Read on for my stabs in the dark of what could be coming for talents in 2015.
To avoid spoiling the winner of British Boot Camp 2, I wouldn't be surprised if more than one member of that case gets a TNA contract in 2015. They're going to need cheap, regular talent going forward.
Abyss - I can definitely see him going for the TNA Title in 2015. He's been there a long time and as far as I know, isn't leaving anytime soon. I don't know if he'll actually win it, though, unless it's a "thank you" reign.
Adam Rose - Will be on the road to being the next Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, etc. of showing up here and there, but not getting a big push.
Adrian Neville - Will get a decent run for himself going. I don't see him breaking through the glass ceiling, but I think he's got a good shot at being a reliable mid-level guy like Kofi or John Morrison. Unless he gets a partner, mouthpiece, or great gimmick, he's limited to his great athleticism. That can only get you so far.
AJ Lee - I wouldn't be shocked if she left WWE once her contract ends (whenever that may be). She's been Champ multiple times, including retaining the title at Mania. Unless she gets some opponents she likes working with (including fresh names from NXT), I don't think she'll stay forever.
Alicia Fox - She's got to be one of the more likely names to be cut in a spring cleaning, as there doesn't seem to be a push on the horizon for her. I think she'll keep being used to put others over/work with younger names for the foreseeable future. They might give her a "thank you" reign with the title, but I don't think she's someone they really want to get behind.
Angelina Love - TNA will get as much as they can from The Beautiful People run, then presumably have her feud with Velvet again. If Velvet leaves, she's more expendable. Then again, TNA needs as many names willing to work for them as possible. They might keep her around as a veteran of the division to work with less-experienced names.
The Ascension - I think they'll do OK, but will probably be just another tag team by the end of 2015. Or feuding with each other, since so many teams do.
Austin Aries - Hopefully TNA Champion. Maybe after Destination X 2015? He's in position to be a staple of TNA in 2015.
Bad News Barrett - Definitely a mid-level champion again. I'd love to see him feud with and/or team with Adrian Neville, but I wouldn't assume that's a given.
Baron Corbin and/or Bull Dempsey will get pushes as hosses on the main roster, even though they'll still be rough around the edges. WWE likes to have a big hoss called up every so often to beat lower-card guys.
Bella Twins - I think they'll retire sooner than people expect unless Total Divas keeps them as the focal point. In the latter case, they'll remain on TV more than other Divas busting their asses to earn that time.
Big E - The New Day will presumably be tag team champions at some point. Then maybe another singles push? He has potential to be a big deal for them if they keep using him and giving him space to improve. Dare I say he can be their next Mark Henry?
Big Show - All over TV. The reign of Show won't be over anytime soon. Probably more big PPV matches and maybe even holding a title.
Bo Dallas - Will continue to do OK for himself. Hopefully he eventually gets some Bo-mentum and wins a mid-level title. Maybe he could recruit at least one Bo-liever and lead a faction?
Bobby Roode - Loses the TNA Title to James Storm, but remains an important part of TNA.
Brad Maddox - Presumably waiting out his contract. How many people remember him?
Bram - Gets a decent push. If there was a TV Title or something, he'd be perfect for him. Maybe they can do a hardcore title for him? That's clearly his niche.
Bray Wyatt - Will Feud for the WWE Title at some point. May or may not win it. I think he's pretty secure.
Brittany (Santana Garrett) - signed to NXT.
Brock Lesnar - I wouldn't be shocked at all if WM31 is his last match for WWE. He'll drop the title then, and probably then disappear.
Brooke (Tessmacher) - Could easily leave TNA for modeling or acting or something, unless she's got a really good deal there. I'm a little surprised she's still there.
The Bunny - I'm assuming he'll disappear by the end of 2015, or be revealed as someone they'll give a so-so push to. I doubt it'll be Neville or Zayn.
Bully Ray - Will probably work HOH, etc.. Could go to TNA with his tail between his legs if he can't get work elsewhere. I don't see there being a huge demand for him from WWE.
Cameron - Divas' Champ? She'll be around a while if she wants to be.
Cesaro - Midcard title matches here and there, but still not getting that big push unless there's a huge swell of fan support for him.
Charlotte - Brought up and has a good shot at winning the Divas' Title.
Chris Jericho - Will make his annual appearance for a few months and work with whom he wants to works with. I highly doubt he'll ever be a full-time guy again.
Chris Melendez - Will do OK for himself as long as TNA has faith in him.
Christian - I can see him making some more appearances for WWE until his contract ends. He's done as a wrestler.
Crazzy Steve - Should have a decent spot for himself in TNA going forward.
Crimson - Will get a shot in NXT. Who knows if he'll make it all that far, though.
Curtis Axel - Will either get yet another reboot, be stuck doing jobs, or be "future endeavored" at the next spring cleaning.
Damien Mizdow - Will feud with Miz and get a decent push as a result. Then maybe a reliable midcard face? Maybe he could have a midcard title, and even be an option to win MITB again?
Daniel Bryan - Will at least attempt to return to where he was on the card. That's easier said than done, though. Is his biggest career moment behind him? To be fair, it would be really hard to top what led to WM30.
Darren Young - Definitely has job security for PR purposes. I could see him going to work in NXT for a time, and be a reliable low-level guy. I think he'll have to catch fire with his work in order to get a push for himself. It's not impossible, but he'll have to show WWE WHY they should push him.
David Otunga - If his contract ends in 2015, I could see him leaving to do other things. Otherwise, he'll probably just continue to be used for PR stuff and occasional cameos.
Dean Ambrose - WWE Champion, unless WWE really drops the ball.
Devon - TNA, HOH, etc., I assume. MAYBE a nostalgia run for the Dudleys in WWE, but that's hardly a given. Or maybe he'd be a guest trainer for NXT? Or be paired with a younger talent trying to find his way?
Dolph Ziggler - Could be WWE Champion, finally. He's got to at least be in the running. Maybe he'll win MITB again?
DJ Z - Will stay with TNA if they can keep making use of him. Maybe X-Division Champion?
Eden - I wouldn't be shocked to see her try her hand at wrestling at the NXT level.
El Torito - Could get a new gimmick. I expect him to have a longer shelf life than Los Matadores, and remain a part of things for years to come. Vince loves using little people.
Emma - Hopefully will remain to do solid work in the Divas' division. I don't know if she'll be safe from spring cleaning, though. They already cut her once, and don't really feature her.
Eva Marie - Will stay as long as WWE can capitalize on her work on "Total Divas". I wouldn't be shocked if she quit if there are easier ways for her to make a lot of money doing very little in the way of wrestling.
Enzo Amore - will at least get a chance to work live events and/or dark matches for the main roster. I think they could try to make him their next Santino, especially if the latter isn't able to return from injury. I'm not sure if Big Cass and/or Carmella will be with him.
Eric Young - A staple of TNA, likely holding gold again.
Erick Rowan - I can see him holding at least one mid-level title. He should be fine for 2015.
Ethan Carter III - If there's ever a TNA TV Title again, he could hold that for a while. I think he's got a good shot of being TNA Champion in 2015.
Fandango - WWE will see what they have with him in his current push, but if push comes to shove and they need to cut someone, he could be someone they don't have enough faith in to keep around.
Finn Balor - WWE will either roll the dice with him or be getting ready to by the end of 2015. I think he'll be sort of where Sami Zayn is now.
The Freak/Rob Terry - It's about time for TNA to try pushing him again. They try every so often. Maybe he could be tag champion with another member of the group?
Gail Kim - Could be Knockouts Champion again. TNA clearly likes her.
Garett Bischoff - Is he even still part of TNA? If not, I don't see them bringing him back. If he's still interested in wrestling and still under contract, TNA might give it a shot again.
Goldust - Could have his last full year in wrestling this year. I imagine he'd want one last feud with Stardust to wrap up his career. 2015 could be when that happens.
The Great Sanada - X-Division Champion again? He could end up disappearing back to Wrestle-1 before the year's over.
Gunner - A definite contender to be TNA Champion by year's end. He's someone to watch in 2015.
Havok - Presumably Knockouts Champion again if she's signed for long enough. Hopefully there will be some new Knockouts this year for her to knock around.
Heath Slater - I think he's got a pretty stable spot for himself. He could even hold gold in 2015.
Homicide - Potentially X-Division Champion. Maybe he'll even surprise us and win the TNA Title at Destination X.
Hornswoggle - Still employed unless he has other irons in the fire and leaves to do those.
Hulk Hogan - Will at least have one more match advertised. It could be a bait-and-switch, though. I wouldn't be shocked to see him used in the buildup to Sting's match at Mania, and maybe even in a GM role?
Jack Swagger - Could be done if his contract ends in 2015. It's not like WWE pushes him except when they need an opponent for someone like Rusev. Maybe WWE will give him another tag team or something, though.
James Storm - TNA Champion. Hopefully the top heel there.
Jeff Hardy/Willow - Will remain in a big role for 2015. After TNA milks everything they can from the Hardys reunion, we could see Willow again. Could be TNA Champion if TNA really needs to move the needle or something.
Jessie Godderz - I guess he'll stay around the TNA midcard. I don't see any big surprises with him coming.
John Cena - Will remain a focal point of WWE. His time's not up yet.
Justin Gabriel - Probably another candidate to be released if budgets are tight, or leaving when his contract's up. I don't see any surprises coming. Maybe a tag team with someone like Adrian Neville?
Kalisto - If Rey leaves in 2015 and they don't try to make Neville a luchadore, Kalisto could get his start on the main roster. Possibly with Sin Cara, but that's not a sure thing.
Kane - Will continue to approach his last match. I can see him taking at least part of the year off as a wrestler to rest after so many bumps. I don't think he's done just yet, though.
Kenny King - A potential breakout star in 2015 if all the stars align.
Knux - If The Menagerie stays around, he's good. If not, it depends on how much TNA needs him. I think he could do alright, though.
Kofi Kingston - They'll probably give him another chance to be a top guy one of these days, but I don't know if he'll ever actually be WWE Champion.
Kurt Angle - Will have a few important feuds in TNA, but I definitely think this is his last full year in wrestling.
Lashley - An important part of TNA as his fight schedule allows.
Layla - Could be close to wrapping up her career.
Los Matadores - If their contracts are up in 2015, I think this could be the end of their WWE runs. I don't see them getting a big push. Could end up doing work in NXT.
Low Ki - Will do some good stuff in the X-Division and maybe elsewhere on the card. I don't see him sticking around if TNA doesn't have good uses for him.
Luke Harper - Potential MITB winner? Has a good chance to have a nice year.
Madison Rayne - Will keep doing the Knockout thing, I guess. I don't see her being a big part of things, but she could be Champion at some point just because there are only so many Knockouts.
Magnus - Hopefully does pretty well for himself in TNA and contends for the title again.
Mahabali Shera - Finds his way into the mix in TNA. How well he does depends on what those in power see in him.
Manik - Should do pretty well for himself, either as part of The Revolution or feuding with it. Maybe a title or two to his name?
Mark Henry - Likely just about to wrap it up as a wrestler. They'll probably bring him out here and there when there's a perceived use for him, but I don't see him being a big part of things for long. I suspect he'll retire in 2016.
Matt Hardy - Will presumably feud with Jeff/Willow at some point. I'd be surprised if he's still in TNA at the end of 2015, unless he has some storylines there he really likes. I'd like to see him feud with X-Division names.
The Miz - I could see him some more mid-level titles. Maybe even an option to win MITB, but I'd be surprised to see him be the WWE Champion again in 2015.
Mr. Anderson - Probably winding things down, but will continue to do fairly well for himself in TNA.
MVP - I wouldn't be shocked to see him become TNA Champion if he wants to keep working there.
Naomi - Could definitely end up Divas' Champion. I think she'll do well for herself.
Natalya - Presumably safe as long as she keeps wanting to wrestle and work with newer Divas. Especially as long as she can be on "Total Divas".
Paige - Will continue to be a part of the Divas' division. Likely in some more title matches, and maybe even winning it again. I think she'll be fine, push-wise.
R-Truth - He's not going to do this forever, but I don't necessarily think 2015 is his last year of being a valuable veteran presence.
Randy Orton - A consistent part of WWE for the foreseeable future. Big matches abound.
Rebel - Will continue to train and do well enough for her experience level. She's got a fanbase.
Rey Mysterio -Will leave when his current contract expires, unless there's some really crazy contract stuff going on.
Rhino - I can see him doing some more work for TNA in 2015, but I don't expect him to be a full-time part of the equation for long unless they really need some hands on board.
Rob Van Dam - Will do his thing, showing up for a few months again to show he's still got it. Maybe make a few appearances in places like HOH?
Robbie E - I'd like to think he'll still work for TNA as long as he wants. Could be a mid-level champion again.
Rockstar Spud - Will do pretty well for himself in his role, and maybe get a decent push out of it. If TNA had a TV Title, he'd be in contention for it. Maybe the first guy to beat EC3?
Roman Reigns - WWE will at least attempt to make him a top-tier guy. He'll headline several PPVs, and quite possibly be WWE Champion (maybe at WM31?)
Rosa Mendes - Will stay as long as she wants, and WWE can use her for "Total Divas". She's got to move on from WWE one of these days, though. She's had a pretty long tenure.
Rusev - At least in the WWE Title picture, but that could be his first loss. Hopefully WWE does good things with him even if he doesn't win the top belt.
(The) Ryback - Possibly a midcard title run or two. I think he's pretty safe. WWE likes the big guys.
Sami Zayn - Hopefully brought up after dropping the title to Kevin Owens.
Samoa Joe - Hopefully a pretty good push for himself, but he could also weigh his options and try to make his mark in other promotions if TNA doesn't have him tied down.
Samuel Shaw - Will get a decent push for himself, if for no other reason than TNA only has so many people to push.
Santino Marella - Will try to return to the ring, at least for a while. He should be set if he's not able to return, though, with his Battle Arts Academy.
Sasha Banks - Brought up, possibly initially as a manager.
Seth Rollins - Will get at least a cup of coffee as WWE Champion. Possibly to end WM31? It's possible Ambrose takes MITB from him and cashes in instead, but I think he's got a good chance of being Champion in 2015.
Shark Boy - Will make fun cameos here and there, but probably won't get a big push. I really want to see Stone Cold Shark Boy go on a tear, but I don't know if TNA is on-board with that.
Sheamus - At least a midcard title or two to his name. Possibly some PPV main events?
Sin Cara - Will presumably remain part of the roster as long as he can sell merch and work with newer talents.
Stardust - Possibly tag team champion again. I can see him splitting off and becoming U.S. or IC Champion. He's got a good future. I don't think this is the year for him to win MITB and the top title, though.
Sting - A big WM31 match against either HHH or Taker, and maybe even some other appearances. Could be the GM figure for a while. I doubt he'll have a regular role after 2015, but you never know.
Summer Rae - Hopefully continuing to do fairly well for herself as a Diva. Maybe she'll be chosen to get a title push as the quest to fill so much TV time continues.
Tamina Snuka - Retirement? I don't see her wrestling all that much longer, even after she's back from injury.
Taryn Terrell - A stable part of the Knockouts division.
Tigre Uno - Will go through the cycle of X-Division talents. I don't think TNA sees him as any more special than the other names there, but he could do well for himself.
Titus O'Neil - I'd like to think he's got a decent chance of keeping a fairly consistent role in WWE, but Management is fickle.
Tommy Dreamer - Will keep showing up here and there in TNA along with some other veteran wrestlers, helping along the fledgling roster.
Triple H - Will presumably have at least one more big PPV match (maybe WM31 against Sting?). He's not going away, that's for sure.
Tyson Kidd - Will continue to be a solid hand used to get others over and have good matches. I assume he'll keep sticking around as long "Total Divas" is a thing.
Tyrus - If he's still part of TNA, I imagine he'll float around the card. Maybe he'll feud with EC3, and be the first guy to beat him? I could see him doing pretty decently for himself
The Undertaker - He's expected to have a match at WM31. I think we could see the set up for him retiring at WM32 in Texas. That'd be the perfect place for him to go into the HoF and hang up the boots.
The Usos - Will continue to be in the hunt for the tag team titles. I assume we'll eventually see them feud with each other, but maybe not yet. I definitely think they'll face The Ascension a good number of times given how much they worked together in NXT.
Velvet Sky - Can continue to be an important part of the Knockouts Division, and TNA as a whole, if she wants to remain there.
The Wolves - They've got to end up feuding with each other) at some point, right? I think they'll keep working TNA (as well as other smaller promotions).
Xavier Woods - I can see him being another "foot soldier" who does jobs once The New Day gimmick ends. Hopefully he'll become more valuable with more experience.
Zack Ryder - At some point, his contract's got to expire, right? I don't know how much longer WWE will keep him around once he's recovered from injury. It's a cycle of him not mattering much because WWE won't use him.
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