-- Main Event:
- Dana vs. Fox:
Oh hey, good to see some other females in action.
I hope Noam Dar's watching!
I think they've really dropped the ball on Dana. She's got potential.
Nice work by both athletes; Alicia's great for working with people who are relatively new to the main roster given her experience.
This is pretty impressive!
I'm liking Dana's game here; I wish we got to see more from her.
Fine match!
- Gulak/Ariya/Nese vs. Metalik/Mustafa/Lince:
Fun work early. GM is pure energy.
What makes this different from an ROH clustermess is there are moments where things slow down and aren't just about everyone getting their moves in.
I like Gulak's game; he stands out in the division.
I'd absolutely like to see Ariya Daivari work with his brother at some point. It's a staple in wrestling.
Solid work with some nice flashy moves that aren't the end-all, be-all.
Not bad at all!
Stephen Amell was backstage at Wrestlemania. I wonder if he'd be willing to work with Cody in a company other than WWE. I'm sure someone would set it up if he and Cody were down for it. As for him working in WWE again, I can see that happening at some point given how much WWE likes to use special guests to try to get buzz outside the "WWE Universe."
Neither Paige nor Eva Marie were in town for Wrestlemania. Make of that what you will. Eva Marie seems to be a fairly safe bet of not returning to the company. We'll see about Paige given how she hasn't been cleared to return to the ring at all.
Shawn Michaels talked after Takeover. Man, DX has made quite the legacy in NXT!
Final Fantasy XIV promoted Wrestlemania. I like when WWE crosses over with other things like that. Part of why the Attitude Era worked was connecting with audiences outside the traditional wrestling audience/embracing trends.
Larry Young talked about being a referee at Wrestlemania 11. He'd be a pretty natural celebrity Hall of Famer if they wanted to use him for that.
Kane is being advertised for a film/comic convention appearance in the Middle East, so WWE is at least still using him for promotional work. Amazing that he can go from filling out paperwork to be a mayor to being a scary monster thousands of miles away. I'd love to read a Kane autobiography someday.
Impact Wrestling has officially signed Fallah Bah and Mario Bakara, both of whom recently worked their TV tapings. No word on Idris Abraham being picked up after working alongside the pair in a six-man tag match. The company is definitely trying to use younger, fresh, and cheap talent to replenish their roster. I expect further signings in this vein as time goes on.
Shinsuke Nakamura more or less said goodbye to NXT after Takeover:Orlando. I expect we'll see him on Raw or Smackdown this week.
WWE's Scott Hall documentary will hit the Network Thursday. I'm very glad Scott's doing so well now.
Metallica put over Triple H's music choice for WM33. I bet they got a good payday out of that.
WWE put over their WM33 week business in Orlando. I expect we'll see them back in the area in a few more years.
For my take on yesterday's PWInsider.com questions:
1. I loved it. It built up to a big battle. I definitely prefer fights with personal issues to matches between athletes with no heat behind them beyond "I want to be the best wrestler."
2. The right team won. It was a feel-good moment that will be talked about for a long time. It also balanced things a bit with the heel winning the Universal Title and Taker retiring. WWE knows what they're doing most of the time, even if their choices don't sit well with the people who read dirtsheets.
3. Seemingly the match went from some kind of invitational to being a six-pack challenge with everyone announced ahead of time. They wanted to give Naomi a good rub after going down to injury. Fine by me.
4. Luke was in the Andre battle royal. He did pretty well for himself on the way to Mania, but they decided to focus on Bray and Orton instead of involving the rest of the Family. Fine by me. I'm sure we'll see Luke and Erick involved gong forward. As for Joe, I expect he'll have a big moment on Raw with Finn Balor. WWE is bending over backward with signing/pushing so many "smark" favorites, but clearly that fan base is going to complain about anything and everything the company does.
5. I REALLY don't see WWE acknowledging such explicit material on their show. It's entirely possible we don't see her come back at all, but if she does, they're not going to play up those activities.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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