Here it is; the first Raw of 2012. And we're starting things off with a bang! C.M. Punk defends his WWE Championship against up-and-coming superstar Dolph Ziggler. These two decorated competitors look to put the youth movement on the map this year. Also there are some weird videos out there promoting something "beginning" tonight. Maybe you've seen them? Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Pretty good video to set the stage for the show.
Nice camera angle.
And the mixed reaction begins.
What's with all the Y2J signs? He's clearly not in Memphis.
Thanks for that image, Cena...
A lot of Cena signs there, Pro and Con.
A lot of people hate to admit it, but I think Cena's actually a pretty good promo guy. He plays off of the crowd well and doesn't sound like he's just rushing through a bunch of rehearsed lines. I also like that he puts over the situation he's in and his opponent (usually).
A wild Kane appears!
Oh, maybe not...
Presumably a lot of people watching tonight with the 1/2/12 buzz. Time to show the world why Rhodes and Bryan are special.
These are two of the top champions in WWE. They need to be treated like it.
I'm liking the different style Bryan brings to WWE. Certainly not formulaic.
Nice counter.
Well, there's your win for Bryan over Rhodes. Not as convincing as you'd expect the World Champion vs. IC Champion to be, but at least he didn't look like a chump. Theoretically Rhodes can say he just got caught by surprise, whereas Bryan can play up his wrestling ability with the win.
Day 15 of the Daniel Bryan as World Champion experiment and he hasn't had his credibility destroyed yet. Hoping that continues past Smackdown.
Laurinaitis is growing on me as a smarmy and slimy douchebag. He just has that look about him.
Rumble history time. I wish they did more of this for... actually a lot of things.
This promo's going to be a big deal for Barrett. If he knocks it out of the park, good things could be coming for him as a top heel in the company.
Not bad. Maybe a little short. Hopefully we'll hear more from him on Smackdown?
I was halfway expecting the 1/2/12 interrupt to be there.
If Wade Barrett can't decisively beat Santino, how seriously can we take him as a top contender? Remember how much of a stomping Nash gave Santino for reference.
Nice somewhat-squash match.
How long until we get an angle between the Bellas and Usos?
I'm liking the set-up between Miz and R-Truth. They're building up so when they do clash later in the night (theoretically), it means more than them going at it fairly early on in the show.
I'm hoping Sheamus has a big 2012, including being either WWE or World Champion.
Wow. They're not wasting any time here.
A lot of stuff happening fairly quickly tonight. Attitude Era flashback in that sense. I believe they call that philosophy "Crash TV".
Is it bad that I couldn't see R-Truth standing there for a while?
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.
I don't know who came up with the crazy R-Truth character, but I'm enjoying it.
Hopefully shots to the head with water bottles don't cause concussion-like symptoms.
And just like that, crazy R-Truth turned face. And he still gets to call fans little Jimmy!
Part of me thinks it's pretty weird that Dolph Ziggler has an insider term on his shirt. But it's working for him, so I can accept it. This can and should be a big night for him. Good promo from the once and future Champion.
And a good promo by Swagger. Why hasn't this guy been allowed to talk more? Of course, props for Ryder and Eve getting screen time.
Kane getting back in the ring should be a bigger deal, but whatever. Ryder and Swagger getting the big opportunity to headline Raw's progress enough.
Good video package to hype Smackdown. That's going to be a big night as far as the future of the company goes. Two old pros vs. some theoretical future headliners.
The WWE Title playing second fiddle to the 6-man tag kind of concerns me. We'll see what they do with it, though.
Props for putting over the competitors. This needs to be the rule, not the exception.
That's like... five of Hogan's finishers!
I think I'd rather see these two headline the show than Big Show, Mark Henry, and Kane in 2012, BUT theoretically the older/casual fans watching for the 1/2/12 reveal see them as main eventers and will be more likely to stick around for the whole show with them headlining.
Ziggler's looking credible against the WWE Champion. Not bad for a former Spirit Squad member.
I thought Ziggler had him for a second there. I like that cover of his.
OUCH. I don't think he was supposed to land on his face there.
Hard fought match here.
Hmmm... not sure how I feel about that one ending like that. Great for Ziggler, but I think Punk's lost some momentum. Maybe they face off again at the Rumble? Either way, Punk could use a boot in credibility.
Synchronized ring attire for Eve and Kelly.
A 5-star technical classic it wasn't, but I've certainly seen worse Divas matches.
Ha. Good line by Punk. Got some of what he lost back.
I'm definitely fine with that for the Rumble. Great story to go with it. Hopefully both guys get a pretty good push out of it.
Please not Taker. Please not Taker. Please not Taker.
Sparkly! A lot of fans appreciate him coming back if the signs tonight are any indication.
I still remember the first time I heard that music. Good times. Good times.
Jericho's either setting up for a huge heel turn or he's really excited to be back.
Not 100% sure why they didn't close the show with this, but we'll see.
Talk about soaking up the cheers...
I guess he's got a lot of time to kill?
Wait.... that was it? No explanations or anything?
Well at least they're saving Kane's in-ring return. But it's basically 3 vs. 1 1/2 with Henry's injury.
Ugh. Big Show.
Like John Cena's going to have trouble against Jack Swagger with a partner on his side. How many people has he beaten single-handedly in the past?
Great Rough Ryder counter.
Hmm, Zack Ryder and John Cena won instead of just Cena. That's a nice change of pace.
Didn't see that one coming.
Hmm, not a bad continuation of the storyline. Cena looks vulnerable, Kane has a purpose, and Zack Ryder gets to be an important part of the show.
Ok, that was a little cheesy.
The fire on the other hand was pretty cool.
I'm enjoying WWE more than I have in a good while. Overall, a pretty good show. Could be better, but they're going in the right direction with it.
That's all for a pretty busy Raw. I'll be back for NXT on Wednesday, and with a news post later in the night. Thanks for reading!
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