Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Angle/Miz/Bar/Axel/Dean/Seth:
Kurt's return was pretty cool.
Wow, they're jumping right into Survivor Series hype! I can't blame them.
Good to see them commit to that many matches so early.
Looks like Bo's still out sick.
Who would take over if Kurt resigned?
Wow. The heels threatening their boss pretty openly.
Nice setup for the main event.
- Dean/Seth/AJ vs. Miz/Bar:
Oh, they're going right into this, too.
This is good already.
The Bar and The Shield always match up well.
It's fresh to see AJ in there with new opponents.
Nice work so far.
I'm OK with a big flippy spot here and there. I know Dean and AJ can pull out more than flashy moves, and Seth is at a pretty high level with his work.
Nice work on Ambrose.
Rollins is always exciting.
Wow. This one's going long. As it should! All these names are good.
Seth is just something else.
This is a lot of fun.
Good match!
- Post-match:
Uh-oh.... someone woke up the beast.
Haha I love Miz and The Bar taking advantage of the odds.
Fun. I'm OK with Seth and Dean being felled by Kane, since they just survived a grueling match.
- Kane/Finn:
Kane vs. Braun could be pretty crazy from a spectacle standpoint.
Damn. That's pretty stiff from the returning Big Red Machine.
So, wait, is Braun still in the garbage truck??
Kane was on Smackdown before randomly returning for this angle, but I guess Angle signed him when his contract lapsed or something. Shane and Bryan are pretty slack with those!
Hmmmm... Demon vs. Demon could be fun, too.
- Kane vs. Balor:
Finn needs a very different strategy than he had against AJ.
This is physical. I like it.
Kane can still be a dominant monster at 50.
I'm liking this.
Finn pinballing around here.
Kane sending a message to Braun here.
I was fine with that, since it took three chokeslams to beat Finn.
- Kurt/Shane:
Two of the craziest bumpers in the business.
Smackdown should get something in return for lending Raw AJ.
I'd pop for Kurt vs. Shane at Survivor Series.
- Asuka vs. Emma:
I used to complain about giving away "PPV" matches on TV, but TV revenue is a LOT higher than the Network and PPV, so it makes sense to make Raw and Smackdown big deals.
Asuka is ridiculously smooth, and Emma works well with just about anyone.
I like the aggression here.
Emma does NOT want to be in the Asuka Lock for long.
Good back-and-forth here.
I'm enjoying this one.
Great work to show what Asuka can do.
- Alexa/Mickie:
Ahhh I love Alexa's arrogance. She's been awesome.
I also love the attacks on the crowd.
I can tell she was a cheerleader with the whole "trying to get people to chant" thing.
Mickie's here to congratulate the champ, right?
Hahahaha nice one.
- Angle/Sasha/Bayley/Alicia:
Right? Alicia has been in WWE long enough to have been on the ECW brand.
Alicia can be pretty funny.
- Elias/Jordan:
Instant cheap heat.
I mean, really. They could have done better than throwing vegetables. Have Jordan play annoying sounds on his iPhone or take selfies with the crowd or something.
I do like the sheer amount of heat Elias can get.
I really hope this is a nod to NXT having sound problems on a show this weekend.
Jason Jordan is a sound tech? Those budget cuts are rough.
- Elias vs. Jordan:
Elias has a pretty solid base.
These two contrast well enough.
I love Jordan's suplexes.
Wow. Jason's pretty fired up.
That's one way to get out of a match you're losing!!
- Brock/Heyman:
Jinder's not a credible opponent for Brock. They might as well make it a handicap match with the Singhs. And Sami Zayn. And Rusev. You get the idea.
Heyman eating Jinder alive.
Oh, man. Burying Smackdown's status, too.
I like Heyman's style.
I mean, damn. Jinder's getting BODIED.
This is GOLD.
Nice work. Jinder's going to have to really step it up to look like a threat.
- Kalisto interview:
Fine, Kalisto. Lose again!
Obvious setup for a cruiser elimination match at Survivor Series. Works for me.
- Bayley vs. Sasha vs. Alicia:
I like Alicia starting hot. She's definitely the underdog here.
Alicia is like the queen of the Northern Lights suplex.
That's not fair! They're teaming up to beat Alicia!!
Sasha's pretty good.
Bayley's solid, too.
Alicia has intermittent spells of crazy.
Good work from these three.
HAHAHA Alicia using Bayley's own finisher.
Nice counter to the scissors kick.
Good surprise ending. This will be interesting... I guess they didn't want to sleight either Bayley or Sasha by having one be the captain.
- Gulak promo:
OH MY GOD Drew is gold here.
HAHAHAHAAHAHA that was great.
- Kalisto/Mustafa/Metalik/Swann/Cedric vs. Enzo/Gulak/Ariya/Nese/Dar:
Wow. Kalisto has a grudge, huh?
Yep, it's the "everyone come in and do a few moves" problem of a tag match this big.
HAHAHAHA good use of Gulak.
Solid enough work for a crammed ten-man tag.
I love heel Enzo.
I do like Kalisto getting revenge here.
This is going well now.
Pretty flashy sequence to end things.
- Raw vs. Smackdown:
It's funny they just completely ignore Raw and Smackdown talents facing off in the Rumble.
Oh, I like this!! Shane didn't come alone!
As brave as Kurt is, facing that many people alone is pure crazy. I don't blame him for retreating.
Oh this is fun already.
Wow, Smackdown. Rude.
Do backstage workers get drafted to Raw or Smackdown, too? Are we going to see a makeup competition next month?
Wow. Smackdown had a clear plan to cause some chaos.
This is great! I love a big crazy brawl.
I mean, damn. Everyone's getting involved!
This is pretty cool. Smackdown's making a statement!
I really want to see Kurt vs. Shane now.
That was really well done. Hot start to the road to Survivor Series.
More wrestling coming up.
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