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Friday, December 20, 2013

Superstars and Final Resolution Reax

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Final Resolution edition of Impact.

Kaitlyn vs. Summer Rae was quite impressive. I think Summer could go quite far if the company gets behind her. She's hungry to succeed in a way it seems like some performers who've been with the company for a while aren't. Kaitlyn's become a veteran and is also a valuable asset.

Nice tag match, too. I always enjoy seeing young superstars continue to find their ways in the ring.

Final Resolution:
My body is ready for Impact tonight. Things have been pretty good lately for them.

I really liked the opening segment. Nice job acknowledging the continuity of Hardy's TNA career. That's impressive and something WWE doesn't always do.

Angle vs. Roode has been built quite well. The new creative team's doing a good job of making its performers and feuds more important and coherent.

I liked the Chavo/Zema segment. It's really not incredibly difficult to make matches and segments matter. Give them hype and enough time to have meaning.

Wow! I didn't expect a clean win by Roode there. Great work, though generally I'd like a two out of three falls match to go longer. Glad TNA's building some younger talents after guys like Sting, Hardy, Bully Ray and Hulk Hogan were the top names for a lot of the year.

Good segment with Storm and Gunner. A nice slow build to them feuding so it means more when they do implode.

Nice serious promo from Angle. He didn't need to yell or resort to catchphrases like so many stars seem to these days. I look forward to what's next with him.

Oooh, interesting stuff with EC3. They're doing a good job building the reveal of the briefcases.

I guess the Young/Park segment appealed to me because I've seen the Abyss character since 2004, but that was a nice way to continue that angle. I'm not crazy about weapons matches as a rule, but I think this one has been built well. Will we see Park fully go back into Abyss mode next week? I kind of like the Bruce Banner/Hulk thing they've got going on right now, but I know it has to end at some point.

More intrigue built for Hardy's possible turn. I like it.

Glad Ion's not being let go. I'm not a huge fan of his, but I'd much rather him stick around than Chavo, who I've seen wrestle for more than a decade now.

Ooooooohhhhh. Nice development between Storm and Gunner. I don't picture them having an amazing technical match, but I think they could pull off a nice brawl if given a chance.

That was a cool ending. I ALMOST feel bad for Chavo for going away. He's got a lot to teach people, but if TNA's freshening up their roster and getting rid of the former WWE/WCW names who've passed the age of 40, it makes sense to give him the axe. More heat to EC3, who's quickly becoming a heel to really watch.

Good Magnus promo.

That match was a little short, but it made sense to build Rayne challenging Kim.

Another good segment with Hardy and Sting. It's a little strange for the company who shied away from the sports entertainment label doing a better job building the characters and having fewer matches thrown out without any build.

Fine Carter segment. I wonder if they'll have a different design for the TNA Championship. I'd personally find it hilarious if they made a "Dixie-fied" version of the title, but I don't think they should go in that direction. I really like the Dixie character, but she shouldn't have that big of a mark on things.

Good stuff between Hardy and Carter. They might have gone a LITTLE heavy on the storyline stuff tonight, given how it's kind of, sort of a PPV on free TV. But it's almost all been engaging stuff.

I'm a sucker for a big storyline development. I enjoyed that ending and Hardy's going for a big move instead of escaping the cage hurting him. I look forward to seeing what Magnus, EC3 and Spud can do as the top heel faction. Hopefully TNA will keep shifting things from the guys who've already been to the mountaintop toward the young talent doing impressive things.

More wrestling coming up.

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