Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on Smackdown.
Sheamus got off pretty easy for stealing someone's car.
WTF opening segment. What's the end game for giving away the World Title match tonight unless they can top it at Summerslam?
Fine little match with Cara and Rhodes. I wouldn't mind them feuding. Rhodes could help Cara adapt to the WWE style. I hope both men have bright futures.
Good Bryan promo. If this guy had shown up to NXT Season 1, I think I would have had him over Barrett.
Good segment with AJ, Bryan, and Kane. I'm hoping for a big Bryan win to elevate the future of the business.
VERY cool way of continuing Mahal vs. Ryback. More of this please.
I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't rag on WWE for bringing back the Highlight Reel after Jericho disowned that part of his personality. But what the hell, maybe it gets the Ziggler program further over.
Awesome highlight reel. We got a return of classic Jericho and Ziggler's looking good after his fluke loss. If they book this right, Ziggler's going to be looking good.
Great continuing of the tag team title feud. I'm completely fine with the actual wrestling being secondary until the big matches.
Cesaro unfortunately doesn't have as much of a character as he should. Maybe in the weeks to come? Promo was fine.
Curious booking of Cesaro vs. Christian, which was a good match. I still think Cesaro has an upside. Stop-start pushing isn't doing him any favors, though.
Glad Cesaro got some heat back by attacking Christian. These new-ish prospects need to be positioned well , as it's difficult to get over if you don't do so in your first run.
A Divas match with an angle attached that isn't about the title? I'm shocked. Kaitlyn getting more TV time works for me. She's fun and can wrestle. What more do you need?
Miz looked good in his match with Mysterio. The booking, to me, was wrong. Mysterio is super over already and coming off his 2nd suspension. One more and he's gone for at least a year. WWE needs to use him carefully. Elevating Miz, who has zero strikes and is a company guy (not to mention the IC Champion!) should have been the priority.
THAT is how you end a show and make people want to see a World Title match. Book this well more often, WWE!
I'll be back for Raw on Tuesday (hopefully). A news post is up next.
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