-- SDL:
- Roman/Miz/Shane/Elias/Bryan/Rowan/Usos:
I'm honestly losing track of who's on what show "officially."
I'm glad Miz is hopefully getting retribution from the Mania loss. Things kind of got sidetracked with the Shane/Roman stuff.
I mean, yeah, who gets to decide who counts as the Wild Card?
Roman and Miz for tag champs.
Samoan Swat Team in the main event works for me.
- Orton promo:
Pretty basic, but it got things across.
- Zelina/Andrade:
I liked that. For once the topical reference didn't seem forced.
- Orton vs. Ali vs. Andrade vs. Finn:
Haha nice backdrop driver sequence.
I liked that RKO fakeout spot.
Again a talent is willing to be DQ'd for using a ladder because this match ultimately doesn't matter as much as MITB.
I'm glad Ali's back and getting to shine.
NICE RKO spot.
That was all good.
- Post-match:
Well there we go. I like that there are multiple valid contenders.
- Carmella promo:
I don't see Carmella taking MITB again. At least not without help.
- Kofi/Xavier:
I think Xavier's getting taken out again before MITB.
- Charlotte/Becky/Lacey:
The fact they're talking about this ending the rivalry makes me think Charlotte's winning. I definitely don't see them staying apart too long given the Wild Card Rule, but maybe Shane will ban Becky from facing Charlotte again or something.
I like the trash talk here.
Good Lacey promo.
- Black promo:
I swear every time they're in the UK it has to be referenced multiple times per show.
Nice enough.
- Shane/Elias/Bryan/Rowan vs. Roman/Usos:
I'm surprised this isn't going on last.
Just a matter of time before we find out what big match Shane has in Saudi Arabia.
Fun work from the Usos.
This is pretty good.
Shane's still doing Coast to Coast in 2019. This is surreal. Hats off to him for still giving it his all.
- Post-match:
Cool enough, but once again we're at 50/50 booking. Winning the match didn't matter.
- MITB women promos:
Please give Ember a shot already.
- Kickoff match announcement:
Either it's going to be a long Kickoff show or Nese and Ariya just got a big upgrade.
- Paige/Kabukis/Mandy/Sonya:
I mean there's not much of a division for them to be the future of, but sure.
It's still weird Mandy's in MITB and a tag feud.
- Kabukis vs. Mandy/Sonya:
I like the Kabuki teamwork. That's going to take some getting used to saying.
Fine enough work here.
HAHAHAHAHA Mandy confirmed for weak link again. I guess Sonya will finally ditch her soon.
- Lars interview:
Oh this is going to get memed hard. That was a pretty good sell of his dominance, though.
- Owens promo:
Owens is a great heel.
- KO Show:
I'm surprised New Day hasn't gotten a talk show yet.
I love Owens' strategy and ideology.
Kofi got baited.
Just a matter of time before those two ended up together again.
That was pretty well done.
-- 205 Live:
- Humberto vs. Andrews vs. Drake vs. Gallagher:
Fun opening spot.
Impressive stuff early.
This is all fun.
Ahhhhh good to see the umbrella again.
That was all pretty cool.
- Post-match:
- Ariya promo:
Haha fun.
- Nese interview:
Cool stuff.
- LHP promo:
Well enough, I guess.
- Nese vs. Ligero:
Good start.
I'm impressed here.
There's good mat work in this one.
Both men getting to shine here.
That Frankensteiner was pretty.
Both men look great in this one.
Solid work. Ligero looked fine in defeat.
- Post-match:
I liked that. Good setup for MITB.
More wrestling coming up.
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