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Friday, September 2, 2016

Impact Wrestling Reax - 9/1/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

- Hardy family opening:
This is the greatest thing in wrestling right now. 

Vanguard-1 has more personality than the majority of ROH's wrestlers and the X-Division guys. One of the best additions to TNA's roster in quite some time as far as characters go.

- Bennett/Maria/Lashley/Moose promo:
You'd think Mike Bennett has dirt on Dixie and Corgan in order to get this level of a push.

I'm ready for Moose vs. Lashley. That should be a WAR.

Lashley burying Bennett not being at his level is pretty much pointing out the obvious, but it goes against the idea of building up the challenger.

Oh, no. I really hope they're not going to have Bennett win via Moose. He's just not a world champion level guy.

I guess we're in for Moose costing Bennett the match leading to Bennett vs. Moose at BFG.That makes sense.

- Matt vs. Steve:
Well this is an interesting start.

I don't know what it says that I prefer a ridiculous biting contest to a match featuring standing shooting star presses, suicide dives, etc., other than the latter being so played out in 2016.

This is a fun war.

As crazy as that was, it was pretty entertaining.

- Steve promo:
The Rosemary's Baby reference got me good.

- X-Division segment:
Blah blah blah. The X-Division as a whole hasn't been good in years now.

- Hardys rush home:
I love this in all its cheesiness. I'm sure Cornette hates it, but that's par for the course for him.What separates this from LU is it's tongue-in-cheek and not trying to be the most epically shot thing ever for serious patrician wrestling fans.

- Ultimate X Gauntlet:
So, wait, someone can win without everyone being entered yet? LOLTNA.

At least the Helms Dynasty are working together.


I would have loved for Spud to win while everyone else was down. That would at least be interesting.

Yo dog I heard you like dives so everyone's going to a dive.

BASED SPUD. Kill all of these jabronis. I actually like Lee as a wrestler, and Sutter's alright, but the division as a whole needs to be dropped. It's a dalmatian version of Old Yeller - time to put down something that used to be great but now is just a bunch of spots.

Meh. That was OK as far as moves matches go. It's a sideshow division, and that's not going to change with DJ Z as champion.

- EC3/Drake promo:
Damn, EC3. Not standing up for Rex is pretty cold.

EC3, Galloway, Drake, and Rex are all former WWE names. They're all good, though, so I'm not really complaining.

- Drew/Corgan/Rex segment:
I guess it was time to turn him heel considering there are only so many matchups to do in TNA.

Forced heel turn. It's pretty much done just because he doesn't have anyone else to face as a babyface.

How to have an edgy promo: call someone a bitch.

Good fight, but they killed why most people liked Sandow in WWE. Edgy shoot promo former WWE guy has been done to death in TNA, and it's a shame Rex is stuck in that mold.

- Reby looks to save Maxel:
Reby has to do her own laundry? What is this crap?

- EC3 vs. Drake:
This is going pretty well so far.

EC3's always really good, but Drake's impressing me as well.

So much for Drake being a title contender, eh?

- Allie/JB segment:
I don't know if Allie's characterization was her idea or someone else's, but she's been a lot of fun in a division where everyone else is really edgy and serious.

- Reby to the safe room:
I actually want to see a Reby/Rosemary hardcore match now.

- DJ Z/Edwards segment:
"Hey, so you like to do flips? How about the two of us do a bunch of REALLY choreographed spots." "You're on."

- Allie celebration:
Now here's a champion we can be proud of.

I'd normally be in favor of the new monster destroying someone, but I'm actually enjoying Allie.

And of course it all has to go back to Gail Kim, the Poochie of the Knockouts division.


Well done heel segment to get heat on Maria and sympy for Allie.

- Maria vs. Allie:
Not nearly enough MOVES. -*****.

Great work between Maria, Sienna, and Allie. That's much more compelling than anything to do with Gail. I hope Allie ends up holding the title again instead of the 587-time Knockouts Champion and Hall of Famer.

- Bennett/Moose segment:
TNA does a really good job with putting together coherent storylines with cohesion and continuity. Taping so much TV at once is likely why, but it's still something to praise them for.

- Reby chases off Rosemary:

That was really funny. People will remember this angle 20 years from now.

- Maria introduces Bennett:
Clever idea to tease we'll see a new Knockouts Champion, X-Division Champion, and World Champion in one night.

- Lashley vs. Bennett:
I really enjoy Lashley killing people in the ring. It's a relief after seeing so many flippy garbage matches.

This is fun with all the involvement and stuff because it's actually like a big fight instead of doing all the moves they can do in order to get ****+ from The Meltz.

Pretty good overall.

- Bennett calls out Moose:
The longer Moose lets him talk, the less I like him.

Hopefully Moose does more destruction to Maria's husband next week.

I'm definitely excited for Delete or Decay. Should be a blast.

More wrestling coming up.

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