Here's a live report from Raw, including what happened after the show. The post-Raw dark segment was fine. Cena had just taken a big beating inside the cage, and Ambrose/Wyatt needed to recover after TLC.
Jim Ross caught up with Droz 15 years after his paralysis. Talk about someone who was dealt a really bad hand in life.
ROH wrestler Jimmy Jacobs was a Rosebud on Raw. He's not under contract for ROH, so he was able to do the appearance. I wonder how the ROH faithful feel about him taking that booking.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Randy Orton is scheduled to return to the ring at the Dec. 26 live event. I'm assuming that means he'll be back on TV by the Rumble.
Here's a longer version of the "Smackdown is moving" commercial. I hope people don't think this is what therapy is really like, and that it's just for crazy people.
Raw's audience dropped to 3.52 million. What does that say about enthusiasm of the product after TLC?
Here's the press release for TNA's new show on Destination America. That's a cool way to use "The Professor".
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. WWE puts a lot of fresh content on there, too. It just makes sense to monetize the vast amounts of old content they have. There's an audience for some of it.
2. It's mind-blowing how they either don't know or don't care about the irony there. Of course, it's all because talents don't "grab the brass ring"; not because of anything the all-knowing Brain Trust does or doesn't do.
3. The gimmick is that they're reinvigorated because they're now working together and refocused. They're talented dudes. It could just be that those names (Kofi and Xavier in particular) have been treated as not mattering for so long, the audience won't buy into them anymore.
4. Honestly, I think Vince is more or less deluding himself at this point. He and the inner circle can spin one narrative that puts the blame on the talent and says every show is competition (except TNA and UFC, although WWE didn't want Punk going to either), but I think it's a faulty one.
5. I think he should probably be a separate induction, but it would make sense for him to induct Hogan, Nash, and Hall.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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