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Monday, August 13, 2012

DiBiase returns, Bearer appears, Questions on Brock, WWE failing to push new stars, WWE vs. TNA on PPV, GMs, and questions/queries, WWE in China, and Ashley Flair gets a new name

Ted DiBiase has returned to the ring for WWE.

Paul Bearer made a special appearance at the 8/11 live event, where he was interrupted by Heath Slater. This led to Ryback vs. Slater, which Ryback won.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Who's going to stiff Brock Lesnar!!??? I can see him retaliating if someone did something stupid, but I think he's mature enough to stay in work mode.

2. Those are actually some good points, but the counter-argument was also strong. I do think them not having a major competitor is hurting their product. If TNA was a legitimate (big money) threat, I think things would be run differently there.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

3. I don't see it happening any time soon. I also don't know how much money it would make (if it wasn't promoted properly) WWF vs. WCW was when both were big pop culture staples. TNA's not there yet. They don't have a star with the name value of a Cena or Punk.

4. Pretty much what they said. They want to keep the GM role simple, either straight face or straight heel. The GM shouldn't be the focus of the show anyway - the role should be a means to move stories along and not much else (since GMs generally aren't active wrestlers).

5. For queries it's just whatever shows up as having been searched for that I can make sense of.

Here's a piece on WWE being in China. Pretty cool. I hope they do get a Chinese star some day.

Finally, Ashley Flair has been rechristened Charlotte in WWE developmental. Very appropriate!

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