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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Raw Reax - 4/10/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Commentary tease:
That seems to set up a change in commentary teams. I really hope Byron and JBL don't end up on the same show.

- Miz/Maryse/Dean:
Wow. They're getting right into potential big moves, huh?

Miz beating Cena and/or ruining the engagement would have been huge, but WWE wanted some mainstream press for a heartwarming moment.

Wow, they're making some big switches right out of the gate. I assume Rollins and/or Reigns are going to Smackdown to keep the Shield names separate. I don't think it's been long enough yet to put them back together.

MAN Dean tries way too hard to be goofy. It's probably Creative. It's bad either way.

I'm not really thrilled for more Dean vs. Miz. Putting it on a different show doesn't make it fresh.

- Angle/Zayn/Miz/Maryse:
So, like... are the GMs choosing who's on each show? This is really confusing.

Really contrived way to set up Sami vs. Miz. Instead of Sami demanding respect, Angle just put them together in a match with very little heat.

- New Day promo:
Hahahah this is silly.

- Xavier/Big E vs. Revival:
This is pretty fun early.

As much as I love New Day, I'm not against them being split. They definitely need something new to do.

Good tag team action. More psychology than that international flipfest at SCOH XI.

I wonder how much more they can get out of New Day's act.

The Revival have really put work in to have good chemistry.

I could never see a springboard move again and be OK.

OH MY GOD what a Shatter Machine. That was pretty good. I'm glad Wilder and Dawson are getting some traction.

- Neville/TJP/Aries:
Oooooooh Neville going in on TJ.

Wow. TJ being pushed aside yet again.

Kind of weird. At least they got some character progression, I guess.

- Hawkins/Show:
Oh, God. Really? I guess they want him to work Main Event or something.

The more things change, the more Big Show remains the same. Did that really do anything for anybody?

- Aries vs. TJP:
I have high hopes for this one.

Two men who are at the top of their games.

Pretty impressive athletics, but they're getting a little cutesy.

These two are very talented, but this is more of a showcase of their abilities than a match. I don't like this trend at all, and it only seems to be getting worse.

Not bad, I guess. Both men can tell good stories in the ring, but we didn't get to really see that here.

- Post-match:
Glad to see TJP embrace his inner asshole.

- Rollins/Angle/Joe:
Seth had one hell of a gutsy performance at WM33.

Seth vs. HHH was really good.

I'm very curious what Seth's future will be after what went down with HHH and Stephanie.

NNNNOOOOOOO Stephanie doesn't have to come back, right???

Unless they have a big match set for HHH at Summerslam, Stephanie doesn't need to be back anytime soon. If Angle gets back in the ring, how about getting Jim Cornette as GM? That'd be new and different for WWE.

Imagine Seth vs. Kurt. That would be INSANE.

Oh no. They are setting up Stephanie returning to build to Kurt vs. HHH, aren't they? I'm sure that would be a good match, but it's been done quite a bit and HHH is pretty stale as a heel.

Joe vs. Angle would be great, too.

- Owens interview:
I mean, the U.S. Title and IC Title aren't going to be on the same show, right??

OOOOOOOHHHHH stiff shots at Jericho. I'm curious what will be next for him given his Fozzy tour is coming up.

Hahahahahaha Kevin telling it like it is about Dean.

- Charlotte vs. Nia:
I have a feeling they're doing this because Charlotte is going to Smackdown.

This is fun so far.

Pretty good work between these two. Charlotte's really good, and Nia's really growing into her role well.

This is art.

I loved the rollup following the Flair flip.

What in the fuck was that? A moonsault kick is ridiculous. Stop this "innovative moves" shit.

That was pretty cool! I guess Nia's going to be the top heel here now.

- Balor video:
If I didn't already like Finn, that wouldn't have sold me. It was OK, but it ran the risk of being too "golly gee wrestling is great give me ***** Mr. Meltzer!"

- Balor vs. Mahal:
If Jinder wins, we riot.

Mahal's not bad at all.

Five moves of doom. Fine work to reintroduce Balor, though.

- Bray promo:
Oh.... they're doing a lot more changing around than I expected. Some of it feels unnecessary.

- More shakeup announcements:
I guess we'll see Apollo, Rhyno, and Slater on Main Event with Kalisto on 205 Live. I do hope for more fun segments between Heath and Rhyno. Those were a blast.

- Miz vs. Zayn:
Sami is at a really high level as far as athleticism.

I'm glad Miz is doing something different from what Sami does so the match isn't JUST cool dives and stuff.

Ugh. I love Miz, but it's time to stop mocking Bryan now that they're on different shows. Mock Kurt if anything. That would be AMAZING, actually.

Fine enough. Kind of disappointed Miz lost, but maybe it's a consolation to how much Sami has done the job.

- Roman/Braun:
They seem to be reluctant to say Taker's worked his last match. Could we see him back in the ring at some point?

I like Roman a good deal. He's someone worth investing in if they don't let the tail wag the dog.

Man, Braun's not letting this go.

This is awesome! I love a crazy fight.

NICE. Braun's a real threat.



Ha. They're gong to need to call in the National Guard to deal with Brayn tonight.

- Samson in the crowd:
It's El Vagabundo!! I'm curious to see how he fits into the post-draft landscape.

- S. Stars/Club vs. Hardys/Sheamus/Cesaro:
I wouldn't be surprised to see at least one of these teams moved to Smackdown. Not the Hardys, certainly, but one of the other teams.

I love the Europeans' physicality.

Hahahaha Gallows saving us all from the swing.

Primo and Epico have lasted longer in WWE than I expected.

Fine enough work here. I love a good tag match.

Ahhhh the Hardys in WWE just feels right.

Big win.

- Dana/Emma:
I really hope these two get to do more coming forward.

Dana as a face is just weird. But, maybe she'll take it and run with it.

- Sasha/Bayley/Alexa/Mickie/Nia:
Ehhhh the whole "little kid having her moment" thing is getting stale.

Sasha vs. Bayley would be new and fresh. Keep Charlotte FAR AWAY.

Good to see Alexa get to work with some new opponents. She's been a treat on NXT and Smackdown.

MAN. How many people are switching sides tonight???

Eh. I want to see more of a character from Mickie. I wouldn't mind her being the stalker again; she was great at that. Just don't have her get thrown on train tracks again!

Hahahahaha Alexa making the best of the situation.

That was fun. I'm OK with two women coming to Raw to shake things up. I hope Charlotte at least moves to Smackdown.

- Owens vs. Ambrose:
Ehhhh. I'm pretty tired of Dean. Putting him on Raw won't really change that.

I feel like I've already seen this match 100 times.

Good fight we've got going on here.

Good enough work here.

Mostly good. I've just seen so many of both of them that the well is starting to run dry.

Pretty fun now that it's heating up.

Ugggggghhhh. Not crazy about the ending. I guess Kevin's going to Smackdown.

- Post-match:
Poor Owens. He's fallen down the ladder after Brock and Goldberg took over the Universal Title picture.

More wrestling coming up.

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