Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Foley/JeriKO/Steph:
Mick's self-deprecation is almost always funny.
I think Jericho and Owens are very talented, but I also think we're seeing a LOT of them. There are talents who are lucky to get on Raw, period. I'd like to see some of them get some more time to shine.
I wish there was a way we could actually get Owens vs. Foley. No way would or should they actually have Mick take bumps, but it's a nice fantasy booking scenario.
I do love JeriKO protesting what Foley's making them go through. They have a point about Roman not deserving another title shot.
I don't generally like talk show segments (they're passe in 2016), but that could be pretty interesting.
Hahahaha Owens has no chill about people who competed in WCW.
Oh... it's Stephanie...
NNNNNOOOOOOOO no Steph/Foley angle! PLEASE!!!
I would TOTALLY watch a match where Jericho has to win despite being banned from ringside. That's some Russo-level genius.
UUUUGGGGGHHHHH ratings talk. Please end this.
Blaaaaahhhhhhhhh ratings.
- Owens vs. Rollins:
As talented as these two are, we've seen this match a LOT.
Good action. Both men really bring the physicality.
HOLY SHIT that cannonball into a barricade.
I'm liking the back-and-forth here.
Big fight with both men going hard.
Not bad at all, and keeps things going.
- Post-match:
Rollins is just kind of in a holding pattern until HHH returns. Just show up at Titan Towers or something, Seth.
- Cesaro vs. Anderson:
Two of the most overrated people in wrestling right now.
Fine enough action.
I like the style both men are bringing out here.
Cesaro's definitely impressive.
Uppercut Man in action.
This is a mess, but it's just there to set up a tag match.
Fine to re-establish The Club as challengers.
- Zayn vs. Strowman:
Oh this should be fun.
Sami's got a strategy here.
Sami needs a weapon to combat this beast.
A force of nature that never says die vs. an indestructable goliath.
OH MY GOD what a counter to the DDT.
I'm liking dominant Braun.
Oh thank God a brawl's spilling backstage. Shades of the Hardcore Title days.
This is fun!!
This is just an all-out FIGHT. Good to see.
Sami's going to be sore as hell. Jesus Christ.
Good God he damn near killed Sami there.
- Post-match:
Braun is a threat. Roman better hold that U.S. Title close!
- New Day/Titus:
I always hate the "hey, we're entering the Rumble match" thing. They should at least say "Foley approved us to enter the match" or whatever instead of just "yep, we're in."
I would pop for Titus joining New Day. Especially if Pancake Patterson came back.
That was silly.
I love the banter here.
Titus is going to look bad if he can't beat Xavier.
- Xavier vs. Titus:
I love the speed vs. power story.
We kind of take Xavier for granted as a wrestler sometimes.
Titus going full HOSS, using his size and power to bully Xavier here.
Thanks for coming, Titus! At least you got on TV this week.
- Steph/Bayley:
I'm ready for Steph to become exclusively a backstage presence. Maybe after WM33 they'll make that change? There's got to be someone they feel comfortable putting in her place.
Bayley needs to "Ronda Rousey" Steph and ask her to DEAL WITH IT.
Bayley and Nia matched up well in NXT. I look forward to this one.
- Cedric/Alicia/Dar:
Cedric almost went Alberto El Patron on his ass.
- Gulak vs. Cedric:
Oh yes we definitely needed yet another announcer.
Nice action going on here.
Both men are talented.
Alicia is a liability!
Hahaha good cheating from Drew.
Hopefully Alicia doesn't get a Cedric tattoo or embarrass her family on social media.
- Reigns vs. Y2J:
Jericho's definitely still got.... IT.
Both men working hard as always. I'm glad Jericho's still able to contribute at this level.
HOLY SHIT what a counter to the driveby. The physicality in WWE these days is intense.
I love Jericho as a cocky douche.
Reigns is continuing to progress as a solid competitor. He's not going away anytime soon. I think he can be their next Orton.
Jericho is just in incredible shape as a worker.
This is solid! Good back-and-forth.
NICE Superman punch.
GENIUS move from Y2J. No wonder he thinks we're all STUPID IDIOTS.
I'm loving it.
That was great! I think both men can be big players at Mania.
- Kendrick vs. TJP:
Both men are talented, and they work together well, but it's time to cycle in some new faces for cruiserweight action.
I love Kendrick's style on display.
Good work by these two as always. They can tell a good story.
Solid, solid work.
- Post-match:
I'm excited to see what's next for Neville. They've made him mean something on 205 Live. He's not just UK Flippy Guy.
- Cass/Enzo:
They've set these two up well as babyfaces after the attacks by Rusev and Jinder.
- Cass vs. Rusev/Jinder:
The numbers game isn't helping Cass here.
Rusev is deadly!
- Bayley vs. Nia:
Charlotte vs. Nia could be pretty good. Maybe we can get a triple threat?
Bayley's going up against a tank here.
Jax destroying Bayley. Nothing pretty about it. Just thrashing the hug fan.
Nia going for the kill.
Good for what it needed to be.
- JeriKO/Goldberg/Heyman/Reigns/Braun:
They're really wearing the Best Friends gimmick thin.
This is pretty tired.
And there's your tease for a Canadian collision in Orlando.
Goldberg and Jericho have history, so that should be fun.
This isn't great.
Way to no-sell someone who beat Brock Lesnar in a flash.
It's going to be a long road to another round of Brock/Goldberg at Mania.
Braun vs. Goldberg could be pretty fun. Fastlane?
Pretty cool double spear ending.
Reigns vs. Goldberg is an interesting tease, but I don't really see it happening.
More wrestling coming up.
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