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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Raw Reax - 11/13/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Stephanie/Kurt/Shield:
Uggggghhhhhhhhh. The worst part of seeing Stephanie is knowing she's almost definitely going to be a figure on WWE TV for a LONG time to come, past when a lot of people on the roster now have retired.

Stephanie just running Kurt down.

... and running Jordan down, too. I don't like this at all.

Oh man. This is brutal.


At least Roman can fire back. Jesus.

Phew. I hope that settles that.

- Bayley vs. Dana vs. Mickie:
Pretty sure I've never seen a three way test of strength.

No way does Dana win this. Heck, Alicia might not even make it to Survivor Series with Paige back.

At least Dana gets some offense in!

Fine work so far.

I was just waiting for the superplex to turn into a Tower of Doom spot.

Wow. Not sure Dana wants Asuka as an enemy. Didn't she learn that in NXT?

That was good! I wouldn't be shocked to see Paige replace Asuka to set up Asuka vs. Dana at the PPV.

- Enzo/Gulak promo:
These two are great together.

Ahhh I hope we get more of this on 205 Live.

- Enzo/Gulak vs. Tozawa/Kalisto:
Nice start.

Everyone's doing what they do well here.

I like the combination of Tozawa and Kalisto. They complement each other well.

Not bad at all!

- Team Angle backstage:
Oooooh there's potential for The Club to get a leader out of that match. Joe working with Luke and Karl would be interesting, although he shouldn't need those two to be destructive.

I'm a little surprised Braun vs. Kane isn't happening at Survivor Series, but maybe they're saving that for the Royal Rumble.

- MizTV:
Hahaha Miz just taking the piss out of Baron here. There's a difference between banter and burial. For one, Baron can fire back. Stephanie's opposition doesn't get to do that often.

The Bar have made it.

I hope we never hear "B Show" again. It's gotten SO old over the years.

Good work from The Bar here.

I want to see Miz vs. Angle so bad. Miz can steal his moves like he did Bryan's.

That was good!

- New Day responds:
Wow. They didn't even wait until they were back on TV!

- Bray vs. Jordan:
So, if Bray wins, does he get Jordan's spot?

This is an interesting combination.

WOW. Nice overhead suplex.

So I guess we're all just going to forget the Sister Abigail thing now? I think a lot of fans would like to.

Not bad! Glad Jason got a win like that.

- Post-match:

- Angle/Jordan:
I think this one might be up to the WWE doctors.

Jason trying to win at Survivor Series with a broken freakin' ankle.

- Brock/Heyman:
Brock vs. AJ should be really good.

AJ is definitely someone who can "go" with Brock, but that doesn't mean he won't go down to eight German suplexes and an F5.

Heyman really putting AJ and Finn over. Not very heel-like, but it's good to see.

I like the build here.

I wish others could sell matches like Heyman does. Vince should take note for creative to follow suit.

That was one heck of a promo.

- Miz/Bar vs. Shield:
Good start between Seth and Cesaro.

I'm liking this so far.

Seth and Dean are really smooth together.

I love Miz's heel tactics.

Good work with everyone here.

Wow. Even Bo and Curtis in trouble here.

I'm enjoying this. The Bar, Dean, and Seth have really performed well.

The Bar vs. Seth and Dean has really been good any time we see it.

This is all solid work.

Nice counter to the spear.

Loving the teamwork here.

That was a really good ending sequence. Really solid match.

- Kane promo:
It's still weird seeing Kane after the assumption he had retired to be a politician, but I've mostly enjoyed his work, so I'm not complaining. As long as the ending is good.

- Angle/Jordan/Stephanie/HHH:
Oh man. This has got to to be tough, although Jason and Kurt went 29 years without knowing each other.

Man. Poor Jordan.

This is good so far.

GOD I hate Stephanie's character. It's like they have to write things specifically in a way to put her over.

OH WOW. Things really did escalate, huh?

Hahahaha that's our Triple H! Jason who?

So, how long until "Creative has nothing for Jordan" and they don't know why he's not seen as a top guy?

- Finn/Joe vs. Club:
Haha. Joe just not interested in this "tag team with Balor" thing.

I like the action so far.

Gallows and Anderson work together petty well.

The Club is doing a good job pressing their advantage.

This is pretty fun.

Finn and Joe make a really fun combination.

That was AWESOME. Good ending.

- Post-match:
Joe is his own man. I like it.

- Alexa promo:
I love her arrogance.

Alexa on Raw AND Smackdown this week? Um, YES!

- Kane vs. Braun:
I love a hoss fight!!

Kane has been in some insane situations during his WWE tenure.

Braun's strength is just insane.

That superplex would have been a CRAZY bump.

HOLY SHIT!!!!!! That was a good ending.

More wrestling coming up.

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