Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
That's certainly one way to start the show. I'm not sure I can buy Eric Young as a top babyface, but I'm willing to see them give it a shot. He definitely has worked hard in his years in TNA.
Another chaotic segment. This show feels like it's always moving fast. The action itself was pretty cool as far as Carter avoiding the beast.
I'm generally not a fan of really violent characters like Willow. He's a little much for my tastes.
Interesting stuff with Bully. I think he could end up being good in this role.
Good tension between MVP and Joe. I'd love to see them face off (and so would MVP).
Good interview with Angelina to keep that angle moving forward.
I don't really like Magnus and EC3 not being on the same page, but I think I can live with it. As long as neither turns face, it should be good. Magnus has enough backup in Abyss.
DAMN. That's some pretty heavy heeling from Storm. It was almost uncomfortable to watch.
Ehhh... I'm not so sure I want to see them do much with Tapa. We'll see where it goes, though.
I got a kick out of the Bro-mans/Zema segment, as stupid as it was.
That was much better than I expected from Gail vs. Tapa, but I really shouldn't be too surprised fiven how good Gail is. I can't say I'll miss Tapa too much; she was never that great until this match.
#@$%ing Willow. I'm guessing we're in for him challenging for the TNA Title at Sacrifice.
I really liked the Beautiful People/Madison Rayne segment. I was never a big fan of the gimmick, but the story told here was pretty good.
Not a bad Magnus/Joe segment. I look forward to their next encounter tonight.
Good segment ahead of the tag team match. I have a soft spot for the Bro-mans.
Damnit, TNA. You got me with Zema taking the selfie with the title. Good action from everyone involved. I'm OK with the Bro-mans continuing to be champions. If Bad Influence leaves, it leaves a big void in heel tag teams.
I half-expected some kind of swerve with Angelina joining Madison. I do imagine there's only so far they can go before Angelina vs. Velvet becomes the logical conclusion.
Interesting stuff with Joe and MVP.
Huh. So Knux is still a thing. I kind of thought he'd just disappear. I'm willing to see what he's got in a new role.
Nice way to throw to break with Bully being laid out.
#&$* yeah! That was pretty cool with Bobby vs. Bully.
Good segment with Magnus and Abyss to set up the title match.
I'm never really crazy about chairs to the head, but other than that, I really enjoyed the match. Joe and Magnus work really hard and work well together. MVP vs. Joe seems like a lock for Sacrifice.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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