Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown special event.
- Kickoff:
- Bryan/Crews/Corbin segment:
Bryan's not the only one who wants Apollo to show something more as a personality.
Corbin's got a point about being left out lately.
- Slater/Rhyno segment:
This is a fun pairing. I love a good "odd couple" team when it's done well.
I'm about to DIE listening to this back-and-forth about Roscoe. I wish more talents got to cut loose like this.
- Alexa promo:
OMG Cotton Candy Harley Quinn Alexa. I didn't know we needed this until now.
That was mostly good. She had to think on her feet a bit, which doesn't always go as well as pre-planned promos.
- Corbin vs. Crews:
Corbin countering Apollo trying to make it into the ring with a right hand was smart. Don't do flips when you don't need to, and you won't get rocked like that.
Nice Northern Lariat spot by Corbin. He's deceptively quick.
These two match up pretty well. Crews is athletic, but can do more than flashy spots. Corbin is a big bruiser, but not plodding.
Oh man, Kurt Angle's Twitter is about to get hacked. Apollo using his move isn't going to go unnoticed.
That was really solid. Both men have got the skills to be successful in WWE.
- Eaton promo:
Oh, come on! They didn't have Miz come out and threaten this little dweeb? That could have been great.
- Backlash:
- Shane/Bryan segment:
As much as I like Shane and Bryan, I hope this isn't just a time-filling long talking segment. Someone needs to do something that advances a story and gets people over.
Yeah, we already know what titles are on the line and what the matches are. We've already ordered the show. Let's just get to it. Maybe they should make Smackdown PPVs two hours?
- Six-Pack Challenge:
-- Fall One:
This is going to be a mess if they don't have to tag in and out. That's a lot of people to pay attention to at once.
Naomi's on the underrated side. She's been impressively athletic since Day One.
I was unsure of Alexa being called up when she was, but she's clearly game to be at this level. I can't say I expected her to pull out a Code Red.
Imagine if Nikki tapped out first. That would really set the stage for a new era not focused on the Bellas.
Tower of Doom made sense there, since it destroyed both opponents.
This is impressive!
As much as I love Alexa, it's OK she went out there. That was a BIG move.
-- Fall Two:
That headscissors spot to the outside was rough. I applaud the effort, but it didn't work out.
WHY WOULD YOU INTERRUPT A PINFALL IN AN ELIMINATION MATCH? I guess she just wanted the credit for herself.
-- Fall Three:
I don't like where this is going.
-- Fall Four:
YES!!! Thank goodness. Good for you, Carmella.
-- Fall Five:
I like Carmella alright, but she's still got work to do before being a believable top woman in this division.
That was the right ending. I think they can do a lot with Becky taking on any and all challengers. She's definitely talented, and I hope she doesn't get pigeonholed as just being good enough to be B-show champion.
- Becky interview:
That was mostly good. She comes across as pretty authentically likeable, as opposed to being a forced character.
- Miz and some Nickelodeon guy:
The line about wanting Cena instead was pretty funny.
- Bray attacks Orton:
I'm not sure I like the implications of this. We'll see what it ends up meaning. If we get Harper vs. Bray instead or something, I'll be OK with it. Otherwise, I'm worried.
- Usos vs. H. Bros:
Complete attitude change from the Usos. I'm glad they're not wearing paint or dancing as heels.
The Usos are like "what is this dude's deal?" when watching Mojo.
Mojo doesn't have a lot of techniques or anything, but he makes the moves and physical attributes he does have count.
Good enough action so far. It's weird to see the Usos working a slower style.
I like the work on Ryder's leg.
Pretty good overall. Nice change of pace from Jimmy and Jey. It might have gone a little longer than it needed to, but they've successfully stretched out a show without a lot of matches on it.
- Slater/Rhyno promo:
Bathroom humor has never really been my thing. It's embarrassing to watch talented performers have to do that kind of comedy.
- Miz promo:
That was mostly good. It's a shame we'll never see Miz vs. Bryan paid off in the ring, but it's for the best. It'll be interesting to see what else happens between those two going forward.
- Miz vs. Ziggler:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I guess that's the C.M. Punk reference I was hoping for.
Ziggler wrestling circles around Miz with that impressive amateur pedigree.
Good aggression from Miz to counter Ziggler's mat skills.
Miz has a good strategy of contorting Ziggler and taking away his abilities to fly around the ring.
I LOVE Miz ripping Bryan off. This needs to be a regular thing.
NICE slingshot powerbomb spot.
As great as Miz making Ziggler tap would be, I'd feel bad if Dolph got schooled by the WWE Champion AND IC Champion in two straight months. He might as well go to the Kickoff show next.
They're really having an epic struggle here.
Fine enough ending to a really good match. I'm glad Miz can continue to be an important heel. Presumably Dolph has an "out" with how he lost and it won't hurt him too much.
- Bray vs. Orton:
Oh. Well. So much for that one.
- Bray vs. Kane:
From bad to worse. I was hoping for Harper, but I guess they were in a pinch. There's been no word of Harper being cleared to return to the ring.
Not having Orton really takes an already short PPV and makes it even more of a struggle to fill time. No Cena, no Del Rio, and now this.
"Just walk around and hit each other with stuff for about 20 minutes."
This isn't bad for an impromptu weapons match. Kane's only got so much left in the tank in 2016, but he's still around for stuff like this.
Pretty cool table spot with Wyatt taunting Orton.
I was really hoping Bray could go for an RKO instead of Sister Abigail. It was the perfect time.
Well, at least Orton's not too hurt to limp to the ring for an RKO.
That was OK. It felt pretty long.
- Styles promo:
Who are these guys and why are they backstage in their wrestling gear? I hope they get some squash match action later in the show. Fine promo, but it was kind of a plot hole.
- Usos vs. Slater/Rhyno:
NICE suplex spot into the big ringpost.
Slater's well-cast as the sympathetic babyface here.
I'm enjoying the heel Usos. They feel like a fresh act to a good degree now.
Rhyno's positioned well to just go out and hit some big power moves. There are ways to showcase older wrestlers well.
SLATER DID IT! Pretty enjoyable babyface moment, and they didn't need 20 highspots to get there.
- Slater/Rhyno promo (again):
I'm glad Heath's finally getting some spotlight after so many years of busting his ass in silly undercard roles. It's a shame Sandow and Cody aren't also getting some love in the brand split era.
- Styles vs. Ambrose:
AJ's got some pretty good trash-talking.
Good back-and-forth and a good mix of styles.
Nice to see people sell a superplex for once.
This is a pretty entertaining war so far. Ambrose is pulling out more wrestling than we're used to from him.
Good story of going after Ambrose's leg.
I like Ambrose's determination. He doesn't need fancy moves to be effective in the ring.
OH MAN. That dive into the ringpost looked BAD for Styles.
That springboard 450 could have been it.
I was all set for a double countout finish.
I'll take it. Big night for AJ Styles. He's had one hell of a run of top titles.
More wrestling coming up.
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