The Michael Cole/Jim Ross match was cut because too much other stuff had been written for the show. I certainly didn't miss it!
Here's a list of wrestling-related titles on Netflix. What did people do before that existed?
Barry Windham is also suffering from liver issues. Very sorry to hear that.
Jacques Rougeau has clarified the article published earlier. He hasn't been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but has been told that it's a possibility pending future test results. I wish him the best either way. has some new questions for the new month:
1. Honestly, I'm not so sure. Outside of maybe some special appearances, I wouldn't count on seeing it. ESPECIALLY with Chyna. Other than that though, it's possible the stars will align there at some point.
2. I don't think they needed to. The piece wasn't on wrestling in general, just one man's sad decline. Or at least that's how I saw it. And it really isn't "news" that most people turn out fine.
After the break, I go into the rest of the day's questions and news, including some on WWE's commentary picture.
3. I can't really give a perspective on how Mexico would view JR/Cole, but it's not a stretch to say that some people would look at a storyline like that and be turned off from seeing it. Then again, some like a trainwreck. Maybe it's like sparkling vampires in Twilight making it hard to take seriously? I hope that one wraps up and gets put to bed soon.
4. No argument from me. It cracks me up sometimes in an absurd/so bad it's good way, but it takes away from what's going on in the ring. They should be pitchmen getting over the product. Instead, that takes a backseat to what's going on at the announce table. They don't sell shows on Cole and Booker's commentary. They sell it on seeing conflicts settled and stories continued. Maybe the high workloads have finally driven McMahon and Dunn irretrievably crazy in that regard. If you want good commentary, NXT and Superstars are usually solid. Note who's absent from those tables.
5. We've gotten a rare sighting or two on Superstars I think. He was the guy with Miz, right? Part of me holds out hope that they're giving people time in the midcard to grow before pushing them further since they can't push everyone and there are some people who've earned top slots for their longevity. I really hope that's the case because they've got some impressive talent that we don't get to see as much of because of those like HHH, Nash, Laurinatis, and Big Show who shouldn't be the focuses of the show at this stage of their careers. Riley's a pretty good talker and is getting better in the ring. If they don't keep him in Limbo with Drew McIntyre, I think in time he could be someone to really watch.
Here's something I didn't think I was going to cover: Occupy Wall Street. Warrior commented on the protestors. I won't address the politics here since it's a wrestling blog.
Lita was visiting backstage at Raw. She's local to Atlanta. I hope she hung out with the Muppets!
The Great Khali was interviewed in India. It seems like he'll be sticking around for a while after all since WWE's headed there early next year.
Sheamus promoted Smackdown at a SC Fox affiliate. He's pretty good at that. He namedropped a number of wrestlers that he's not even in a match with.
WWE suspended Evan Bourne for 30 days for violating the Wellness Policy. I HATE reporting things like this.
Update: One theory floating around the locker room is that the recent suspensions are linked to a crackdown on synthetic marijuana. Whatever it is, I don't like that it's resulted in 3 up-and-comers being benched.
Update: Bourne commented on Twitter. That's not exactly an "I screwed up and I apologize". These suspensions could open up some doors for others on the roster. Hence, don't get suspended!
WWE's TLC poster has C.M. Punk with an ice cream bar. It should get 500,000 buys just for that.
Some suspect that James Storm's injury is part of a storyline since he worked some recent house shows. We'll see.
Here's the poster for TNA Final Resolution. Meh. I'm not really a fan of it. Not because of Roode, but because it's too basic.
WWE has a sweepstakes to win WrestleMania tickets tied in with its "Did You Know" facts.
Jim Ross doesn't expect to be at Survivor Series or the next Raw. But that means that... we're in for another week of this!? NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!
Mick Foley was part of advertisements in Boston ahead of the 11/14 Raw (featuring The Rock). But, they could have been going off of older info. Card subject to change!
WWE will have another 3-hour Raw on 12/12, which could very well be the Slammy Awards. It's going to be harder and harder to pull out special attractions at the rate they're rushing things.
John Cena talked about teaming with The Rock at Survivor Series. I hope it is a trap. Cena and Rock is already pretty much sold. Build up some solid heels in Awesome Truth.
Raw did a 3.1 on Monday, with a 3.2 in hour 1 and 3.0 in hour 2. Not bad but could be better. That show definitely wasn't for everyone.
That's all for Tuesday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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