Read on for my thoughts on last night's special edition of Impact Wrestling.
- Hardys/DCC/Decay:
You'd think they'd line it up to where the briefcases were cashed in for the big named edition of the show.
The Hardys are really wild.
Watch the Hardys dominate two teams.
- Hardys vs. Abyss/Steve vs. Kingston/Bram:
I like the dynamic of Abyss and Steve.
Pretty fun work overall.
It's the Hardys' greatest hits!
Good match for the time it had. The Hardys really have no more mountains to climb in TNA unless they want to both be World Champion at the same time. I'd watch that, honestly.
- Drew promo:
Eager to get in another fight so soon!
- Sutter/Van Ness:
I would think Laurel could get a guy willing to go out with her.
- Drew/Moose:
Oh man, I've missed this guy. He's passionate.
I liked the nod to the Chosen One moniker.
Moose is a pretty good babyface.
- Drew vs. Moose:
-- Round 1:
This is great already. Just two big guys BRAWLING.
Moose rolling all over him.
Oh, MAN. Moose might not need three rounds to beat Drew after that.
-- Round 2:
Hahahah Drew's just getting BODIED here. He's great, but I like seeing Moose go on a tear, too.
BIG Sky High.
Hahaha pretty smart from Drew. We'll see how much docking a point matters.
This is good.
Great heel actions from Galloway.
That was smart.
- More Braxton/Laurel:
Hahahahaha this is pretty fun. Way more interesting than even more Maria/Allie.
- Rosemary vs. Jade:
I love a big crazy hardcore match if it has a good story. Death matches aren't my thing, though.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Rosemary going hardcore on Jade.
Jade's pretty fired up, too.
Good GAWD they're killing each other out there.
BAH GAWD ALMIGHTY ROSEMARY HAS A FAMILY!!!!! That spot on the tacks is terrible.
Smart counter to the mist.
Hey isn't that Abyss' buddy Bob?
OH MY GOOOOOOODDDDDD this is brutal. Like, uncomfortable to watch.
That was just crazy.
- Post-match:
Hahahah Gail taking them both out!
- Even more Braxton/Laurel:
Funny stuff about Laurel's place being nicer.
This is really weird. I just wonder how it's finally going to end.
- Konley video:
Really funny story of being conceived.
I can get behind this guy.
- Z vs. Everett vs. Lee vs. Konley vs. Rockett:
You know the story by now. Everyone does cool MOVES to cleanse out palates after that hardcore madness.
I hope you like cool flips.
Some of this is pretty impressive. Konley brings something new to the table.
- Post-match:
- Wolves backstage:
I like where Davey's character is going.
Oh Davey's going to so turn on the other robot.
- Hardys backstage:
I can only imagine what craziness is next for these two.
- Edwards vs. Lashley:
-- Fall One:
Yeah Eddie I don't think you're going to be able to avoid getting hit for 30 minutes.
This is already a big fight.
BOOM. I'd pop to see Lashley win like 6-0.
-- Fall Two:
I like Lashley doing a chinlock. He can win by not getting pinned for 20 minutes. Eddie's the one who has to pick the pace up.
Hey! The Blue Thunder Bomb is Sami Zayn's move!!
NICE Achilles Lock spot.
OH MY GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD what a suplex to the outside.
Oh, man. Eddie's in trouble.
DAMN. Insult AND injury with that sick powerbomb.
Oh yeah, this one's over.
-- Fall Three:
Haha Bobby just toying with him now.
God. It's a lot of fun to see Lashley throw this guy around.
THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T EXPOSE THE TURNBUCKLE! Come on, man! Don't get bamboozled by the robot.
-- Fall Four:
Lashley's in full-on beast mode.
MAN. It's personal now. Lashley's embarrassed at being pinned.
Good counter to the German suplex.
REALLY good ending there.
-- Fall Five:
I love the drama of a time limit. I don't think every match needs one, necessarily, but I like where things are going.
This is CRAZY. I love the story of the big dominant beast against the flashy, quick athlete.
WHOA. Eddie's survived a lot of punishment.
Lashley's FEELING it. He's not going down without a real fight.
Oh my GOD what a powerbomb. Jesus Christ that was brutal.
REALLY good ending.
-- Fall Six:
I like Lashley playing keepaway. Smart psychology.
NICE for Eddie to catch him with a dive right then. It's not over yet! I can at least respect Eddie's tenacity.
This is a WAR.
That was GENIUS. I liked that a lot better than Davey costing Eddie. One hell of an ending.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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