Don Callis legitimately cracked a rib before the big Codebreaker spot when running over a railing as part of a separate angle.
Lucha Underground talents have begun canceling scheduled dates in order to work season four tapings. This was expected once taping dates were finalized; LU is letting talent work more outside dates when not taping TV, so things kind of even out on that front.
Dean Ambrose only suffered a partial triceps tendon tear, so his recovery time won't take as long as initially worried.
Batista remains committed to returning to WWE for a final run of six months to a year, including live events. It could be difficult to work out with his Hollywood commitments. Batista was being considered for the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame class, but that will be held off if they think he'll come back to regular action.
Goldberg and the Dudleys are being considered for the 2018 Hall of Fame class. I'd be surprised to see them induct someone actively working for ROH. We'll see how that goes. A lot of WWE workers want Jim Johnston inducted, too. All those names are deserving.
Jinder Mahal recently confirmed he tore his right labrum in September. He worked through it, although it affected the amount of weight he could lift. I see why he wanted to continue the biggest opportunity of his career by far. I hope it was the right move, long-term.
WWE tested out virtual reality cameras at Clash of Champions. I'm still waiting for hologram wrestling.
WWE has filed a claim for $6,105.40 against Raven and Buff Bagwell for court costs for the case that was resolved. So not only did Raven and Bagwell not get any money out of the settlement, they actually owe WWE as a result:
The Rock's "Fighting With My Family" is done with the editing stage. There are plans to do an advance screening during Wrestlemania week. So, it's really good Paige is back in WWE's good graces.
WWE did more animated holiday versions of their superstars. Eh.
Daniel Bryan discussed WWE not clearing him to wrestle:
- It's a difficult call given what we know about the effects of many concussions now.
- There is an argument to be made about him being cleared by so many other doctors and other tests.
- It's definitely interesting he's regularly doing kickboxing and jiu-jitsu.
- Diagnosing CTE in living people would be HUGE. Wow. That could really change a lot of things for wrestling. There's a legitimate argument to be made about wrestlers being able to work if they're aware of the risks and release the company of responsibilities, but WWE surely doesn't want wrestlers having negative health issues in the public eye when it could be prevented.
Enzo Amore freestyled during a media appearance. He needs to have a concert on "205 Live" at some point.
WWE had an action figure match between Shawn Michaels and Randy Savage, with Shane McMahon as the special referee. OH MY GOD. That was amazing. This definitely needs to be a regular thing.
Alberto El Patron has released exclusive merchandise to help Mexican earthquake victims. Alberto is also putting together an event on January 20 to benefit victims. That's incredible. Very nice moves from the former multiple-time world champion.
Gail Kim gave an interview. I'm glad she's around to structure the Knockouts division.
Next week's Raw and Smackdown Live will be commercial-free for their first hours, likely a combination of trying to keep viewers and companies not being as eager to advertise on the holiday.
Taz's current radio show will continue with the addition of his new duties. Live episodes of "The Taz Show" will resume in January, and the series will likely air later in the day than it currently does. He's got great things going for him here.
Vince McMahon sold $100 million worth of WWE stock (!!!!) to fund Alpha Entertainment, the independent company behind his proposed football venture. WWE shareholders responded to the big move by selling a lot of stock, dropping WWE's value in the marketplace. That's not really surprising; he's got a tough time selling this given how the XFL went.
- WWE released a statement confirming Vince will retain his current positions in the company. Vince still has a very large stake in the company. The obvious question is how he'll be able to handle all those responsibilities at 72, and the obvious answer is HE'S VINCE MCMAHON, DAMMIT!
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. It's almost like the JBL story was misreported and blown out of proportion! Ranallo is more comfortable working NXT's style and schedule than the more high-pressure, heavily-produced roles on the main roster.
2. I'm under the impression it's still being investigated.
3. I'm very glad he's around!
4. That's probably still being determined. It could depend on how many "outsiders" they can get to work the match, and how many NXT stars they want to use.
5. They're still in the early goings with the endeavor.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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