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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Raw Reax - 10/31/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Angle/Stephanie:
Shane pulled out a pretty devious side last week. Kevin Owens would approve.

Oh no. This angle just went from treat to trick. I haven't missed Stephanie at all.


Ehhhhhh. I'm interested in there potentially being a new GM, and I definitely like seeing Kurt in the ring again, but they really threw Kurt under a bus after building him up at TLC.

Stephanie always has to go over someone. It's bad for business.

- Kurt/Miz/Bo/Axel:
I'm glad someone's upset at a superstar arriving late. It happens too often.

Glad to see Bo back!

Kurt dropping Miz from Raw would put him in a bind given his history with Daniel Bryan. Miz should probably slow his roll here.

- Alicia/Bayley/Nia:
I'm glad to see Alicia get some prominence.

I'm curious what the booking will be like for Nia going forward.

- Nia vs. Bayley:
Good work so far.

Nia's looking strong again.

Good Vader Bomb counter.

Both sides doing good work here.

I liked that!

- Post-match:
I like this angle so far.

- Joe promo:
Wow. A lot of people coming back on this show!

Ha. Joe going right back to being a heel. I like it.

Fun work.

- Joe vs. Crews:
Joe making up for lost time here!

This could be one heck of a match if they got time.

I'm liking this a good deal.

NICE counter to the big powerbomb.

That was really smooth and efficient.

- Post-match:
Umm, Titus, I don't know if you want any of the Samoan Submission Machine.

Joe choking people out left and right.

- Miz vs. M. Hardy:
Matt getting a surprise win would be good. He could use something interesting going on without Jeff around.

Fine so far.

Miz is pretty crisp here.

I love the interference.

This is good so far. Two veterans telling a nice story.

Really solid back-and-forth here.

That was pretty good!

- Kurt/Alexa:
Haha Kurt sees right through her.

Wow. That's pretty cold, Alexa. Wasn't getting rid of Emma and Summer enough?

That really backfired on Bliss.

- Asuka vs. Cullen:
Asuka ripping right through this girl.

I'm liking this a lot.

Asuka just killed her. That was solid.

- Angle/Bryan/Kane:
Daniel's probably here to ask how Kurt got cleared to compete when Bryan can't!

Ooohhh... I like the tension between Bryan and Shane.

That was interesting.

AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA Bryan's been in the dark this whole time.

Damn. Raw was ready for Round Two. Daniel better look out.

Ooooooohhhhhh....... so much for a Team Hell No reunion.

- Finn vs. Cesaro:
Uggggggghhhhhhh another match thrown out with no build because "they're just there to do good wrestling." I see why ratings are down!

Good work early for the feeling out process.

Cesaro's a good worker. I just wish he had more of a character.

Nice physicality so far.

This is pretty impressive.

NICE Gorilla superplex.

I like the counters here.

That was really impressive!! Both men are good.

- Post-match:
Kane is absolutely making up for the time he was away being a mayoral candidate.

Demon vs. Demon could be cool.

- Rollins vs. Kane:
This is a nice callback.

Seth's doing a good job feeding for his larger opponent.

This is solid work so far.

Seth is going all out to make this one a big contest.

Damn. Kane looks pretty unstoppable here against a guy he's old enough to have fathered.

Lots of movement from Seth here.

Not bad to continue to build Kane for presumably his last run.

- Post-match:
I mean, damn. They want us to remember when Kane could kick ass, huh?

Nice destruction by Kane. I know some people are going to HATE how they booked Seth and Dean here, but I think they'll be OK in the long run.

- Miz/Bo/Curtis:
Braun The Dumpster Strowman!

Braun could kill all three men.

- Miz/Kane:
I'd hope Kane remembers something that happened a few weeks ago. He's 50, not 80!

I'm probably one of the few people looking forward to Kane vs. Braun.

Fun segment.

- Slater/Rhyno vs. Club:
Oh my God Rhyno's costume. I'm dying.

I have a feeling Luke and Karl have wanted to wear these outfits in a WWE ring for a long time.

Silly work, but I like it.

That pumpkin-head spot was fun.

This is weird. Going from pure comedy to beating the crap out of each other with real weapons.

That was a nice ending. I know people are going to throw Karl and Luke in the "BURIED" pile with Seth and Dean after that, but it was a goofy holiday match. I wouldn't read anything into it.

- Miz/Bar/Bo/Axel:
This has been kind of an odd edition of the show.

Damn. So much for Miz's alliance!

- Elias/Jordan:
More silliness.

OK segment overall.

- Miz/Curtis/Bo/Angle:
I can't blame Kurt for wanting his employees to stick around all night.

- Enzo/Gulak promo:
Gulak is gold.

Drew is routinely hilarious.

- Kalisto vs. Gulak:
Jesus Kalisto save some flips for 205 Live!

That was barely a match.

- Post-match:
That's how the champ treats haters.

- Miz/Bo/Axel:
Miz should call USA Network and tell them to end the show early.

- Alexa vs. Mickie:
I like the roughness here; this isn't just a battle to see who's the better competitor.

Mickie's still got it at 174.

Pretty solid so far.

Mickie's absolutely an accomplished competitor. I'm glad she's back.

I mean, wow. Good work from Mickie here.

Disappointing ending. It felt out of nowhere.

- Miz/Bo/Axel/Braun:
Time for another WWE Films production.

Wait. Isn't Braun late, too??

Miz might need to call Ryan Cabrera and some other friends if he's going to get by Strowman tonight.

Oh man, Axel.

Curtis would probably have whatever Bo's spreading than this ass-kicking.

Nice destruction to close the show.

More wrestling coming up.

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