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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Smackdown Live and 205 Live Reax - 4/2/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown Live and 205 Live.
-- SDL:
- KO Show:
Owens can definitely be a host when he's done wrestling.

Ahhhh Smug Douche Orton is one of the few almost-40 guys who were champion 15 years ago I'm in favor of staying as an important part of things.

I like the banter here.

These shots are great. There's a nice contrast between these two.

OOOH that Wellness shot.

Yeah I don't see AJ as filling the Cena PR role.

NICE Forearm counter.

- New Day backstage:
So much for my idea of the contract being fake at the last minute.

- Usos/Black/Ricochet vs. Rusev/Shinsuke/Bar:
Ricochet vs. Cesaro is fun.

I'm liking this so far.

Solid tag team action.

I like how these teams gel.


Really fun!

- Post-match:
Of course Alexa is responsible for everything the matters!

NICE. That should be a lot of fun.

I feel like a title change is coming.

- IIconics promo:
Ahhh the shade.

- Miz/Shane:
I mean it's history for Kofi, too.

Hahaha that promotion for the show.

Miz's turn has really been done well!

Good times.

- Miz vs. SAnitY:
Miz is pretty fired up.

I'm glad three guys stand a chance against Miz.

I'm liking this!

Now this is pretty fun.

Miz is about to become the new Hardcore Champion.

Wow. Big win.

- Shane leaving:
Ha. Dick.

- Becky promo:
Nice of the police to drive her to a different city!

Two arrests and she's headlining WrestleMania? What message does that send to kids????

This has really been big.

- Bryan/Rowan:
Wow usually the contracts are out in the ring already, right?

- 18-person tag:
Nikki Cross finally getting ring time.

So is Lacey in the women's battle royal or nah?

Funny to see Matt and EC3 together after their Impact feud.

OMG that Poetry in Motion spot.

Jesus that was a mess.

- Post-match:
At least Asuka can kill some people.

Glad to see the Otis/Mandy story continue.

Ha. Fun stuff from Cross.

Haha. Fun enough overall.

- Joe vs. Ali:
Fun so far.

Well. Enjoyable while it lasted.

- Contract signing:
Natural to see Bryan interrupt. Hasn't Kofi had enough time lately??

Ahh I love Bryan.

Damn Bryan's going in on him.

NICE comparison of their pushes.

Bryan is SOO good as a heel.

Strong fire from Kofi.

That was really good!

-- 205 Live:
- Drake promo:
He does a great job setting up each episode.

- LHP promo:
Basic, but effective enough.

- Kalisto vs. Oney:
Ahh nice heel work from Lorcan to start.

This is solid.

Fine so far.

These two work together well.

Pretty solid.

- Drake/Cedric:
This show is glacial sometimes as far as feuds go.

- Nese/Murphy:
Interesting perspective from Nese.

Be careful what you wish for!

Pretty fun to set up Sunday's match.

- Kanellis vs. Akira:
Ooh that was a nice start.

Wow where has this aggression and ability been from Kanellis?

This is pretty cool.

Pretty enjoyable work here.


- Closing video:
I enjoy Murphy's ego.

Not bad at all!

More wrestling coming up.

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