Tonight on WWE Smackdown, we continue to approach Summerslam. It's just 10 nights left until Randy Orton faces Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship, and both men are at the she tonight. Plus, Sheamus will come face-to-face with Mark Henry. Has the Celtic Warrior bitten off more than he can chew? All this and more tonight. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
That video package is awesome. I'm really liking face Sheamus.
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry next Sunday is a big deal.
I was about to say. Jinder vs. Sheamus would have been a bit of a headscratcher.
Sheamus going over Khali would be pretty big for the pale guy.
That clubbing spot was pretty cool. As was the boot that followed it.
I was hoping for a Brogue Kick instead of Khali's clothesline.
Wow, Sheamus is having to pull out all the stops working around Khali's immobility.
I don't remember the last time anyone kicked out of that chop.
Or got out of that vise grip.
I think that was a good win for Sheamus over a pretty credible opponent.
Miss Spunky herself.
So, these two are just going to face off with no backstory I take it. I wanted one of those little boxes to pop in and explain that this is a sparring match or something to see how far AJ's come.
Well, we did get a handshake.
If AJ's faking the whole "liking comic books, video games, etc." thing like some allege, she's doing a heck of a job at it.
Nice chain-wrestling sequence here. Pretty cool.
Well, so much for AJ getting to look impressive.
The hell? Swerve out of bloody nowhere.
This is a great beatdown, though. Natalya's strength plus AJ's selling made it work.
I'm not really feeling the random heel turn. Natalya will need to be a bigger contrast to her current self in the weeks to come for this angle to be as good as it can be. No pink and smiling.
State of the Showski. I love it!
So many commentators talking.
WWE 7 days a week? I don't think I could take it. Some of it's recap shows I wouldn't watch (just like A.M. Raw and so forth here), though.
Barrett's awesome.
Four commentators? Oh boy.
That new music's pretty awesome. Still majestic, but with more energy to it.
Wade has a point about the last 12 months.
This match is nice and old-school. I want to see more like this.
Daniel Bryan might be moving into my Fave Five if he keeps this up. He's still got a ways to go, though.
Bryan vs. Barrett at Summerslam please. Unless you want to give us Bryan vs. Kidd 2 out of 3 falls.
It's really saying something when Michael Cole knows a submission move better than you do.
Impressive win by Bryan. Step by step, he's improving and moving up the WWE ladder.
I think Zack Ryder could really get over in a comedy role, a la Santino, if they let him develop here.
Faces interrupting faces. We've got a mini-ECW brand reunion here.
Ezekiel's still rough around the edges on the mic, but that was better than his last promo.
I prefer Rhodes in the suit than the hooded thing.
DiBiase as a face would be odd. Maybe it could work, though.
That dancing gets a little more ridiculous every time Teddy Long does it.
Oh, nuts. Ryder doesn't actually have power. So much for that. It was fun while it lasted.
He beat Primo for the title in Australia, Cole.
Ryder's not really amazing in the ring, but he's a good enough entertainer that it doesn't really matter.
It feels like Booker's out in his own little world sometimes.
Fine enough match.
Wait, what? Kind of an odd gimmick for the former Mrs. Goldust (in storyline anyway). Not really sure if I care for it yet. She's just not a good enough promo unless it's the crazy ramblings we got in NXT.
Kozlov's a Raw guy. They just don't even try anymore with acknowledging the brand split.
At one point, Kozlov would have been considered a legitimate threat to Henry.
Kozlov should stick to dressing like JTG and planking.
Kozlov just got murderized.
I thought Henry wasn't going to let them treat Kozlov at first.
That parkour stuff's pretty cool.
Pretty solid Sheamus promo.
JTG continues our random Raw cameos.
I guess Nexus just kind of... doesn't exist anymore.
Cool entrance by Trent. And the Usos as well in a different way.
I liked that double-team by Otungacutty.
Hey, check out this 6-man tag of young, up-and-coming WWE superstars... being less important than what Booker wrote about Cole on Twitter.
Wow, that segment was kind of a dud. Hopefully Curtis is impressive in the ring so this will have meant something.
Are we getting R-Truth vs. John Morrison at Summerslam? We should be. They've dropped the ball on that one to a degree.
You'd think R-Truth would look/be more hurt after taking 2 RKOs on an announce table.
So, Morrison gets a Raw graphic but Kozlov's played like a Smackdown guy. Ok... maybe THEY forgot what show he's on (since NXT tapes on the same day as Smackdown).
Wow, Christian got out of there in a hurry. That was cool.
R-Truth's a lot more fun as a heel.
I'd hate to botch that move by Morrison.
Orton with a jackknife? Didn't see that coming.
Or that! Wow.
Orton and Christian play off of each other pretty well in the ring.
Pretty cool little ending there.
I loved Christian's celebration.
That's it for Smackdown. I'll be back for Hardcore Justice on Sunday and a news post is up next. Thanks for reading!
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