I love both these guys.

Solid work. I hope both men shine when it's done.

- Strong vs. Bate:
Oh I already love this energy.

Strong's great at shutting and wearing someone down.

I love Bate's spirit.

Strong punishing him for the Airplane Spin. I like it.

I like how these two work together.

Great work between these two.

They made the most of their time. I'm excited to see more at Takeover.

- Title match next week:
Pete has held the title longer than C.M. Punk's record-breaking WWE Title reign. He might pass Brock the way things are going.

-- ROH:
- Briscoes vs. Bouncers:
This should be entertaining. I love a hoss battle.

Nice physicality.

This is more acrobatic than I anticipated.

Largely a showcase of Mark and Jay. Nothing wrong with that.

Solid work from the champs.

- Post-match:
I like SCU, but I don't want to see the Briscoes' momentum lost to them. Especially if they're really going to finish up at Final Battle. Mark and Jay are the younger, hungrier team.

I'm looking forward to what's next here.

- Tenille vs. Klein vs. Karen vs. Rayne:
Whoa. TWO Mae Young Classic competitors in one WOH match! It's going to be weird if one or both get signed by WWE soon.

Nice work early.

Will we see Rayne vs. Karen in the MYC?

I'm liking this.

Tenille's solid.

That was all fun. It's kind of crazy to think Rayne's already had her title shot while this airs.

- Bullet Club/Aldis:
I fully expected Cody to win the ROH Title.

Aldis should be glad he's working All In. Ditto for NWA.

Nice jab at Aldis' lack of success vs. Cody's.

Good work to build to All In, which of course will be on Honorclub.

- Bully/Flip:
Honestly this isn't bad. I guess it hasn't felt as shoved down my throat lately.

The obvious joke is that Punk wants Bully to body Colt here.

Well, hey, if you want to get destroyed three-on-two, be my guest. I guess they only get paid if they actually compete?

- Bully/Punishment/Taylor vs. Burger/Woods/Colt:
I'm glad the heels didn't immediately dominate.

Not bad so far.

It's kind of crazy they don't use Colt as a wrestler more. He's absolutely still got it.

Pretty good work. I'm glad it was different from the usual Bully ego trip.

- Post-match:
Fine work to keep things going. Maybe this angle will go well after all.

More wrestling coming up.

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