Also on that live event, Darren Young beat Titus O'Neil before Titus requested another match. This led to a rollup loss to Kofi Kingston. Kingston was then set to face Bad News Barrett, but Titus attacked Kofi. Darren them came out to even things up leading to a tag match where Titus once again lost to Kofi. I wouldn't read TOO much into this, as there's probably not a huge amount of planning out into live events, but it's certainly something to take a look at.
WWE is reportedly confident of their ability to handle the traffic made by WrestleMania 30. I hope it's for good reason.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
C.M. Punk was predominantly referred to by his given name during his appearance on "The Talking Dead". He was not there in the capacity of a WWE superstar and there was no talk of his WWE situation. We might not be seeing him for a while. I'd like to think he'll get to say goodbye at Payback or something, but there's no guarantee. The end of Punk in WWE could be approaching pretty soon.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. It's a sign of how sleepy I am right now that I find the sentence about Kane and the Wyatts facing Cena AND KANE so hilarious, like something Vince Russo would book. I actually think Kane, Rowan and Harper vs. The Shield is one hell of an idea. There are usually some really odd things suggested in these questions, but that's quite good. That could naturally lead to a Shield triple threat for Extreme Rules. That of course is Ambrose's home element.
2. Ha. Wrestling isn't a mainstream sport. Other than that, it's what they said.
3. The only thing for sure about Punk is nothing's for sure. But really, his last goal is (was?) to headline WrestleMania, and he can't do that anywhere but WWE.
4. Those guys are either retired or should be. WWE brought in a number of top WCW stars to
5. Bryan's been chasing the title for many a month now and it's time for him to win it. I'm all for there being a long chase before the babyface prevails and all, but there's such a thing as waiting too long to pull the trigger.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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