Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
I liked the start focusing on Daniel Bryan. He should be the top story in WWE right now I think.
Cena's promos are back to being cringeworthy. I think he has to cut too many promos and because he's in the top spot, there's not as much pressure to deliver something really good. I think his work here dragged the feud down a bit. Bray was very good as always, but I don't know if it could counter Cena's joking attitude and basically assuming it's a foregone conclusion he'll beat Bray.
Pretty good stuff between The Usos and The Brotherhood. It looks like the heel turn by Cody might be back on hold(?). Either way, the action was pretty good and I wouldn't mind a feud between the two families.
Fairly clever to play off Ziggler's Twitter. Reality Era and all...
El Torito's very talented for his size and gimmick. I'll give him that. I don't see this as any kind of burial for 3MB or anything. WWE's just using them in a comedy spot.
That was a good enough match between Nikki and Natalya. WWE's getting a lot of mileage out of Total Divas.
Pretty good promo from Ziggler. He's had better, but it's good to hear him get mic time. I think his comments are somewhat justified given Batista's high-profile losses lately. That and Batista will kill Ziggler.
Wow. Ziggler got more offense than I expected. I was thinking he'd eat a Batista Bomb in pretty short order. Honestly, that might have worked better to set up The Shield vs. Evolution.
Yeah, that post-match is more like I was thinking. I really like Ziggler, but they should be pushing Batista for his match at Payback.
I really liked the promos between Sheamus and Titus. Titus definitely has a presence and personality.
Ouch. Big win for Sheamus and a notable loss for Titus. Remember, not everyone who loses in quick fashion is being "buried". Buried people don't usually get mic time and get put over by their opponents. An intentional burial is when the company basically goes out of its way to throw someone under a bus. Carlito's angle with Ric Flair and MVP's big losing streak come to mind here. This felt more like them just wanting Sheamus to go over strong in quick fashion and for Titus to "get his". If Titus starts losing every week on TV in squashes, then he might be getting buried.
Adam Rose can be a pretty good gimmick if it transitions to the ring well. I haven't seen a lot of him from that standpoint yet, so I can't really judge.
Now, Damien Sandow. There might be something to him getting buried. Or WWE's testing him. It does seem like they're going out of their way to make him look bad. It's a shame, because he's pretty talented and could at least be a mid-level champion if they'd get behind him.
I'm almost never a fan of "worked shoot" angles, because they almost never feel legitimate. This is no exception. I wish they'd cut out this whole piece of the show and used it for something more constructive. Unless they're going somewhere with this that gets Sandow over, they should probably cut their losses because this is bad TV.
I liked Heyman's promo as far as putting over Cesaro and setting up the match with Truth. It makes sense to try to link Cesaro with someone as successful as Brock, but I think we get the point by now.
Good win for Cesaro. I think they could have used the time wasted on Sandow vs. Santino for this match to give Cesaro more of a spotlight.
I like the idea of The Usos countering the Wyatts. Pretty clever storytelling.
Cena vs. Rowan wasn't an amazing technical masterpiece, but I think it did its job of continuing the Bray/Cena story. It's fine Cena won here, as it didn't derail the Wyatts' momentum if they rebound in the weeks to come.
More wrestling coming up.
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