Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I actually really liked the opening segment. MVP's group is impressing me so far and this makes for a pretty good top feud to give The Wolves some spotlight. MVP's definitely a natural arrogant heel.
Nice continuation of the opening angle with Davey being taken away.
Good stuff between MVP's group, EY and Aries. Finally something interesting's happening in the TNA main event picture. EY as fighting champion is much better when he has some dragons to slay.
This Magnus/Bram stuff is kind of off-the-wall as far as how edgy and gritty they're making Bram. Are we supposed to be getting behind Magnus as a babyface for having to deal with Bram?
I don't care all that much about Angelina vs. Gail, but I think it would be a pretty good match.
That match was a little on the sloppy side, but it was good to see Brittany get some momentum.
Fine post-match to continue Angelina vs. Gail. I'm ready for Brooke and Taryn to get back.
I'm guessing this drinking contest turns into a fight. Hopefully it's worth sitting through.
Good little match between MVP and Aries as far as getting across what it needed to. Both men are quite talented in the ring.
I liked the post-match, though I really wonder who we're supposed to cheer for between Dixie and MVP. This shades of gray booking is killing me.
Another segment with a lot of angles going on at once and them just throwing out the previous stipulation of no Dixie or Bully in the Impact Zone. At least EC3 got heat on Bully, though.
Heh. So much for EC3 getting the upper hand on Bully two weeks in a row. I don't see much reason to worry about someone who was TNA Champion for so long.
Meh... not too crazy about Magnus' moral crisis here. Maybe if Willow didn't win every encounter, I'd care more.
Post-match made sense to keep things going.
Gunner's stuff with Shaw's kind of interesting. I'm not sure I want to see a whole lot of it, but it's OK for now.
Shaw suckering Gunner would be pretty great for a heel move.
Good stuff between Eddie and King. I like where this is going so far.
Fine stuff to continue Anderson/Storm.
Isn't it kind of heelish to take advantage of a drunk person? TNA continues to be frustrating.
Eric Young still doesn't convince me as a World Champ, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Ha. They're really stacking the odds against Eric. I liked the match as far as getting heat on MVP's new faction.
Good post-match to keep things going.
More wrestling coming up.
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