On a Black Friday edition of Smackdown, we get the fallout from WWE Survivor Series. Mark Henry sitill holds the World Heavyweight Championship, but was disqualified for his actions on Sunday. Big Show will certainly be looking for revenge here. Smackdown begins the road to TLC, the final PPV of 2011. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
I'll give both men credit... that was a pretty big clash on Sunday.
At least Henry's selling the injury. I was kind of worried when I heard his music.
Henry's still champion, but Big Show walked out looking strong. Even Steven would be pleased. Hey, protect things for the future.
Oh, heel logic.
I love this. What a snake.
The guy who's been murdering people for months is looking pretty weak compared to Big Show right here.
Damn. Henry just got clocked.
Wait, what? Really!? I thought he was waiting?
He did it! He brought the title down to the midcard!
Ok, that was mean. It was just quite unexpected given how he was booked beforehand.
Wait, what? I don't remember there being anything in the contract saying you couldn't cash in on someone who's not medically cleared. In fact, it's been stated that he can cash in at ANY TIME. This is some bull.
I call shenanigans. Bryan was World Champ for a couple of minutes before the decision was reversed in my book.
I hope we don't get Orton vs. Henry next week. Talented guys, but I want something a little fresher.
Zack Ryder's teaming with Sheamus? Surreal.
Well, that pretty much settles who's winning next week. Though we could end up with some kind of triple threat.
Justin Gabriel vs. Hunico. Fine by me. I hope Hunico's faction sticks around and doesn't flatline early.
Thankfully Josh corrected Cole there.
So yeah, there's a match here.
Pretty cool moves by Hunico.
Why would Booker tell us an internationally popular superstar might not be coming back?
The "H" is silent in Spanish. "Junico" on the other hand would have the H sound.
Gabriel's not too shabby in his own right.
Swanton Bomb! Good little match-up here.
Where are his stablemates? What are they calling the group anyway?
Barrett, Rhodes, and Bryan in a match to determine the #1 Contender to the World Title. "Same old, same old", right, "smart" fans?
Good little package for the European trip.
Not looking forward to this commentary experiment.
I keep getting this disturbing impression that Alicia Fox is the next #1 Contender.
Alicia annoys me for some reason.
AJ can move, that's for sure.
Well that was quick. Sorry AJ.
Kaitlyn, that's your best friend! Save her!
AJ's disturbingly flexible.
Wow. Umm... yeah. Didn't expect this turn of events.
Kaitlyn's a big player for someone who hasn't been on the roster long.
I love the Kane video.
Why is Mick Foley being treated like just another guest host? He's a future Hall of Famer!
And Aksana brings our NXT Season 3 alumni count to 3.
Well that was odd. Not Muppets odd, but a weird pairing nonetheless.
What did they do to Dolph's theme? Can't they leave well enough alone?
Ziggler's got the gift of gab.
Though I'm personally entertained by it, Ziggler calling himself a heel is a little bit like James Bond calling himself a good actor or something similarly out-of-universe.
Hard to believe that Ziggler and Swagger are former World Champions given where they are now.
Didn't see that one coming from Ryder. Good stuff from all four so far.
Sheamus might actually be a better face than heel, and I really enjoyed him as a bad guy.
Jack Swagger's looking pretty credible here. Another developing talent who could be big in time.
Zack Ryder's getting over pretty well for someone who was an afterthought a year or so ago.
Ziggler's similarly determined to not be overlooked.
I love that double-team. Again, very talented undercard working hard.
See, this is why Kaitlyn didn't get involved earlier.
Good old-fashioned tag team psychology.
Good stuff here. Everyone did their jobs well, and the crowd responded appropriately.
You'd think Bryan would be more concerned about AJ after her experience in the Sharpshooter.
Cool stuff by me. AJ, Bryan, and Barrett are deserving of TV time.
Booker T. on the other hand, maybe not.
If anyone's reading this who didn't see Ted DiBiase's match on Superstars, you owe it to yourself to watch it. And the rest of the show for that matter.
Oh hey, I remember this guy.
His Twitter account is actually @HeathSlaterOMRB (as verified by the site and WWE's account following him). Not really sure how that got screwed up. OMRB is of course for One Man Rock Band.
And just like that, my odd dislike of Slater returns.
DiBiase's mustache is really weird looking.
Pretty cool feud idea.
This commentary's terrible.
I like the camera angles here.
I thought he had the money earlier, then lost it. Or something. He was rich for a time at least.
I'm glad someone backstage apparently likes Cole and Booker arguing, but I don't think they make for a good team in getting the product over.
Good stuff in the ring. Maybe DiBiase needs a new theme, though?
This one's getting a good deal of time it looks like.
My mistake. We've got to get more from Booker T..
Rhodes is doing some pretty good stuff. Growing into someone with real potential.
I don't think I'd have ever seen Bryan as a World Title contender when he first debuted on NXT.
Orton's a talented superstar and has earned a top spot, but next week might be the time for someone new to be in the title picture.
I like Rhodes' new theme.
And we interrupt your building of new stars for Cole and Booker being putzes.
Henry vs. Bryan would definitely be an interesting story.
Talk about your clash of styles.
Bryan's got a shot to impress here.
Foley actually competed on the very first Smackdown.
Booker's seriously one of the worst commentators I've ever heard. He might be THE worst.
Doomsday Device!
Wait. Why ISN'T he covering Bryan!?
I love this boot spot. He knows how to make his unique moves mean something.
Very good stuff from the three up-and-comers. Not that Orton's a slouch.
Please tell me Orton's not just going to clean house and win here.
I think we're in for an RKO here.
Apparently not.
Yeah, I don't know if a diving headbutt is a good move to add to your repertoire. Too many bad memories.
Uh-oh. Orton time.
Now THAT'S how you give us a solid match and ending. Good stuff from everyone, though I don't know if Bryan's ready for this level of a push.
Haha, Rhodes getting his heat back.
And Orton's the focal point closing the show. Or maybe not.
Best of luck in grabbing the brass ring and showing you belong in the main event, Bryan.
That's it for Smackdown. A news post will be up very shortly. Thanks for reading!
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