Today on WWE Superstars, the Divas take center stage. Kelly Kelly goes up against Brie Bella in a match of former Divas Champions. Then, on Impact Wrestling, the follow-up to Genesis begins. Following the controversy of their matches at that show, Bobby Roode must defend his TNA World Championship against Jeff Hardy once more, and Kurt Angle faces James Storm in a #1 Contenders' match to see who's next in line for the title. Also, Matt Morgan and Crimson will be in tag team action! Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.
The guy who took out one of the top stars in WWE is on Superstars? That's a little underwhelming.
I do like Barrett's coat look, though.
Barrett should be able to convincingly and utterly beat Yoshi Tatsu given the roll he's been on lately.
Yoshi getting in that much offense on Barrett's concerning. One of these men has been a lot more successful than the other lately, and can be a legitimate main eventer.
Good offense by Barrett as always.
Good match and all, but I think the man who was able to take out a former WrestleMania main eventer and multiple time World/WWE Champion should have had a lot less trouble against someone who rarely appears on TV. No disrespect to Tatsu, as he's a talented performer, but he's much lower on the totem pole.
That Santino commercial's kind of funny, but it doesn't make me want to see the Rumble. Why not promote the competitors in the match-up?
Only 55%? It used to be a lot higher than that.
McGillicutty's really been in a slump since splitting from Otunga. He needs a good match here.
The Mad Hatter? I don't get it.
I like Bourne's offense. He stands out from the pack.
Not bad so far. McGillicutty's at least putting in effort to differentiate himself.
I don't dislike McGillicutty; he just gives off a kind of "generic midcarder" vibe. Especially when he's matched up with someone as unique and diverse as Bourne.
I did like the Saito suplex though.
That match didn't really accomplish much of anything or move anything forward, but it was good for what it was: showing that Bourne belongs in WWE.
I think I've had my fill of recap packages. As crunched for time as they are, I wish they'd use that time to have others get a chance to work.
Surprisingly good ring psychology here. There are male wrestlers who don't work over body parts this well these days.
I like the announcers putting over the Divas division as a whole and its storylines.
Nice bridge. And a monkey flip? You don't see that in Divas matches every day.
And then they ruin it with the stupid booty-shaking stuff.
Kelly deserved to lose with the switch and feet on the ropes after pulling off the stinkface. Nice aggression from her in the match, though.
Good emotions to close the show from all of the Divas.
And now, Impact Wrestling.
Good stuff showing the highlights of Roode and the crazily facepainted Hardy.
A more heelish theme for Roode makes sense, though "Off the Chain" was pretty good.
Great promo as always from Roode to start us off. I really like him including the crowd.
Other than the "spank his butt" part, I liked that interaction. Both guys play their roles well, without it looking like we're just killing time until Roode vs. Sting.
Cheesy yet clever way of plugging the sponsor. Good segment to set the stage for the rest of the story.
People refuse to accept that he's not called Rob Terry anymore.
I did always wonder what those things were called.
Hopefully the TV Champion and his bodyguard don't just get fed to these two. That title and the dup need to mean something.
Definitely didn't see Robbie T slamming Crimson like he was just another wrestler. This guy was being pushed pretty heavily last year.
It doesn't get much more definitive than that. It did take some doubleteams from two big heavyweights, so Robbie E's not totally worthless.
Glad Joe and Magnus are sticking together. They've been pretty impressive as a team lately and there's no need to break that up yet.
Solid video package on Garett Bischoff. They're setting him up as an important guy in the company.
Good promo by Bischoff. I hope all this effort put into Garett pays off.
I wonder if one day we'll see a wrestling company run by Garett Bischoff going up against one run by Stephanie McMahon (since Shane's out of the picture)?
Not bad by Garett. I can definitely hear his father's voice when he talks.
Sting would be too obvious as his trainer? Maybe Hogan?
Kind of uncomfortable watching a man do that to his father, but it's TV.
I thought she said something about Lita at first.
I'm definitely glad we're getting back to using Winter (and some degree Angelina).
I kind of wish I could forget Hogan/Sting happening in 2011.
ODB and Eric Young have nothing on BateMax.
You need a flask watching an Eric Young/ODB segment.
God, this is bad. Winter's doing her best, but I don't think there's any saving this one.
And this is what wrestling's become in 2012.
The only character I really care about here is Daniels. AJ Styles and Kazarian are pretty much getting pushed just because they've been with the company so long it feels like. Styles has talent, but I don't think he'd get so many opportunities if he wasn't the golden boy for the pre-Spike TNA.
Bully Ray got MASSACRED in a hardcore war on Sunday, but he might as well look like he spent it sipping Mojitos at the beach.
I thought Bully Ray hated Twitter.
Oh, maybe that was some kind of shot at WWE's obsession there.
Roode vs. Ray would be pretty good, but both are heels and should be used against faces.
I'm not a country guy by any stretch, but I dig Storm's entrance music.
Storm can cut a promo for sure.
That was pretty good other than the stupid "poop" remark.
Good segment to set things up for after the break and presumably Victory Road.
Ring the bell! We're back from commercial.
Generally the face wants to win clean and not get a BS countout victory...
Nice from Storm attacking the arm.
Storm doesn't look out of place at all against the accomplished former Champion.
NICE ankle lock spot from Storm.
This one's really picking up. I like the story of the match.
Haha, Kurt Angle with a beer. That's bad for me to laugh at.
Really good spot with the beer.
This was great for getting Storm over as a serious main eventer. Looking forward to more of him in 2012.
Kurt Angle needs to begin that backstage role of helping people putting matches together and the like. He knows how to tell stories and elevate people.
Hardy's got some one-of-a-kind looks for sure.
There's something kind of depressing about seeing Hulk Hogan in Rent-A-Center ads as big as he used to be.
Hogan and Mr. Anderson on that ad was kind of weird since we haven't seen either in a while.
Anyone else find it kind of weird that they acknowledged her off-screen name? She's very good looking either way.
A camera filming a camera. Impactception?
Cage matches used to be saved for huge occasions, but I see why they're trying to pull people in for the TV shows.
I really like Roode's instrumental theme now.
Hardy's a very... artistic guy.
Nice way to start the match. Good to break up the monotony of typical match beginnings.
That was a perfect time to mention Roode spitting on Dixie. Maybe he can spit on the Bellator guy, too?
Oh wait, NOW the match is started. My bad.
OOOUUUUCCCCHHHH. That's why it's called high-risk offense.
Good stuff here. Roode's made it as a main eventer I think.
Hardy's still got it as well.
Great spinebuster spot. This has been well set up.
And followed up by even better Twist of Fate/Swanton spots.
I'm ok with Bully Ray getting involved. Roode kicking out of all that would be ridiculous (and I definitely don't want Hardy to be Champion over Roode).
Fine ending to the show. Roode's still champion, and strong heel Bully Ray's set up to face off with strong face Hardy. As long as over the long run Roode looks like a credible main eventer people want to see, this is all ok by me.
That's all for Thursday's wrestling. I'll be back tomorrow for Smackdown, and a news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!
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