Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw and Smackdown brand WWE Network special.
-- Kickoff:
- HBK on the panel:
That's a nice surprise!
I'm skipping most of the panel stuff to get to the actual matches and angles.
- Becky et al.:
We'll see how big the Smackdown bond is.
Tamina vs. Nia has been an intriguing match for a while now.
- Alexa/Charlotte:
They're already setting up an out for Alexa to lose - she's only had five days to prepare for her opponent!!
I like this banter.
This is a good angle, as the two of them have been kept apart for so long it's a fresh match.
- Elias promo:
I was hoping for a big battle royal, but I'm not complaining about getting what we're getting.
- Elias vs. M. Hardy:
Good start.
I like the work here.
Elias is getting better. Working with someone like Matt will do that for you.
Fine match to start things off for the show.
WOW. Didn't expect Elias to win, starting the night off with a heel victory.
- Miz interview:
I love this guy.
Miz can absolutely be a top guy again. Obviously he doesn't do the kinds of things in the ring that Finn, Seth, etc. can do, but he carries himself like a star.
YYYEEESSSSS taking credit for the Raw team despite not even being on it. BASED heel.
- Enzo promo:
I love that it looks like they're feuding over a cake.
- Enzo vs. Kalisto:
I like Kalisto going for the win early. He's obviously got the skill and technique advantage.
I mean, damn. Kalisto looks game here.
Enzo's gameplan is pretty much entirely "keep Kalisto from doing flippy things."
Kalisto is really solid here. Good to see him in this kind of context.
OK, Kalisto was absolutely the better wrestler there and Enzo's win wasn't believable. That said, not complaining at all that Enzo's going to continue being champion.
- Owens/Zayn/Breezango:
I can see why these two are upset they're on Kickoff in a match announced the day before the show.
Haha trying to get Breezango to investigate. I like it.
That was mostly entertaining.
- Sami/Owens vs. Breezango:
Haha. Fun start.
Breezango winning clean would be a tragedy.
This is going well so far.
Breezango getting in more offense than you'd think given how successful Sami and Owens have been in WWE.
Not bad at all!
- AJ/Jinder:
AJ vs. Lesnar could be pretty fun.
This should be good!
I get a feeling Jinder's going to cost AJ the match.
-- Survivor Series:
- New Day promo:
It's definitely a fan dream match.
I like New Day insinuating The Shield stole their idea.
Pretty good.
- Shield vs. New Day:
Oh dear God five commentators????
Nice start.
I like the big guy vs. big guy action.
Big E vs. Roman was fun.
Nice teamwork from The Shield.
This is pretty good!
Oooooohhhh that missed dropkick from Kofi.
New Day delivering a LOT of kicks here.
Wow. Big spots from both sides here.
I liked the work with Dean on the turnbuckle.
Rollins going all out as always.
I'm shocked they're letting Seth do the buckle bomb again. That move's dangerous.
Roman was THIS close to beating Xavier there.
Man. Both sides getting close as every man works hard here.
Rollins and Ambrose had quite the finisher showoff there.
This is a WAR. I like it.
WOW. Big E with some amazing strength there.
Nice Midnight Hour spot.
It just keeps on going!!!
That was absolutely incredible. Great work from everyone.
- Stephanie/Raw women:
Oh, no. Another segment where Stephanie is more important than the wrestlers.
This is a good motivational speech.
That was actually pretty good.
-- Raw women vs. Smackdown women:
- Alicia/Bayley/Asuka/Nia/Sasha vs. Becky/Natalya/Tamina/Naomi/Carmella:
I like the captains starting off.
Yeah, I think Alicia might be outclassed by Becky here.
Becky dominating so far.
That was a clever first fall, although it's a shame Becky's done this early.
- Alicia/Bayley/Asuka/Nia/Sasha vs. Natalya/Tamina/Naomi/Carmella:
Natalya showing why she should be the captain with that start.
I'd let Asuka stay in and keep kicking, but whatever.
I'm liking all the tagging here.
Wow. Bayley on a roll.
Nice teamwork to eliminate Bayley.
- Alicia/Asuka/Nia/Sasha vs. Natalya/Tamina/Naomi/Carmella:
Nia is like the new version of Tamina.
WOW. Nice cannonball from Nia.
Dang. Nia has surpassed Tamina.
Lana with the assist!
They've done a good job making Nia a threat here.
Not bad!!
- Alicia/Asuka/Sasha vs. Natalya/Tamina/Naomi/Carmella:Naomi trying to capitalize on the advantage.
Naomi vs. Alicia is pretty good.
That was nice!
- Asuka/Sasha vs. Natalya/Tamina/Naomi/Carmella:
Sasha's got her work cut out for her...
- Asuka/Sasha vs. Natalya/Tamina/Carmella:
Carmella beating Asuka would have me break my computer in half.
Hahah Carmella's in trouble.
OUCH. Bye, Carmella!
- Asuka/Sasha vs. Natalya/Tamina:
I'm surprised Tamina has lasted this long.
I like what Sasha's bringing here.
Some really solid wrestling here.
Wow. Good work eliminating Sasha.
- Asuka vs. Natalya/Tamina:
Smackdown just might get the win!
NICE elimination of Tamina. Glad Asuka's getting a spotlight here.
- Asuka vs. Natalya:
This should be good.
That was awesome! Good win.
- Stephanie/Bryan:
Uggggghhhh. Non-wrestlers feuding.
Wow. They're still going over things from years ago.
Ooooohhh... nice intrigue to get Bryan thinking of being able to replace Shane.
- Miz vs. Corbin:
I like this start.
Haha. Don't mess with Miz's wife!
Russo would book Maryse to join Baron and get him the win.
I like the physicality here. This is a personal feud.
Nice use of Bo and Curtis.
I like the focus on the knee.
Miz is really underrated.
Miz is pretty impressive here.
I would have bought Miz winning with that rollup.
Miz almost working like a babyface here.
That was a good ending!!
- Post-match:
Not bad.
- Heyman interview:
Paul can sell just about anything.
I love the insinuation AJ shouldn't have become WWE Champion because it means being victimized by BROCK. LESNAR.
- Usos promo:
That was pretty good.
- Bar vs. Usos:
Good start from Sheamus.
I like the teamwork from the brothers.
Good physicality.
I'm impressed with this one.
This is heating up well!
The Bar make a really smooth duo.
Nice Swiss Death spot.
The Usos look pretty game here.
Both sides going hard here.
This is going well!
I was OK with the goofy swing on this show, since he hasn't been using it as much.
I'm really liking this.
Another match that keeps on going with more and more action.
That was a great ending! Lots of fresh action on this show.
- Jordan interview:
Jordan got absolutely thrown aside here. I hope he at least goes after HHH.
- Alexa vs. Charlotte:
I love troll Alexa.
Good work so far. It's clear who's the face and who's the heel.
I love Alexa's strategy here.
Nice athleticism on display.
I like each lady stopping the other from hitting a top rope move.
I'm liking this.
Oh wow!!! Kicking out of Natural Selection is a big deal.
This is pretty fun.
That was pretty good. I can't wait for more between these two.
- Jinder promo:
Jinder might not have much left of AJ to face after this next match!
- AJ vs. Brock:
I'm thinking seven German suplexes and one F5 to beat AJ.
Oh I'm already loving the power on display.
I enjoy Suplex City.
Brock just brutalizing AJ here.
This is good.
Nice counter to the tornado DDT.
Holy SHIT what a counter to the Forearm.
Styles is going pretty hard.
HA. No Styles Clash for Brock.
DAMN. That's one way to counter the Calf Crusher.
Another good counter to end things. Brock's dominance continues. I'm curious how they're going to have someone beat him for the title.
-- Raw men vs. Smackdown men:
- Angle/HHH/Braun/Joe/Finn vs. Shane/Orton/Shinsuke/Roode/Cena:
Shane is one crazy SOB.
I loved Orton vs. Joe. Each man had the other scouted.
Ha. Fun work with Finn and Shinsuke.
I'm enjoying all this action so far.
HHH getting to work with some of his big signings.
Roode reminds me of HHH.
Roode vs. HHH was fun while it lasted.
Roode vs. Angle is a blast from the past.
Angle still pulling out those suplexes.
This is quite the match!
I'm liking all of this.
Strowman has no time for strong style.
- Angle/HHH/Braun/Joe/Finn vs. Shane/Orton/Roode/Cena:
Roode vs. Strowman is pretty fun.
Good work.
- Angle/HHH/Braun/Joe/Finn vs. Shane/Orton/Cena:
Hahahaa things breaking apart for Raw.
Pretty fun sequence.
Cena and Orton vs. Braun is really cool.
Smackdown might want to call Kane to help them here.
NICE spot putting Braun through the table.
Shane could have been ruined with that Coquina Clutch.
This is pretty fun.
Haha Joe and Finn not getting along.
Lots of attitudes adjusted here!
- Angle/HHH/Braun/Finn vs. Shane/Orton/Cena:
Oh wow. Cena vs. Angle is a nice callback.
Good back and forth here.
NICE counter to the Five Moves of Doom.
Pretty chaotic work there. I'm loving all the action.
- Angle/HHH/Braun/Finn vs. Shane/Orton:
Oh Smackdown's in trouble.
Orton vs. Finn is pretty good.
Orton might just have enough RKOs to win this.
- Angle/HHH/Braun vs. Shane/Orton:
HHH vs. Orton is another callback. A lot of history in this match!
Sami and Kevin willing to sabotage their own show. I mean, what does the winner really get anyway??
Man. Smackdown sinking themselves at this point!
Ohhh yeah. Smackdown's done.
- Angle/HHH/Braun vs. Shane:
Umm, Shane might NEED a chair to bea these three.
Um, Hunter, I might have let Braun take that one.
Haha Shane might just beat his opponents if they can't get along!
Shane's giving it a shot!
Oh, Shane's screwed.
That ankle lock's got him.
Well that was pretty petty from The Game.
- HHH/Braun vs. Shane:
Kind of an odd end to the match. I'd pop for HHH vs. Braun, though.
- Post-match:
Ohhhh shit. HHH crossed the wrong guy.
I'm VERY glad Braun didn't take the Pedigree for the show to end with HHH standing tall.
Oh yeah, Braun's going to be in trouble for this.
That was good!
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