Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
- Tessa squash:
Tessa has stepped her game up.
Dominance. I like it.
- Post-match:
Tessa's a star in the making.
I'm a little surprised they're holding off until Homecoming. I wonder what they do in the meantime.
- Rascalz promo:
This is a real thing in 2018. I guess Impact really doesn't drug test.
- LAX vs. Bahh/KM:
Bahh's really grown on me.
Good to see Fallah and KM step it up.
That was pretty fun.
- Monroe/Kiera:
Um does Heather not watch this show? Actually that wouldn't surprise me.
- Scarlett segment:
I kind of like the idea of Impact just giving up and airing goofy stuff.
- LAX segment:
I wouldn't be so sure we'll never see Homicide and Hernandez again.
Ooooh. Interesting. Is Konnan not confident his boys can beat the lucha bros?
- Sydal/Page:
That was mostly good.
- Hit Squad:
Oh we're in for the lowest-rated episode next week. I can feel it.
- Eli/Dreamer:
I really don't expect to never see Abyss again, either.
Wait, how is Eli the last of a dying breed when the ECW guys are much older than he is???
Oh boy we're in for another "millennials suck" feud. I question the wisdom of pushing the 47-year-old Dreamer as the face in a feud with one of the few notable stars Impact still has under contract.
Dreamer does still cut an inspiring promo.
If Drake can't destroy someone this old, something's wrong. Imagine a nearly 48-year-old boxer competing with a 36-year-old one.
- Alisha/Moose:
Oh NOW someone's calling the police on Eddie.
- Another Scarlett segment:
I still don't see what the point of all of this is, unless it's to get YouTube clicks for an attractive woman appearing.
- Impact vs. Sydal:
These two faced off one-on-one in 2008. We've come full circle.
This is already impressive.
Good story here.
This is delivering.
Pretty solid work!
- Post-match:
Wait, really? They're turning Kross face?
That was odd. They seem to be past Kross being a monster.
- Grace/Katarina:
I'm down for Grace beating Katarina, Grado, and Hendry. Where'd those two go anyway?
- Eddie/Moose:So that's not how institutionalization works, but I don't expect it to be portrayed accurately in wrestling. Maybe we'll see Dr. Stevie and Daffney back, though?
- Su vs. Monroe:Eh. Fine enough to get Su's character across.
- Post-match:
OK I REALLY like Evil Allie.
- Another Aro Lucha commercial:
I'm curious where this is leading, since AL hasn't announced a TV home or anything.
- Cage vs. Sami:
Cage lighting Sami up.
I like this.
Both men delivering here.
There was good action here.
- Post-match:
WHOA! Didn't see that coming. That could be a hell of a match.
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