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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Post-Raw dark match, Lesnar tease, Interviews with Big E/Miz/Ryback/Tough Enoughers/Jimmy Hart, upcoming WWE matches, NXT trainer under the knife, bye bye FCW Arena, Ziggler storyline update, WWE holiday message, HBK tweet, Diva in Maxim list, Mavs star talks Hogan/Warrior, Raw audience and Questions on pushing Bryan, WWE's titles, TNA closing, Creative walking out and why WWE unified the top titles

After Raw, the fans in Dallas got Randy Orton vs. John Cena with Booker T as the special referee. Orton hit Booker and Cena with his championships for the DQ. Cena and Booker got even on him, then Booker did a spinaroonie. Top guys have a very heavy schedule.

Paul Heyman made news with this tweet. Lesnar vs. Orton would be something. I'd definitely rather see that than Brock vs. Taker, but I don't know if it would be as big of a draw.

Big E Langston talked about dream opponents and more. It'd be nice to see someone like Batista put Big E over, though I don't think Big E's a big enough of a deal yet to warrant that. Also, more props for Cena for helping out the younger guys.

The Miz gave an interview. Cool for him to put over those underrated guys. Miz is really overlooked at times.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Next week's Raw will feature a Christmas-themed match between Mark Henry and Damien Sandow. It can't be worse than the Del Rio angle.

Smackdown will be headlined by Cody Rhodes and Goldust defending the WWE Tag Team Championship against the Wyatt Family. That will be something to watch.

NXT trainer Steve Keirn, formerly head of FCW, underwent hip replacement surgery recently. I hope that works out for him.

Ryback talked about wanting to be in the Terminator films. I can see him in that role.

WWE NXT will do a show at the FCW Arena for the final time on 12/19. I wish I would have gotten a chance to check that place out. Maybe I can still make it to Full Sail one day.

Tough Enough contestants AJ, Martin and Jeremiah Riggs were on the latest Stone Cold podcast. I bet that was something. I still remember Riggs' interview about things not working out in FCW. Talk about a pipebomb.

WWE is booking an angle around Dolph Ziggler's recent lack of success. Because those always go well.

Jimmy Hart talked about WWE's 50th anniversary stuff and the long-awaited WWE Network. I wonder how many people know some of those references. Nice trip down memory lane.

Lockdown will be TNA's next live PPV. Not a big surprise there. I can only wonder what the main events will be. Will Sting still be there?

Balls Mahoney is on the latest edition of YouShoot. NSFW, but amusing. That Batista question gets me EVERY. $&#*ING. TIME.

Here's WWE's holiday message. Nothing to really write home about.

Shawn Michaels talked about appearing on Raw. I'm glad they had him. Are those WrestleMania rumors big enough yet?

Those interested in voting for Eva Marie in Maxim's Top 100 can do so here. I suspect that helps her employment status.

Variety has a big update on WWE's TV situation. I didn't know Saturday Morning Slam was still a thing. I knew they hadn't taped anything new for it in quite a while. Getting more money for their TV shows would be a big boost for WWE's coffers. This is something very interesting to follow. WWE's playing things both ways with labeling itself as both sports and entertainment. Smackdown going live would be an interesting change. I hope they move it to Thursday if they move it. I don't like Raw and Smackdown being too close together. The shows should have some breathing room in order for things to "sink in" for a while. Part of what made the Attitude Era work for me was having to wait an entire week between Raws. I didn't have a bunch of Internet news about WWE every single day, etc.

WWE has released NXT's Knuckles Madsen. He hasn't had a lot of matches down there, so I can't say this is hugely surprising.

John Cena made the news for a workout he did at the University of Texas. That's fame.

Here's a very brief mention of wrestling as it relates to the Dallas Mavericks. Ehh, boring.

The most recent Raw did 4.11 million viewers, down a bit from the previous week. That's a shame given how big TLC was and doing Orton vs. Bryan as the main event.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. That would have indeed been pretty amazing. I think we'll still get something good. I would say WWE has dropped the ball a bit with Bryan, but they've still done pretty well in keeping him strong and relevant. There's a big difference between his booking post-WWE Title and Ziggler's post-World Title.

2. It's true. They're stretching the definitions of their title history. But how many fans are really upset about it? I always look at the "seven year rule". What percentage of the audience cares that much about something that happened on a TV show ELEVEN YEARS AGO? Priorities, people.

3. I haven't seen anything about TNA losing its deal with Spike or anything, so it doesn't look like it. They're cutting costs and restructuring, but there is NO TALK of closing the doors.

4. Some of this depends on who you define as part of Creative. If the agents/producers were part of it, it'd have more impact than a bunch of ex-soap opera writers walking out. I can definitely see Vince being stubborn enough to let everyone walk and replace them. I'm sure there are piles of resumes of people who'd take that job.

5. I think they probably still could make the two brands model work. They have a LOT of people under contract they could push on two brands. I just don't think it's in the cards.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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