Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
I'm not a big fan of WWE continuing to say Bryan's not a top guy. I think that narrative's been run into the ground and at this point, Bryan's proven himself. Obviously The Authority are heels, but they just no-sold Bryan's big Mania wins and that's not something I like. I do think it was time to make a decision about the WWE Title and think it's clever Orton got in the match without having a qualification match, but they're laying it in rough on Bryan.
Really good match between Sheamus and Barrett. I was kind of hoping for a Barrett win, but this works as well. I hope Sheamus is getting his due from the IWC as far as his in-ring ability and people don't get caught up in "HHH's workout buddy" crap.
I loved the Wyatts' promo. I am kind of excited for another round with Ambrose and Reigns.
It's a little silly to put heat on Putin vs. Obama since it's not like they can face off in a WWE ring (as much as I want to see it). Lana's promos are good, but I'd like more heat to be put on Rusev since he's the one wrestling.
Rusev continues to be really good in squashes. Yes, he'll eventually need to do more. But for now it's fine for him to destroy people.
I still like Rusev's post-match. WWE's definitely behind him.
Kind of a weak tag match, but it got over the narrative of the continued woes of The Brotherhood. I wonder if Goldust will end up getting a more permanent new partner. I still think the Code Red is impressive from him.
I'm not incredibly excited about Layla vs. Summer Rae, but I like that WWE's giving it TV time to build up.
That was a pretty good segment to get over how The Shield still mean business. I do think ti was early to turn Rollins, but WWE could have a good plan here. Ambrose and Reigns are pretty intense. I like it.
I think WWE's gotten all they can out of screwing with Sandow. Unless this is going somewhere, it's time to stop the "rib".
Funny enough post-match. I like The Usos. No Summer Rae?
I liked Bo's promo well enough, even if he is getting pretty repetitive.
Good match between Bo and Xavier. Bo's still a lower-card guy and rightfully so, but he's continuing to get his "ring legs" on the main roster.
Pretty clever promo from Heyman. I think they've gotten just about all they can from Heyman talking up Brock, but hopefully it's getting Cesaro over by association.
Very impressive stuff from Cesaro and RVD. I actually would have been OK with RVD going on to MITB. His calling card is big spots in hardcore matches and that fits right in. But I'm definitely not complaining about a Cesaro push. In fact, that works out better for the long run. I just think a spot in MITB is tailor-made for RVD.
Funny stuff with Orton.
As hyped as I am for the future of Seth Rollins, that explanation felt a little flat. I don't know how long they've planned for him to turn, but it still feels a bit random. I wasn't crazy about Rollins burying his former partners. Obviously he needs to say he's better off without them, but he doesn't have to blow their candles out to make his shine brighter. Saying Dean is a lunatic and Reigns needs to be harnessed is fine. Saying they're nothing without Rollins isn't good given their successes. As for Cena teaming with Reigns and Ambrose, it makes sense. I'm also sick to death of Cena in main events, but he's WWE's guy for those situations.
Rollins vs. Ziggler should be amazing, but I don't see it doing anything for Ziggler's upward mobility.
Paige vs. Alicia was good. The Divas' Champion is getting better on the main roster. I think this feud's pretty much over now.
Meh. The post-match was fun, but I couldn't care less about Aksana or Alicia feuding with Aksana. I haven't cared about her since she was with Cesaro, other than the injury with Naomi. WWE hasn't really given me a reason to.
That was pretty serious from Santino. He should stick to comedy.
Swagger vs. Santino was fine to give Swagger some heat back after losing to Rose. Both sides are dead in the water at this point. It will take some time for Swagger to be a serious competitor again.
Weird segment with Cody and Goldust. It feels like part of the story's missing. BUT I think this is leading to the actual, for real this time breakup of The Brotherhood. I think it's pretty much time if they're going to have the brothers feud going into Summerslam.
I'd be fine with Vickie getting fired again. She doesn't serve much of a purpose anymore.
The main event was pretty solid. It would have been more fun with Rollins instead of Cena, but Cena's no slouch in the ring. WWE has some really impressive athletes.
I liked the post-match well enough. Rollins vs. Ambrose will be awesome when it happens.
More wrestling coming up.
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