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Monday, June 30, 2014

WWE Money In The Bank Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's PPV.
Good Reigns promo, as brief as it was. If Bryan's going to be out a while, Reigns as champ would be nice.

The Bryan/Bo segment was pretty funny. The crowd's really into Bryan, and Bo is a very entertaining antagonist. I do want to know how WWE got Bryan's championship belts if he didn't know he was stripped until seeing it on TV. I half-expected Bryan to announce a return for Summerslam. The fact that there wasn't a tease of a return and Bryan didn't get physical with Bo is something to note as far as his status.

That was a pretty kickass opener. I'm rather surprised the Usos retained. I can see two justifications here in that the Wyatts are super-over without the titles and theoretically this could set up The Ascension coming from NXT to dethrone the champions. I like the Usos, so I can't complain at them winning. Rowan and Harper will be fine.

Ambrose is one hell of a promo. He's got that set of traits that make him incredibly creative and dangerous.

Ehh. Paige vs. Naomi was off a bit. I think they both worked hard, but it didn't click like it should have. Maybe they were too focused on trying to get a spotlight on the division through big spots? I think they should get a do-over as both are talented performers.

It's segments like Sandow dressed as Revere that make the $9.99 price tag much easier to swallow than the regular PPV price. I think they should save the lighthearted stuff for later in the night between more hardcore stuff.

Ehhhh.... Sandow's line about the elbow coming was pretty funny, but the match as a whole kind of fell flat. If Sandow doesn't get whatever message WWE's trying to send him by now, there's something wrong. It's time for a reboot. I say put him in the Real Americans and have them both try to reclaim some of their former glory.

Pretty cool of Jon Stewart to be there.

I'm glad WWE did promos for the competitors for MITB. Even this many years in, it should be a big deal.

That was a pretty good "car crash" match. They did tell a story with all the big bumps, which is good. I wasn't too crazy about the ending, but it protects Ambrose in the loss and adds more heat to his angle.

Good post-match to elevate Rollins. I hope all three members of The Shield have great futures.

It would be weird to turn Orton face vs. Rollins, but I could see WWE doing it. Would fans cheer Orton over Rollins?

You know you're in a "smark" city when they still try to get a Goldberg chant over for a Ryback match. It's time to give that one up. Ryback hasn't been like Goldberg in a while.

Pretty good tag match to keep things going for Stardust and Goldust. I think WWE could have something here.

I love Fandango's referee shirt. He got that gimmick over better than some could. I see him as a face eventually.

Good pre-match stuff between Rusev and Big E. I think it might be time to add something new to Rusev's gimmick. Maybe he could do the Russian national anthem?

Good story told between Big E and Rusev. I don't know what the shelf life for Rusev is or how high he can make it, but it's working out so far. If he doesn't feud with Sheamus for the U.S. Title yet, how about Dolph Ziggler? They worked together in NXT.

Not a lot going on for Layla vs. Summer Rae. There wasn't much reason to cheer Summer Rae as a babyface, and this didn't really advance the story much at all. I'm guessing Miz will come back to team with Summer Rae after their "Marine 4" work.

CENA FINALLY DID IT! I can't believe it! After all these years, he's finally champion! It's been such a long time coming. You get the idea. Cena's a talented guy (who has rather frequent bad promos), but this is REALLY getting tiresome. It's time for something new in the title picture. The match itself was awesome and everyone worked hard. I've just seen more than enough of Cena as champion these past nine years.

More wrestling coming up.

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