Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Angle/Jordan/Roman:
I like jumping right into what matches are set.
Glad Jason is grabbing the brass ring on Raw.
Oooh... Roman dissing Jason.
Damn. Reigns throwing down the gauntlet!
I like cocky dick Roman Reigns.
Man. Jason might get his ass kicked by two people tonight!
That was bold from Jason.
And it paid off! Good work.
- Roman vs. Jordan:
I like the contrast between the technician and the brawler.
This is good!
Jason's wearing him down!
Roman is the king of clotheslines.
Jason's doing pretty well here!
At least he didn't go down to one Superman punch, but we're now at a point where Roman's "finishers" aren't very lethal.
That was pretty good!
- Post-match:
I like Jason's guts.
I like this.
- Angle/Jordan/Joe:
Man. Jason going for all kinds of matches here.
I hope Jason steps up against Kurt at some point.
Oh, Jason, you messed up, man.
- Paige vs. Sasha:
I didn't think we'd see Paige in a WWE ring again. I was WRONG.
Sasha bringing Paige back to the ring the hard way.
I'm liking this.
Good back-and-forth so far.
Good to see someone new in action in this division.
Sasha's game to beat the former champion.
Paige isn't getting very technical, but she's doing a number on Sasha.
This is going well!
Ha. I was wondering how long it would take for the two sides to come to blows.
Not bad at all!
- Post-match:
Nice statement from Absolution.
- Angle/Elias:
Elias is doing better than I expected.
Elias gonna get Angle slammed if he's not careful.
- Zo Train backstage:
- Cedric vs. Nese vs. Gulak vs. Mustafa:
Fine start.
Ouch. Can't hit a 450 if your knee's wonky.
I like Nese and Gulak as a duo.
OH MY GOD that spot with Nese on the turnbuckles. That was the best.
This is going well!
This has been pretty solid.
Of course we got a Tower of Doom spot. Uggghhhh.
I like the tension between Cedric and Mustafa.
NICE C4 spot.
I'm liking how this is laid out.
HAHAHAHAHA nice ending.
- Post-match:
WOW!!! Gulak even has a presentation set for this! He's crazy prepared.
- Elias song:
Elias and Bray would get along.
- Elias vs. Braun:
Be careful what you wish for, Elias!
Enjoyable so far.
HA. You're going to need a bigger guitar!
- Post-match:
Elias gonna get BRAUNED.
- Kane promo:
I like this a lot more than "I'm here to win matches and take championships."
- Shield promo:
Actually kind of funny nod to Dean's absence last week.
Technically, he just knocked Cesaro's teeth further back in his gums (OOOUUCCCCHHHHH).
- Alicia promo:
I miss when Nia was beating random jobbers and they had goofy promos before the match. Maybe they don't want another James Ellsworth situation happening where someone set for a bit part ends up getting a real contract.
- Asuka vs. Fox:
Asuka ragdolling Alicia.
Alicia has a death wish!
- Post-match:
I like psychotic Paige.
HAHAHAHA good setup.
I liked that!
- Finn vs. Bo:
Weird to think both men are former NXT Champions.
Finn's got some great kicks.
Honestly, Finn could beat both men.
Balor is really smooth.
Pretty good work!
- Bray/M. Hardy:
Someone unfamiliar with this character has got to be wondering what he heck has happened to Matt.
Imagine someone seeing this during their first time watching a wrestling show.
There are definitely parallels between these two.
- Seth/Dean vs. Bar:
Good start.
I love both sides' teamwork.
I liked Cesaro saving Sheamus from the flip.
I like mat work. Not everything needs to be high-impact. Some wearing down is good, too.
Nice tag work now.
NICE assisted European uppercut.
There's definitely some hard hitting when these two sides face off.
I wish Seth would go for the cover after the superplex. That should be sold as a BIG move.
I like the finisher counters here.
Sheamus don't give a damn!
- Post-match:
OH WOW. That's one way to end the show!
- Seth/Dean vs. Bar:
That was a clever restart.
This is pretty wild!
HA. Samoa Joe took advantage of that opportunity.
Looks like we're headed for a six-man tag.
Nice ending!
More wrestling coming up.
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