Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
So, who gets suplexed tonight?
It is worth noting Brock got into the contendership picture instead of the person who eliminated him in the Rumble. I'm not complaining about the match we got as a result; it's just kind of a plothole. Then again, Stephanie and Heyman were talking about Brock's contract a lot before the Rumble. Maybe this was part of that.
I love the idea of Brock as something like a minotaur or other seemingly unbeatable mythical creature who can slaughter anyone in his path.
I KIND OF want to see Brock vs. HHH again given the dynamics at play.
Oh boy. I bet WWE's going to get heat for that short bus comment given the work they do for children.
Dude, Ambrose vs. HHH could be pretty wild, too.
The online drama about Lana "having heat" or whatever has been pretty outlandish. I'm sure her being out her tonight is all part of the "Da Vinci Code" of deciphering her "burial."
- Kalisto vs. Rusev:
Rusev makes for a great douchebag bully just doing what he can because he's so physically imposing.
DAMN. That's why you've got to be careful going for aerial offense.
This has been a fun contest between the quick and agile Kalisto vs. the brutal Bulgarian bull.
I liked the Stephanie/Dean/Roman segment for trying to drive a wedge between the former Shield guys. Poor Marty Jannetty is always getting buried.
We can't miss the Bellas if they don't go away. Damn.
The Social Outcasts promo was entertaining in the way those guys are. I still miss Santino, but I'm warming up to these guys.
- Usos vs. Axel/Rose:
I'm glad the Outcasts are getting TV time when they weren't individually. There could be a face group of guys like Sandow, Darren Young, Swagger, and Ryder to feud with them on Main Event and Superstars.
Good match overall to get Jimmy and Jey a win.
I wonder how AJ will do as a promo guy here.
God, they're still playing off the Miz/Bryan thing. I really liked that when it happened, but it's time to move on.
Miz is a natural egotistical dick.
Nice segment to get heat on Miz and set up AJ to show him up. The WWE casuals should pull for the new guy to beat the annoying heel.
- Brie vs. Charlotte:
Are they seriously trying to get us to cheer the Bellas in this scenario? They need to do more to be redeemed as faces instead of just facing the heel.
Mehhhhh. The action itself was mostly good, but I didn't care for the booking at all. They were building to Charlotte vs. Sasha (possibly with Becky involved). I hope they're not shifting gears for the sake of "Total Divas" footage.
Big Show: Then. Now. Forever. There is no hope...
- Show vs. Rowan:
I hope this just becomes a big fight.
I'm really worried we're going to see Show vs. Strowman at Fastlane. That could really be a pain to watch. How about Show/Jericho/Kane/Henry vs. the Wyatts or something like that? That way Strowman could show his strength against the big guys without it being a long, slow affair.
Well, that wasn't a bad post-match. There's definitely something missing without Bray calling the shots for the monsters.
I wish Breeze got a longer promo. He's just another bloke on the roster at this point.
- Titus vs. Breeze:
Titus definitely isn't the most innovative performer. He's fine for a limited role, but he goes through all his repertoire pretty quickly.
I feel like unless this push is leading somewhere for Titus (like a title match), there's no need for him to win so much. Breeze vs. Titus could probably be a fun little feud, but there's no heat to it now that Titus won clean and there wasn't a post-match attack.
Haitch vs. Brock again could be pretty great. I don't blame them for wanting to elevate some full-timers, though. That's desperately needed.
- Ziggler vs. KO:
Speaking of some full-timers who need to be elevated in 2016...
Owens just flat out doesn't care. He's not there to get "this is awesome" chants; he's there to hurt people and win matches.
These two are really enjoyable against each other. I mean, they're usually pretty enjoyable in gneral, but they work well together, too.
Good match and good ending!!
Owens hitting the powerbomb on JBL would pop me HUGE.
I really hope they're not putting Brie in the title picture again right now. Charlotte needs to make her tap on Smackdown.
I think that was a good ending to Team B.A.D. The faction thing definitely ran its course.
- Sasha vs. Becky:
These two are always good for a really solid match.
I can't say I'm surprised Naomi and Tamina turned on Sasha. She needs something to do between now and WM32.
Becky/Sasha vs. Naomi/Tamina works for me.
Jericho cut a really boring face promo. Very "golly gee I sure love wrestling." Has he been taking notes from ROH's wrestlers?
Vince loves bathroom humor...
I miss Little Jimmy. LJ for the Hall of Fame.
I think Golden Truth could be a good team, but I'm kind of split on these comedy segments.
So, yes, New Day can literally make anything entertaining.
Enjoyable promo to shame Rock.
- Reigns/Ambrose vs. Kofi/Big E:
This is pretty good so far. Both duos work together really well.
Big E's hopefully a future WWE Champion. He's just shy of 30. Imagine how good he could be in three or four years.
Really solid match overall.
That was a pretty good ending to Raw, I think. I look forward to Fastlane.
More wrestling coming up.
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