Here's a nearly 13-minute long video showing off WWE '12.
As for my look at's Sunday questions:
1. Presumably there's SOMETHING they're building towards with the turns, but for now everyone seems to be scratching their heads as to what that could be. I guess the goal is to further Hogan-Sting through longtime Sting rival Angle, and get sympathy on Anderson to a degree. No telling on how long they'll keep those ideas before throwing in another seemingly out-of-nowhere swerve though.
They covered everything there is to cover on 2, so I'll skip to 3: I think it the ending was more surprising, but that was certainly out of the ordinary in its own right. I'd actually be rather surprised if Punk pulled out the Pepsi Plunge. They'd almost certainly have to call it something else legally, for one. The move itself isn't the type of thing WWE pulls out anyway, with their no-piledriver policy (except Kane and Undertaker) and the like.
4. I've seen that one floating around the net, but haven't seen it confirmed by a credible enough source, so if it is, it hasn't been "proven" well enough for me to accept it.
After the break, I look at the future for Ezekiel Jackson and the rest of the day's news.
5. I don't think Zeke losing the title hurt him all that much, especially since he got some revenge after the match. If they wanted to bury him, they wouldn't have had him save face a bit at the end. Give it time to play out; I think there could be bigger things in store for him.
Howard Finkel was interviewed on Summerslam and other things recently.
Alberto Del Rio also gave a few words before the event.
California native Chris Masters crashed Summerslam's AXXESS to interact with the fans there. Smart publicity move.
Gail Kim continues to give more on her WWE status via Twitter. WWE still has her under contract.
JBL noted on his Facebook that he'd be willing to return to WWE in a non-wrestling role, but the company hasn't contacted him about doing so. I'd be fine with him in a GM or commentator role. He can definitely talk a good talk.
C.M. Punk had another colorful batch of comments at AXXESS.
Shawn Michaels will release a second book in December entitled "Diary of the Heartbreak Kid". Should be a good read.
Summerslam's dark match was Dolph Ziggler beating Alex Riley. Not really a surprise there. The show did phenomenally with only 6 matches.
Jim Ross wasn't on the commentary team because WWE wanted a Smackdown announcer in the booth.
In addition to those who made it on camera, Jenny McCarthy, Clark Durke, a member of ZZ Topp, and some Dancing With The Stars regulars were present at Summerslam.
Finally, after Summerslam ended, Ricardo Rodriguez wanted the fans in attendance to cheer for the new WWE Champion. Then, C.M. Punk left to his music and a standing ovation. He earned it.
That's all for Sunday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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